Holiday Inn Company Reviews and Ratings
Binghamton, NY - January 17, 2025
I started my work on 1st Feb 2022 , in June I need have to go back to my country for a family reunion, they have provided me the free hotel stay parking and food as well in JFK hotel , which is a great that in a short period also with my pay
Pros and Cons
Free parking, free food , coffee and commute allowance
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Electro Mechanical Maintenance Technician
October 6, 2024
I have shared my knowledge and skills and also gained new ideas , self improvement and appreciated for a wonderful experience to work in a five star hotel
Pros and Cons
Free meals, and washing of uniforms
No parking
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Pbx Operator
Miami Beach, FL - September 27, 2024
I had a great time going to work there. Eventhough that holiday inn doesn’t exist anymore. If it were, I would have still been working there
Pros and Cons
It was a great environment
They aren’t any cons. I lived it
Hospitality Manager4 months ago
I'm looking for a new role in hospitality and your review kinda makes me wish that Holiday Inn still existed! Were the pay and benefits really as good as you say?
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front of house manager
Salem, VA - September 14, 2024
It was a great place to work at the time but things changed, the general manager had a lot of problems.
Pros and Cons
Great group of coworkers.
General manager issues
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Coeur D'Alene, ID - August 13, 2024
I loved working here at Holiday Inn Express And Suits and I honestly regret ever leaving! Everyone always worked hard at there jobs and helped others when needed. Management was great and would go above and beyond to show employees that they were appreciated and cared about, also they did the same with guests which was amazing to me! This was truly the best place I have ever worked for and truly regret my decision to leave because I was moving out of state!
Pros and Cons
When I worked here we had great staff and amazing mangment and they always went above and beyond
Personally i dont think there was any cons when ai worked here everyone worked together as a team
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Front Desk Associate
Johnstown, PA - June 18, 2024
I never ran out of a job so quickly in my life they are rude they are like an insestuious family that you know loves each other but they also all hate each other. When i tell you my manager would literally just stand in front of me just thinking of mean things to say and then just say them for no reason like totally made no sense. and when i tell you the manager of the hotel literally walked up to me and instead of saying excuse me she stood there until i moved for another reason it was the creepiest thing in the world
Pros and Cons
discount if full time
horror story
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Housekeeping Attendant
June 18, 2024
Very fake people nice to your face say they will help and train and talk shit and expect you to do it their way don't change pillow cases and comforters unless they arey are stayed want t
U do be in and out in 30 minutes not actually clean stuff
Pros and Cons
U don't actually have to clean
No breaks
You comment as
Customer Service Agent
June 12, 2024
I was a single mom I needed a good job and this was it they treat u wonderfully. Maybe one day I’ll go back my husband and I got back to get her and I twisted his arm and he took me back
Pros and Cons
Birthday parties love people I worked with
Food not not so great one boss was a tweed
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Front Desk
Memphis, TX - May 14, 2024
Greatest experience at Holiday Inn Express is feedback and reviews on customer service and shared holidays with employess
Pros and Cons
Free lunch, decor for holidays, employee recognition
Pool closed
You comment as
February 9, 2024
I got hired on as a housekeeper supervisor and they turned around and hired someone else for the same position and bumped me down back to a regular housekeeper. They didn't say why or anything just hired them and knocked me back down. And there is poor management there
Pros and Cons
There isn't any pros with this company
Owners does not know how to run this business and management is not professional at all
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Front Desk Manager
January 31, 2024
Over Twenty years’ experience with a major hotel/convention center as a Manager-On-Duty, responsible for
Front Desk, Auditing, and Night Club operations.
I have knowledge in RDP, CPI, and Landmark. (Logistics), Winstar, Insure, Fidelio, Microsoft Works, Encore,
Holidex, Lotus, Excel, People soft, SoftHotel, Opera, Micros; Windows Programs; Front Desk Procedures, Hotel
Pros and Cons
Fun, friendly people, great working conditions
No security for auditors to keep them from getting robbed, which happened to me
You comment as
November 28, 2023
The restaurant has excellent staff and great food. In addition to being inside a truly wonderful hotel, you'll receive great service.
