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IDEA Public Schools is an Education Management institute that was founded in 2001 and headquartered in Weslaco, Texas. They have the vision to increase the learning and confidence of the students and help them to pursue their wildest dreams. To educate the communities, they engage their employees in offering different special services such as health and safety protocols, leadership, college-prep curriculum, finance and budget, and much more. They entice, enthuse, and appreciate the efforts of their employees and award them different employment benefits such as paid time off, flexible working hours, paid maternal leaves, and much more. They prefer to incorporate creative, proactive, and enthusiastic candidates who can increase the outcomes and student success rate substantially. They recruit new employees in different domains such as after-school enrichment specialists, food services specialists, receptionists, cafeteria assistant managers, and much more.

School / School District
$100M to $500M
Multiple locations
Niche Education
Tom E. Torkelson
What departments IDEA Public Schools employees work at?
other occupation30%
Education - Other26.3%
Education Administrators16.3%
Preschool / Primary / Secondary School Teachers14.6%
Postsecondary Teachers5.7%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do IDEA Public Schools employees have before joining?
Years of experience at IDEA Public Schools: Newcomers: 36%, Experiencers: 22%, Experts: 21%, Veterans: 21%. IDEA Public Schools employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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Where did IDEA Public Schools employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before IDEA Public Schools: Austin ISD, Donna Independent School District, Houston ISD. Typical IDEA Public Schools employees have worked at Austin ISD.
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Austin ISD
Donna Independent School District
Houston ISD
What industries did IDEA Public Schools employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of IDEA Public Schools: Niche Education, Colleges / Universities, Elementary & Secondary School, Child Day Care Companies, Employment Services Companies. IDEA Public Schools employees most likely come from a Niche Education industry background.
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Where did IDEA Public Schools employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at IDEA Public Schools: Small: 35%, Medium: 13%, Large: 52%. Most IDEA Public Schools employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at IDEA Public Schools study?
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Where did employees at IDEA Public Schools study?
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
The University of Texas at Austin
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at IDEA Public Schools?
Time employed at IDEA Public Schools: <1: 18%, 1-3: 41%, 4-8: 35%, 9-13: 6%, 14-20: 0%, 20+: 0%. Most IDEA Public Schools employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does IDEA Public Schools rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at IDEA Public Schools: 40.7% Male and 59.3% Female. Age ratio at IDEA Public Schools: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 59%, 31-40: 34%, 41-50: 6%, 51-60: 1%, 60+: 0%. IDEA Public Schools rates - 4.3% more female than the industry average. Most IDEA Public Schools employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at IDEA Public Schools?
Top roles of IDEA Public Schools: Principal, Teacher, Substitute Teacher, Special Education Teacher, ELA Teacher. The top role at IDEA Public Schools is Principal.
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Substitute Teacher
Special Education Teacher
ELA Teacher

Career advancement

How does IDEA Public Schools rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at IDEA Public Schools: high. IDEA Public Schools ranks high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do IDEA Public Schools employees go on to work at?
Future employers of IDEA Public Schools: Austin ISD, Brooks Academy of Science and Engineering, Brownsville ISD, Compass Rose Academy, KIPP Texas Public Schools - Austin. People who work at IDEA Public Schools most typically go on to work for the Austin ISD.
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Austin ISD
Brooks Academy of Science and Engineering
Brownsville ISD
Compass Rose Academy
KIPP Texas Public Schools - Austin

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IDEA Public Schools Reviews and Ratings

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Houston, TX - January 29, 2024
I learned a lot
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
I was a Receptionist and had to do multiple tasks. I learned a lot but the job was very stressful, lack of communication, administrators had favorites, they would hired their friends & family with no experience and expect you to train them. They treated everyone horrible students included.

Pros and Cons
Sometimes free lunch, flexibility
Lack of communication, favoritism, no support
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Fort Worth, TX - March 20, 2023
Interesting Place To Work
Professional growth
Salary & Benefits
Work-Life balance
Recognition & Support
Culture and Values
Working here taught me a lot about kids and other adults. It is a challenge if you have a family because of the required prep time. Overall, I was happy to experience it.

