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IMDb is an online database that provides data about films, television programs, home videos, video games, and streaming content online, including production crew, cast, personal biographies, plot summaries, ratings, trivia, and fan & critical reviews. The firm gets its data from promotional materials, autobiographies, interviews, visitors, and on-screen credits to the IMDb website. IMDb offers a database of more than 1 million movies, TV and entertainment program, and more than 3 million cast and crew members. The company provides trailers, reviews, photo galleries, newsdesk, quotes, showtimes, and box office data. IMDb was founded in 1990 and provides highly competitive pay packages, healthcare benefits, flexible work hours, and paid vacations to its employees.

Multiple locations
Internet Publishing & Other Companies
Col Needham
What departments IMDb employees work at?
other occupation39.6%
Arts / Entertainment / Media37.1%
Computer / IT23.3%
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Large size
Internet Publishing & Other Companies
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do IMDb employees have before joining?
Years of experience at IMDb: Newcomers: 29%, Experiencers: 16%, Experts: 20%, Veterans: 35%. IMDb employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did IMDb employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before IMDb: Accenture, Amazon, Billboard. Typical IMDb employees have worked at Accenture.
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What industries did IMDb employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of IMDb: Advertising / PR Agencies, Consumer Research Firms, Computer Systems Design Companies, TV Broadcasting Companies, Internet Publishing & Other Companies. IMDb employees most likely come from a Advertising / PR Agencies industry background.
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Where did IMDb employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at IMDb: Small: 43%, Medium: 16%, Large: 41%. Most IMDb employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at IMDb study?
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Where did employees at IMDb study?
California State University-Long Beach
University of California-Los Angeles
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at IMDb?
Time employed at IMDb: <1: 10%, 1-3: 29%, 4-8: 19%, 9-13: 15%, 14-20: 6%, 20+: 21%. Most IMDb employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does IMDb rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at IMDb: 69.8% Male and 30.2% Female. Age ratio at IMDb: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 34%, 31-40: 35%, 41-50: 19%, 51-60: 9%, 60+: 3%. IMDb rates - 15.8% less female than the industry average. Most IMDb employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does IMDb rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at IMDb: very low. IMDb ranks very low for career advancement which is below the industry average.
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What companies do IMDb employees go on to work at?
Future employers of IMDb: Amazon, CBS Corporation, Facebook, Google, Los Angeles USD. People who work at IMDb most typically go on to work for the Amazon.
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CBS Corporation
Los Angeles USD

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What year was IMDb founded?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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What industry is IMDb in?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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What’s the gender distribution at IMDb?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
30.2% female, 69.8% male.
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Where do I find IMDb’s HQ?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
The HQ is located in Seattle, WA.
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Who is the CEO of IMDb?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Col Needham.
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How long do people usually work for IMDb?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
1-3 year(s).
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what kind of companies did IMDb employees work for?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Small, Large companies before IMDb.
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are my chances high for career advancement at IMDb?
Liam Brown3 years ago
no, chances of career advancement are very low.
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Top future employers of IMDb employees?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Amazon, CBS Corporation, Facebook, Freelance, Google, Los Angeles USD, Microsoft Corporation, Snap.
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Who are the top previous employers of IMDb employees?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Accenture, Amazon, Billboard, Entertainment Weekly, Freelance, self-employed, Getty Images, Hulu, Yahoo.
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How old are IMDb’s employees in general?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
31-40, 21-30.
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Where did most of IMDb employees go to school?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
California State University-Long Beach, University of California-Los Angeles, University of Southern California, University of Washington-Seattle Campus, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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What is the promotion process like at IMDB?πŸ€”
9 months ago
Hard to get easy to work too
9 months ago
Performance basedπŸ’ͺ
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The health insurance offering has several options that fits the needs at different levels.✌
9 months ago
The prescription drugs are reasonably priced.
