HomeFirst Services is a premier shelter, service, and housing opportunities providing non-profit organization that serves more than 5000 adults, families, veterans, and youths who are homeless or on the verge of losing their homes in Santa Clara County and Southern San Mateo County. They are located in Milpitas, California, and offer shelter in seven places, including their Boccardo Reception Centre, which is the country's largest homeless services center in the country. Founded in 1980 today, their team of 51-200 employees thrives to challenge homelessness by cultivating the people's potential for housing. Funded mostly by the government sources, corporate, foundation, and individual giving, they conduct several programs and events to give everyone a decent place to live. They have job opportunities for Intake and billing Coordinators, Shift Supervisors, Outreach Specialists, Program Managers, Case Managers, and many more.
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