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Hagens Berman is a law firm established in 1993. The headquarter of Hagens Berman is in Seattle, Washington. The company has more than 10 offices across the US and has more than 80 attorneys. Hagens Berman specializes in handling and dealing with commercial and securities litigation. The Company's practice areas include anti-terrorism, antitrust litigation, automotive litigation, child sexual abuse litigation, consumer rights, employment litigation, environmental litigation, and many other areas. Hagens Berman has a highly professional and experienced staff. Hagens Berman provides its employees the opportunity to grow and excel in their careers. Hagens Berman is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on basis of age, sex, religion, color, nationality, disability, gender, or any other basis. Currently, vacancies are available for an antitrust litigation attorney, legal assistant, litigation paralegal, and many other vacancies.

Company - Private
Multiple locations
Legal Firms
Steve W. Berman


Professional experience

How many years of experience do Hagens Berman employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Hagens Berman: Newcomers: 17%, Experiencers: 20%, Experts: 28%, Veterans: 35%. Hagens Berman employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Hagens Berman employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Hagens Berman: Brown Rudnick, KEYTLaw, Moss Adams LLP. Typical Hagens Berman employees have worked at Brown Rudnick.
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Brown Rudnick
Moss Adams LLP
What industries did Hagens Berman employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Hagens Berman: Legal Firms, Colleges / Universities, Niche Education, Computer Systems Design Companies, Public Administration. Hagens Berman employees most likely come from a Legal Firms industry background.
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Where did Hagens Berman employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Hagens Berman: Small: 39%, Medium: 14%, Large: 47%. Most Hagens Berman employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Hagens Berman study?
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Where did employees at Hagens Berman study?
Arizona State University-Tempe
Harvard Law School
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Hagens Berman?
Time employed at Hagens Berman: <1: 9%, 1-3: 31%, 4-8: 22%, 9-13: 17%, 14-20: 16%, 20+: 5%. Most Hagens Berman employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does Hagens Berman rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Hagens Berman: 65.8% Male and 34.2% Female. Age ratio at Hagens Berman: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 23%, 31-40: 42%, 41-50: 23%, 51-60: 10%, 60+: 2%. Hagens Berman rates - 11.8% less female than the industry average. Most Hagens Berman employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at Hagens Berman?
Top roles of Hagens Berman: Partner, Associate, Attorney, Paralegal, Litigation Paralegal. The top role at Hagens Berman is Partner.
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Litigation Paralegal

Career advancement

How does Hagens Berman rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Hagens Berman: very low. Hagens Berman ranks very low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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What companies do Hagens Berman employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Hagens Berman: American Express, Arizona Attorney General, Arizona Corporation Commission, Arizona Court of Appeals, Asian Counseling and Referral Service. People who work at Hagens Berman most typically go on to work for the American Express.
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American Express
Arizona Attorney General
Arizona Corporation Commission
Arizona Court of Appeals
Asian Counseling and Referral Service