9 months ago
IMDB seems to know about employee medical coverage somehow?🧠
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There is a lot of time off, but Amazon only gives 6 company-wide days off per year✌
9 months ago
They have upto 14 days PTO
8 months ago
It accrues over time which is inconvenient for the first couple of monthsπŸ™Œ
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Data Center Technician Interview. The interview was very brief and streamlined.πŸ‘Œ
8 months ago
Yeah it was same with me one of them was reasonable and completed very quickly, the other had a bunch of performance tests that would only pass if you code your solution with mathematical solutions in mind.
8 months ago
Interview Questions Two coding problems to be done in 1:30h and a bunch of HR questions.🀘
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Great learning environment. Exciting new challenges 😁
9 months ago
one can improve their problem solving capabilities
9 months ago
Flexibility to pursue desired career development path.✌
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Incredibly smart co-workers, solid mechanisms in place to ensure work gets done, good work-life balance, good pay.πŸ‘
9 months ago
Rotational program that starts out with a technical curriculum to get up to speed with the IMDB suite and other technical topics for the first few weeks.
9 months ago
Afterwards you engage with different teams for about 4 months each.✌
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Development Intern Interview. Very relaxed! Found out the next day about my position and started working right away.☺
8 months ago
The onsite interview was well structured: 3 rounds technical interviews with some behavior questions, and 1 round pure behavior interview.
8 months ago
I think the questions were mid-level. Most interviewers were very helpful in term of guiding me to the right direction.πŸ‘
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Half of what you put in up to 4% on your end. You only get 2% match at the max✌
8 months ago
industry average with 4% match
8 months ago
Pretty much in line with other major employers.πŸ‘
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I applied online. I interviewed at IMDB. Heavy emphasis on providing only context on work that you as an individual did. ☝
8 months ago
I applied through a recruiter. I interviewed at IMDB. Responded to Recruiter's email - Phone Screen (very smooth) - Responded to questions about former work and expectations - 4 hour virtual on-site (they canceled due to layoffs/hiring freezes)
8 months ago
Interview Questions What are some metrics you would use to assess the success of an email campaign?πŸ€”
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IMDb wants its products and employees to succeed.✌
8 months ago
Seasoned leadership. Lots of teamwork.
8 months ago
Most people genuinely like each other.😊
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In-depth interview process that is two sided, you get to know the team as they get to know you✌
8 months ago
Great interview process, outstanding place to work
8 months ago
Company is in the news a lot, can be obnoxious explaining things to family and friendsπŸ‘Œ
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Being in a subsidiary of Amazon working within the Amazon technology culture but part of distinct business with its identity is the best of both worlds. πŸ‘Œ
9 months ago
Santa Monica location is nice but commute can be a challenge at times.
9 months ago
Continue focus on growth and challenging product and leading edge technologyπŸ‘
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i think its a great place for early career.✌
8 months ago
It was fun, and great team performance,the largest team in the company with 40 members.
8 months ago
learning new things every day,making sure customers information are secure.πŸ‘
You comment as
Myriad of teams available at IMDB that vary in "speed" and complexity.πŸ‘
9 months ago
As a new employee there is lots of AWS specific knowledge to learn that can often be overwhelming.
9 months ago
Expect to be somewhat clueless for the first six months.πŸ˜…
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* Great people; every is talented, helpful, yet modest πŸ‘Œ
8 months ago
Work life balance - work from home days, flexibility of hours
8 months ago
Customer focused Fun CEO😊
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It's a multilocation company??
9 months ago
I'm a former employee who worked in headquarters for three years
9 months ago
company has its offices around the USA
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I interviewed at IMDb. The process contained 4 interviews Focused on system design, data structures and algorithms along with leadership principles.✌
8 months ago
Coding interview using Hackerank. There are two main coding questions and two coding style survey.
8 months ago
You need to complete them all in 105 mins. After that, there is a behavior questions.☝
You comment as
it's an environment where development is important and you're constantly being pushed to improve at what you do.✌
9 months ago
There can be little respite - you don't have much time to sit back and execute, the next thing is always around the corner.
9 months ago
A typical day at work goes very smoothly and helping out other team members with some fun activities as well.πŸ‘Œ
You comment as
Exciting environment, working with top notch people who want to do meaningful work.✌
9 months ago
Much friendlier and more encouraging environment than I was expecting. Great culture.