Pros and Cons
Free meal, employee perks
Not on bus line if public transportation is needed
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Front Desk
Fayetteville, NC - November 11, 2023
I worked 3rd shift and it was quiet and boring. The pay was horrible and no room to grow within the company.
Pros and Cons
Quiet and easy
Pay is not worth it
You comment as
receptionist, telephone operator, front desk clerk
Washington, DC - October 31, 2023
Worked at the hotel for 5 or 6 years, made employee of hospitality for the Washington dc area i truck enjoyed working there and interacting wih various people
Pros and Cons
Team players
No problems mr falco was a great general managet
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reservation agent
Orlando, FL - September 29, 2023
Holiday day inn club vacations call center in orlando is a multicultural, fun place to work for, wonderful staff and people eager to learn, and ongoing classes to upgrade your learning all in your workplace and same building.
Pros and Cons
free coffee all day everyday
arrive early to find a parking spot
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Bristol, CT - August 17, 2023
My experience working as a housekeeper at holiday inn was fun as a I learn to do my job professional. I did on the job training where I learn to work under pr essure and manover my work .we also learn to do our job professional to a extended where we show the guest respect and to fill there needs as best we can.This experience make me to become a multi talented person.
Pros and Cons
We got free lunch and also become one happy family with my co workers
No cells phone allowed on the job .
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Sarasota, FL - July 24, 2023
Its a small property, nice amenities, just needs more upgrade, better management and better salaries
Pros and Cons
Opportunity of meeting people from different various background, cultures and diversity
Cheap salary wages
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Front Desk
McAlester, OK - July 6, 2023
I started out as a housekeeper and got promoted to front deskclerk. They were starting to go under I found out later at the time they hired me. So I did my job duties efficiently and on time. Unfortunately ot was jusy bad timing.
Pros and Cons
Paid time off
Not enough training or pay
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Front desk supervisor
Pembroke Pines, FL - April 23, 2023
I’ve worked or almost 3 years and learn a lot about hospitality
I just had bad experiences with management
Pros and Cons
Friendly staff great guests
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Front Desk Supervisor, Director of Sales, Banquet Manager
Marion, IN - April 6, 2023
Holiday Inn was great place. Meet and learn so much working Hospitality. Prepared me for next move to Ann Arbor MI. Front Desk Supervisor, Night Manager, Reservation for groups. Loved working there.
Pros and Cons
Management Outstanding, good staff
no cons perfect job
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Front Desk Manager
Richmond, VA - November 30, 2022
Not a good place to advance your career goals. Very little motivation, zero pay increases. GM had 4 family members working there. Not one had any experience or cared to learn. Just getting paid to be there.
Pros and Cons
Close to home.
See above
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Bar Attendant
October 31, 2022
Responsible for welcoming customers, serving food and drinks,making recommendations, processing payments
Pros and Cons
Free lunch,friendly office
No parking option
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Independence, OH - October 28, 2022
The Impulse Lounge, good money to be made and it has been the signature meat market since the 70s. It's the same guests just older. Overall, it was a good time but how much of a career can a bartender have. I loved the kitchen staff, Jackie, and the meals were always delicious. Banquet bars for events proved to be entertaining and always something different.
Pros and Cons
employee meals, cool people especially Jeanette and buffoonery
no raise or recognition
You comment as
Front Desk Clerk
Austin, TX - October 24, 2022
Encouraging and supportive to build your career opportunity with their company. I like the flexiablity of a schedule to work around my life of caring for my elder parents. Meet a lot of people from all around the world.
Pros and Cons
Flexible schedule
If you work 2nd shift there is not much of an opportunity to have a dinner break.
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Weston, WV - September 27, 2022
Management while I was there was awesome!!! She did her very best to make sure we as housekeeper's weren't "over-loaded" with rooms... I was the ONLY HOUSEKEEPER to show up once, when the weather was horrible, and she herself took THE OTHER HALF OF THE HOTEL... yes of course I ended up still helping her finish up... But had she NOT of done what she did... I wouldn't have EVER gotten out of there .. unfortunately they have since been "bought out" and are under new management now...
Pros and Cons
Working as a team, but individually accomplished
Sometimes... The work load can be overwhelming...