Pros and Cons
High Salaries
Work-Life Balance Difficulty
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Discussion about IDEA Public Schools

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What’s the gender distribution at IDEA Public Schools?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
59.3% female, 40.7% male.
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When was IDEA Public Schools founded?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What industry does IDEA Public Schools fall under?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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What’s the main location of IDEA Public Schools?
Liam Brown3 years ago
It’s Weslaco, TX.
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What’s IDEA Public Schools’s yearly revenue?
Liam Brown3 years ago
$100m to $500m
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What’s the name of IDEA Public Schools’s CEO?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Tom E. Torkelson.
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What’s the average length of tenure at IDEA Public Schools?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Typically 1-3 year(s).
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What size of companies did IDEA Public Schools employees used to work for?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Most worked for large businesses before.
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what are the chances of career advancement at IDEA Public Schools?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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Top future employers of IDEA Public Schools employees?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Austin ISD, Brooks Academy of Science and Engineering, Brownsville ISD, Compass Rose Academy, KIPP Texas Public Schools - Austin, McAllen ISD, Teach for America, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
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Who are the top previous employers of IDEA Public Schools employees?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Austin ISD, Donna Independent School District, Houston ISD, KIPP Texas Public Schools - San Antonio, San Antonio ISD, Teach for America, The University of Texas-Pan American, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
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How old are IDEA Public Schools’s employees in general?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
around 21-30.
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Where did most of IDEA Public Schools employees go to school?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Texas A&M University-Texarkana, The University of Texas at Austin, The University of Texas at San Antonio, The University of Texas-Pan American, University of Texas at Brownsville.
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When I moved out of the city and had to change jobs, I got one here and it has been good so far
9 months ago
aww I'm happy you found it good
9 months ago
ohh that is true the school has various locations across the states😊
You comment as
I just heard that working hours for staff are high
9 months ago
yes, but school gives a good reward back
9 months ago
I'm very happy with the working hours
You comment as
Discovered the revenue generated monthly here is up to 500M dollar
8 months ago
They must be paying emp[loyee really well then
8 months ago
I can't believe they make that much from teaching kids
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I was going to ask if there is a probability of interviewing for this position online? 🤔
8 months ago
I think there might be online recruitment considering the innovation in the school 🤓
8 months ago
my own interview went so smoothly.. to think I was scared at first
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I knw of their headquarter in Weslaco, Texas
9 months ago
I am also looking for a very good teaching job and I am looking to apply here🤨
9 months ago
There would definitely be job security here🤔
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I love that the company upholds its culture and values👍
9 months ago
It has really helped the teachers here especially when dealing with parents😃
9 months ago
I recently sent an application as a grade teacher..i really want to get the job
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number of employees in the admin department
8 months ago
I worked in admin branch at that time almost 25 are working
8 months ago
fair strength
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Do they give maternal leaves here and are they in any way paid?
9 months ago
I have applied for maternal leave before when I was gointg ro have a baby
9 months ago
Heard there is holiday pay too?
You comment as
Have you guys noticed that the professional growth here is very very good
8 months ago
Yes that is very true, there is opportunity to grow professionally here
8 months ago
I built majority of my teaching career here🤗
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would I have to give a practical demo for a teaching job or just an interview 🤔
9 months ago
depending on your experience
9 months ago
just interview
You comment as
Learnt there are other positions here other than being an educationist
8 months ago
That means I can apply here without having teaching experience🤷
8 months ago
Yes, I heard this too from someone who works here
You comment as
