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Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration is a miscellaneous manufacturing company offering its products since 2002 and is based in Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States. They aim to provide the most creative refrigeration solutions to their customers. Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration offers employment opportunities in the following departments; engineering, skilled labor, manufacturing, operations, business, sales, healthcare, customer service, and others. The employee benefits package includes; health insurance and much more.
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Professional experience
Professional Growth
How many years of experience do Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: Newcomers: 14%, Experiencers: 20%, Experts: 17%, Veterans: 49%. Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Professional Growth
Where did Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: Carrier, Enterprise, Georgia Southern University. Typical Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees have worked at Carrier.
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Georgia Southern University
Professional Growth
What industries did Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: Food & Beverage Retailers, Niche Manufacturers, Retail - Building Material & Supply Companies, Plumbing / Heating / Air-Conditioning Companies, Repair & Maintenance Companies. Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees most likely come from a Food & Beverage Retailers industry background.
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Professional Growth
Where did Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: Small: 28%, Medium: 25%, Large: 47%. Most Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background
Educational background
What did employees at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration study?
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Top educational institutions
Where did employees at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration study?
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Employee data
Professional Growth
How long do people stay in a role at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration?
Time employed at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: <1: 5%, 1-3: 21%, 4-8: 38%, 9-13: 16%, 14-20: 11%, 20+: 9%. Most Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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Culture & Values
How does Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: 78.5% Male and 21.5% Female. Age ratio at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 34%, 31-40: 30%, 41-50: 19%, 51-60: 14%, 60+: 3%. Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration rates - 17.5% less female than the industry average. Most Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Professional Growth
What are the top roles at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration?
Top roles of Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: Sales Engineer, Application Engineer, Product Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Customer Service Representative. The top role at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration is Sales Engineer.
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Sales Engineer
Application Engineer
Product Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Customer Service Representative
Career advancement
Professional Growth
How does Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: medium. Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration ranks medium for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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Professional Growth
What companies do Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration: BCD Travel, Chassix, Columbus Technical College, Georgia Southern University, Heat Transfer Products Group. People who work at Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration most typically go on to work for the BCD Travel.
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BCD Travel
Columbus Technical College
Georgia Southern University
Heat Transfer Products Group