Hub Enterprises Company Reviews and Ratings
Contact Interviewer/Contact Tracer
Remote - March 2, 2024
When the world seemed to be in uter disarray, people losing lives and jobs. I was given to opportunity to help bring us back to some normalcy. I was given the chance to work with the most amazing group of individuals that started off as a name on the screen and told this is your co-worker. Through massive training and consistent evolving information that we received not any one day was the same. This was all new to everyone and we learned as we went. But through our leadership, information that we gathered from each individual that we came into contact with, information that was developed and delivered, and multiple outlets that was provided we were what was considered to be "Pandemic Response Team" we was able to help with curving the progression of the infection disease CoVid 19.
And through the various interactions and different platforms we went from a stranger with a name to an extension of our family.
Pros and Cons
Amazing, leadership is excellent, pay is grand, and support that you get is one of a kind
I have nothing bad to say
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TSA Screener
Houma, LA - September 10, 2022
Two supervisor shifts. One is gray. The other is an old lady who flirts with men, accepts trinkets or other things of monitory value, sexually inappropriate comments to passengers about me, threatened to write me up when I asked for a soft chair (like everyone else has) after I slipped and fell. I have 2 fused vertebrae. Claimed I walked off the job after I texted the regional supervisor I was going to ER. Fired because I didn’t have “permission” from shift duty officer when shift duty officer doesn’t approve. Got paperwork and it said I RESIGNED. I am in the process of reporting to EEOC for investigation because I’m disabled. Also they don’txray very well or go through luggage for people they know who are flying out to oil rigs. A MAJOR. Oil company uses HUB for TSA. A knife got through security and the guy cut his hand in it and had to be flown in. They expect you to work when you are off. If you call in sick they basically talk to you like your 4 years old making up excuses.
Pros and Cons
Loved my hours and coworker who trained me
They don’t do security seriously and treat employees like children
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Case Interviewer
Broussard, LA - February 10, 2022
I began my journey with HUB in May of 2020, after the emergence of the Covid virus. Contact tracing and case monitoring has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Highly recommend HUB to work at!
Pros and Cons
Coworkers that feel like family
It was a Remote position so I didn't get to meet many of my coworkers.
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Private Investigator
Portland, OR - November 9, 2021
way overworked and way underpaid, the managers are terrible and treat their staff horribly. I have never before or since worked at a worse job. NOT WORTH IT AT ALL.
Pros and Cons
there are no pros working here
no work/home balance - no promotions - no training - no support
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