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Front desk cashier
September 19, 2022
It is a very great pleasure to work in one of the best hotel in the world. I recommend people around the globe to have an experience of high quality service in Holiday Inn hotels
Pros and Cons
It gives opportunity to young people
The demand is high whilist it has few rooms
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Front Desk Agent
Mechanicsburg, PA - August 28, 2022
I have a degree in hospitality management, was over look due to the fact that I was not on the current managers approval list. I would not bend and I was and still am not a "yes" person. I challenged them and I decided that it was best from me to leave due to the fact that the environment became hostile towards me. Because I was leaving in 2 weeks.
Pros and Cons
no advanctages
manager at the time was hostile after giveing my 2 weeks notice.
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Cypress, TX - August 2, 2022
I have done maintenance and remodeling only. i am good at it and don't want to stray.
I don't and wont do things the right way.
Pros and Cons
great rates on hotels
very little money, and the raises were a joke.
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Banquet set-up supervisor
Johnstown, PA - July 27, 2022
For 9 years I dedicated my life to the holiday inn downtown Johnstown I have had no chance to have life outside of work. The owner sold the hotel and the released many salary workers and eliminate a lot of positions.
Pros and Cons
You get a discount for holiday inn express for friends and family discounts.
Time off is difficult to get. Not flexible hours
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Housekeeper Supervisor
Hyannis, MA - July 11, 2022
Very good experience
Worked there year 2014 and it was nice
Nice colleagues, clearly divided job obligations
Pros and Cons
Friendly office
Not enough payment per hour
You comment as
Jefferson City, MO - June 13, 2022
You always did basically 3 different jobs other than your yours even with no experience or training in that department. I was an inspector but did rms, laundry on top of trying to do my duties as well. company hired kids that kept heir job even though showed for work less than half the time. Seems just wanted bodies there because when the rm attendants did not do their job me as an inspector had to go be hind and do that which, defeats the purpose of them being there and still got paid and was not dismissed though did not perform duties hired to do.
Pros and Cons
you could have a job and not work
If you where in a supervisor position you did everyone else job including yours
You comment as
Morrisville, NC - April 7, 2022
Very tight shift had to be very punctual very sturdy strict manager rooms had to have everything clean
Pros and Cons
Discounts on room great pay
Too far to travel
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Front Desk
Clearwater, FL - March 10, 2022
They don't value employees, one manager acted very overly friendly we will call it to me. Will work you until you hate them enough to quit.
Pros and Cons
None at all
to many to list
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Bellman Shuttle Driver, bouncer
Moline, IL - February 28, 2022
I was there when scheduled, hard worker, honest with customers, ran to death, losy pay, i was framed because maintaince man didn’t like me & lied about me to general manager. I was fired inspite everything i did for company. Chris was general manager at time. Was unable to tell my side of a certain situtation, i was accused of something i didn’t do tried and sentenced without being able to defend myself. Company is pathetic. Don’t ever stay there.
Pros and Cons
Nothing, unappreciated
Bad, Chris was nasty boss
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Room Attendant
Salisbury, NC - February 15, 2022
I originally started working for Holiday Inn in Georgia and when I moved I transferred the job to Salisbury
Pros and Cons
Tips, ate lunch in the restaurant with a 50%
At the time paid by the room not the hour
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Marina Manager
Sarasota, FL - February 12, 2022
The marina was totally unorganized with any accountability. The first year the G.M. asked why the marina made $100,000 more than it did the year before. I said simple, that I had given the hotel all the money/income. I kept improving on that, increasing business, satisfying tenants & hotel guests. Even created a Boat & Breakfast , which made money for the marina & hotel. Then the fourth G.M. in four years came aboard. Everything started to change & go downhill. He started taking away my responsibilities, being critical of my management, was not pleasant to the boaters/liveaboards, who had been supporting the Tiki Bar & Restaurant. It was like if it wasn't his idea, it wasn't good. The hotel closed not long after I left.
Pros and Cons
Great location, Very nice facility, Friendly staff
Working for a G.M. who wanted all the credit for himself.
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Evanston, IL - February 6, 2022
Ownership was overbearing. Micromanaged everything down to the point of dictating the placement of decorations on the lobby Christmas tree. There was never a clear direction thus creating a different product on a monthly or weekly basis. With lofty aspirations they created services and programs only to discard them after putting on a show at their grand opening. Good and hardworking people lost their livelihoods. Many employees worked for the property for years without a salary increase.
