Harvard University Company Reviews and Ratings
Cambridge, MA - November 26, 2024
I got stabbed in the back because I spoke my mind and didn’t play the game.
I was accused of excessive force which I was found not responsible after an investigation including video proof.
Pros and Cons
Location and salary
Backstabbing rats
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Grants Manager
May 13, 2023
"You had to go there first. Right?" being asked by ~90% of people realizing where you work.
"Harvard" has no magic to not make work be work and people be people. As such, and aside from investing more into success than most (i.e. training, recruiting, tech, etc.), there is little difference in comparison to surrounding R1's.
I rated Harvard's culture and values based solely on an overt allegiance to a far-left dogma....with the occasional thinly veiled disgust shown towards non-conformists (~50/community) for added flavor. However, I neither witnessed or endured anything that would be considered targeting, bullying, reeducation, etc.
Overall, I would describe my tenure at Harvard as rewarding - highlighting their excellence in "success" (referenced above).
Pros and Cons
Support and Safety Nets
Most staff positions are undergraded - expect lower pay until ascending to management.
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Assistant, OCS Recruiting Program and Employer Relations
March 7, 2023
I worked the role seamlessly for two months, and was told a job opening would be available. When I submitted my résumé for this position, it was rescinded without any opportunity to interview for this position, I was told because I didn’t have a cover letter, which was not one of the requirements for this position. Then I was brought in to speak to the hiring Director Deb&Kylee, where they proceeded to tell me that I don’t have the experience while I was working the position for two months, and was told I was doing a very good job. I feel the only thing that separated me from any other potential candidates was that I was a black man, and in this field and office I was one of two and constantly mistaken for the other black gentleman who worked at the company prior to my arrival. Six years of prior experience at this role, actual recruiting experience, and when I did apply for a role, I was interviewed by a person with no experience in recruiting or giving interviews. It’s just racist
Pros and Cons
No pros if you’re a black person better yet a black male
Will never allow black person to prosper.
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Construction Safety Officer
Cambridge, MA - May 5, 2021
Great leadership, support and direction, short and long term.
Working areas and environment established by senior management created an environment that fostered excellence in safety, health and environmental activities.
Pros and Cons
Major support and direction
You have to pay to park on site
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Field Safety Officer
Cambridge, MA - April 14, 2021
I worked on site for two years.
Best place I have ever worked.
The leadership lives continuous improvement at all levels and safety in all duties and responsibilities is the norm.
Pros and Cons
You are totally empowered to do your work and encouraged to voice your opinion.
Parking and police parking can be annoying
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