Most of the teachers here are actually females🤔
10 months ago
we actually have males too working here..we employ equally🤷
10 months ago
females actually dominate the teaching profession for real😄
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I feel like they employ only educationists here or wht do you guys think?
9 months ago
if there are only about accounts managers and all
9 months ago
why would you even think like that?
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The employee salary here is quite good..way better than my former place of work☺
9 months ago
and the pay cheque never comes later..always on time😁
9 months ago
Rightt i can perfectly relate to tghis because i have been there
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I feel the older teachers here handle the situation better, especially if there is an issue with any kid
8 months ago
I think this is just you assuming 🙂
8 months ago
This is true in a way..I 've had personal experience🙂
You comment as
You all would not believe I went to elementary school here and now I teach here☺
8 months ago
lol..i am sure you know all nooks and crannies of the school by noww😃
8 months ago
I hve seen two people who work here and goes to college here
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Some of the employees here had attended The University of Texas at Austin
9 months ago
ohh I have fellow alumnus working here😃
9 months ago
I attended here too..OMG i'm remembering the good old days😄
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extra paid hours help you to earn more than your salary
8 months ago
already high working hours
8 months ago
yes I used to work extra paid hours
You comment as
I have taught in an elementary primary school before, can i get a job here?
8 months ago
I also had my experience from an elementary school and I currently work here😊
8 months ago
I am a grad teacher and i would love to intern here
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employment benefits attract the job seekers most
9 months ago
leaves, time off, bouns and others
9 months ago
different departments get different benefits
You comment as
Noticed most of the employees here have higher certificate
8 months ago
I also heard some people got a job here without any major certificate. 🤔
8 months ago
I woork here and i didn't use any higher certificate.
You comment as
I heard this school was founded in 2001 and tht they have very high standard🤔
9 months ago
There is Job security here since it is publicc and then they have been existing for so long
9 months ago
most of the kids in my neighborood attend school here
You comment as
Employee perks here are so so it so much, like it draws me ☺
9 months ago
There is medical coverage for staff membbers here too
9 months ago
I just applied here..I hope I get the Job
You comment as
I'm new to joining the teaching profession and don't know much about the growth opportunities
9 months ago
I experienced a great learning and growing environment 👍
9 months ago
off course school has the good growth opportunities and paid a handsome salary as per your performance
You comment as
It's a highly digitalized school! right
8 months ago
but the camera monitoring is not a good thing 😂
8 months ago
its an obvious thing these days
You comment as
the school has a long history or newly established
10 months ago
20 years are enough to prove its name
9 months ago
build a good name in a shorter period
You comment as
How is the work and life experience there a balance at all?
9 months ago
Yes, very much. One is able to juggle between work and school
9 months ago
i love teaching so i think that makes it very easy for me to balance up😊
You comment as
I was a Chemistry major in school....was thinking I could teach here🤨
8 months ago
Come to think of it, one of the location is hiring a chemistry grade teacher why not apply.🤷
8 months ago
Do they hire entry-level staff too?🤨
You comment as
I got to knw there is a positon titled 'co-teacher', what is the job of someone like that?🤔
8 months ago
I just really need a Job here, I'don't mind..I'll take up anyone
8 months ago
I have never heard of this before though🤔
You comment as
I want to know its office location
8 months ago
has multiple locations where you are located 🧐
8 months ago
Its head branch is in Weslaco
You comment as
The company recruits employees from different domains such as food specialist😊
9 months ago
That means I don't have to work here as a teacher🤷
9 months ago
do they need a care giver here?🤨
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as a fresh candidate don't know much about the education industry
8 months ago
it's great to work hard where ever you are
8 months ago
The education industry also provides good career advancement
You comment as
In my eight years of working here, I enjoyed teaching the kids
8 months ago
8 months ago
I spent less than a year here..had to leave because of some location issue😟
You comment as
Can I apply for a 3rd grade teacher here, my experience can take me
9 months ago
I even heard a partcicular location is hiring a 3rd grade teacher
9 months ago
I am interested in working here as well
You comment as
Been worried if i will get a job here since I did not work in a large company before🤨
8 months ago
This also has been bothering me
8 months ago
I have worked with only small companies and IDEA is the first large place i'm working in😊
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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