Green Hasson janks is an accounting firm that is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, it also acts as an advisory firm and specializes in nonprofit, food and beverage, entertainment, and media, and health, and wellness companies. The facilities that the company provides include Audit, Accounting, Tax, Nonprofit, Royalty and Contract Services, Forensic Accounting, Litigation Support, Motion Picture, and Television Participation Audits, Food and Beverage, Waste Management, Technology, Multi-Channel Networks, Business Consulting, Health and wellness, and Private Foundations. The company was incorporated in the year 1942, and offers competitive benefits and pays based on their job positions, and also include medical, dental, or vision insurance, life insurance, Paid Time off, Paid vacation, tuition assistance, travel assistance programs, and retirement benefits to name a few. GHJ works as a business advocate for its clients that bolsters the growth of its customers and gives them access to member firms in more than 158 countries across the world and over 775 additional offices.
What departments Green Hasson Janks employees work at?
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