Pros and Cons
It was a paycheck.
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Manager, front desk, audit
St Louis, MO - January 7, 2022
At night time kinda gets boring when your doing audit but other then this I loved working there meeting new and exciting people coming in. You can find it we're their from what there business is etc. At the end of the shift your hoping that they enjoyed there stay unless your there the next day checking customers or and then asking them if everything was ok for them and to see them again as their family now.
Pros and Cons
Office personal was great working with then
Night audit uggg
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Bus Person
Tempe, AZ - December 11, 2021
I did a lot of things like room service, pool side orders , dishwasher, banquet server, and bus tables during breakfast and lunch. I became employee of the month for December of that year.
Pros and Cons
We had free meal during our shift.
Free lunch & over-time.
You comment as
Front Desk Agent
November 15, 2021
First it's a family-owned company and all the upper management is husband and wife and the owner of the hotel is the husband's uncle. When the wife doesn't like you the husband fires you. Not a good look for a franchise company with the names associated with Holiday Inn. The pay sucks. No benefits. No recognition. They offer no training because they never ran a hotel before.
Pros and Cons
None, no dicounts on rooms NOTHING!
Husband and wife running a company is never a good look for the employees.
You comment as
Front Desk Agent
November 10, 2021
It’s a great job for someone starting out in the hospitality industry.
There is room for growth if you stick with it long enough!
Pros and Cons
Discounts are great
Low pay when starting
You comment as
Apopka, FL - November 8, 2021
I enjoyed working at the hotel as a housekeeper because for the main part of the day you are alone doing your work. Of course, you have a supervisor to come along behind you to check your rooms to see if you did a good job cleaning the guests room. If you did she would leave you alone. If she felt there was something you needed to do or clean better, she would come find you and bring it to your attention. You would be made to stop what you are doing, go back and do it and then come back to where you left off. I seldom had to go back. But when I finished my rooms they didn’t like me to go home. They would send me to go help the other housekeepers to finish their rooms. I’ll let you have your own opinion about that.
Pros and Cons
There was always clean linen and supplies
Very little time for a break and always understaffed
You comment as
Housekeeping Manager
Kansas City, KS - November 4, 2021
I can say this was one of the best places I have worked. I still keep in contact with some of the people because we were and still is a family.
Pros and Cons
The hard workers
Leaving them
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Bar Attendant
Fargo, ND - October 17, 2021
With bad pay wants hours that very because no one ever shows up on time or they just don't come in at all
Pros and Cons
Fun and fast pace
Bad pay no room for growth
You comment as
Line Cook
October 16, 2021
Just came back to make sure that the customers were satisfied with any food that they sat in front of their face always try to make the kids smile with Nikki mouse pancakes just loved to cook!!!!
Pros and Cons
Yes one free mail
Don't take pride in their hard working employees .....
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Banquet Manager
Fort Lauderdale, FL - August 14, 2021
during day to day operation and the heavy daily work load I found great co-operation from staff and management alike
Pros and Cons
staff recognition
great benefits
You comment as
August 13, 2021
Then we became experienced against the Covit 19. Before full lockdown the Executive Committee, from April 2020 to August 2021 we were furloughed, guaranteed your position would be kept for us. Not so fast. As I heard the story ownership was going to sell the hotel so no Furloughs. No salary but we received Pandemic payments.
Pros and Cons
Free Lunch is a great amenity!
Very positive company!
You comment as
Director of Sales and Marketing
Long Island City, NY - August 13, 2021
Very glad I joined The Holiday Inn Long Island City. The first three months were spent training on this terrific property.
Pros and Cons
Terrific Management / Staff relationships. Lunch provided as well!
Covit 19 put a damper on everything for 17 months.
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August 12, 2021
Stay away run and don’t go back!!!! Unappreciated employees. Cruel and condescending upper management
Pros and Cons
Zero absolutely nothing good here
You comment as
July 19, 2021
It was a nice place to work at but pay was not good. Hard to get raises. Place was torn down it doesn't exist anymore.
Pros and Cons
Free lunch once a month. Donut day every Friday.
No pay raises.
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