Hagens Berman is a law firm established in 1993. The headquarter of Hagens Berman is in Seattle, Washington. The company has more than 10 offices across the US and has more than 80 attorneys. Hagens Berman specializes in handling and dealing with commercial and securities litigation. The Company's practice areas include anti-terrorism, antitrust litigation, automotive litigation, child sexual abuse litigation, consumer rights, employment litigation, environmental litigation, and many other areas. Hagens Berman has a highly professional and experienced staff. Hagens Berman provides its employees the opportunity to grow and excel in their careers. Hagens Berman is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on basis of age, sex, religion, color, nationality, disability, gender, or any other basis. Currently, vacancies are available for an antitrust litigation attorney, legal assistant, litigation paralegal, and many other vacancies.
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