Hunter Engineering Company, founded in 1946 and headquartered in Bridgeton, Missouri, is a private automotive company specializing in Alignment Systems, Wheel Balancers, Tire Changers, Brake Lathes, Lift Racks and more. The Company offers exclusive services for Sales and Manufacturing of vehicle spare parts and repairing. Hunter Engineering Company is working in various locations, including St. Louis, Durant, Raymond, Canada, and Germany. The Company also offers on-site training and video tutorials focusing on their products. It uses the latest processes like Laser and Plasma Cutting, Fabrication and Welding, CNC Machining, Powder Coating, and more to develop a high-quality product for their customers. Employees at Hunter Engineering Company receive health insurance, medical, dental, and vision insurance and paid time off. They offer jobs for Manufacturing Engineering Co-op, Packaging Engineer, Material Handler, Welding Supervisor 2nd Shift, Production Supervisor, and more.
What departments Hunter Engineering Company employees work at?
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