9 months ago
Pay structure could be improved. In year two you are highly reliant on RSUs to make up your annual income.πŸ˜ͺ
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I want to join as a software engineer, it's my first job what about job responsibilities?
8 months ago
great growth opportunities as a software engineer✌
8 months ago
I worked in IT branch its easy to work with other experienced team members
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Matches all the benefits of Amazon, in addition to some IMDb specific benefits like movie nights!πŸ‘
8 months ago
This was recently improved. I haven't used it, but a teammate got to take nearly 6 months off, part of which was paid, and is "ramping back" part time for her first 6 weeks back.
8 months ago
Some of the PTO can be added to the next year policy πŸ‘
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I heard that the company also offers remote job opportunities
8 months ago
It depends on the type of the job if it's possible to work remotely
8 months ago
because of technology revolution it's possible
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What tips or advice would you give to someone interviewing at IMDB?🧠
8 months ago
Study every one of the 16 leadership principles and know them by heart
8 months ago
Read leadership principles. Have different examples of work.☝
You comment as
This is one of the best companies to work at specially if you have a passion for movies/TV shows (and who doesn't).☺
9 months ago
Yet you get all the stability, perks, benefits of a large organization since it all is a part of Amazon.
9 months ago
You get double the proud feeling - you get to tell people that are at at Amazon as well as IMDb.😍
You comment as
financial support by some companies is very good
7 months ago
I'm always happy with the company financial support
7 months ago
yes, the company also offers paid vacation
You comment as
Internal tooling is amazing, and the support you receive from the org is on another level.πŸ‘
8 months ago
The sheer amount of information you need to learn can be overwhelming.
8 months ago
Additionally, personal empowerment is a double edged sword, and you are the primary agent responsible for defending your own time and mental wellbeing.✌
You comment as
do employees get insurance benefits
9 months ago
no insurance policy except health insurance
9 months ago
company provide overall good benefits package
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If you love movies and TV and the people who create movies and TV -- and the people who love movies and TV! -- then as tech companies go, IMDb is a great place to work.πŸ’‘
8 months ago
If you believe in the "Amazonian" way of operating a business, then IMDb is a great place to work.
8 months ago
I only remember 3 days in a year's time when I didn't desire to come to work here.πŸ‘
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- committed leadership - smart, passionate employees🀝
9 months ago
- if you'd like to go over and beyond, people are willing to support that - decent work/life balance
9 months ago
- adopting the best of Amazon while retaining the fun, start-up culture😊
You comment as
Health insurance is pretty good., 😊
9 months ago
They are far more affordable for single employees.
9 months ago
National/Federal holidays are ignored at Amazon.🀷
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Good place to learn and great market reputationπŸ‘
9 months ago
Lots of opportunities for growth.
9 months ago
Unique peculiarities to IMDB can be difficult to navigate.πŸ˜…
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The business of our site and app goes beyond the "Db", so there's a lot of diversity in the work. ✌
9 months ago
But the core of our company is that "Db", and much of our resources and attention are to that.
9 months ago
Amazon acquired IMDb in 1998.✌
You comment as
The onboarding process is a lot. It's worth it if you stick it out.πŸ‘
8 months ago
I did a 10-week project with IMDB team to assess the free credit program.
8 months ago
It is part of MBA curriculum so working hour is flexible. Project sponsor is responsive.πŸ‘
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what type of services company includes
9 months ago
its offers films, television programs, home videos, video games, and a lot of other online content
9 months ago
its a database service with more than 1 million films and other entertainment content
You comment as
Flexible work modes (In-person / Hybrid / Virtual)✌
8 months ago
Great work environment Great Benefits
8 months ago
- could improve onboarding experience ☝
You comment as
Working at IMDB has been a great learning experience.πŸ‘Œ
9 months ago
Lots of internal resources to learn from.
9 months ago
Work life balance can be a bit hard but depends on team and manager✌
You comment as
The main reason I have worked here now for so many years is the sense of autonomy, influence, and feeling of ownership over the product. πŸ‘
8 months ago
Reading and replying to customer feedback keeps me connected to ways of improving the product and coming up with tasks myself to fix problems.
8 months ago
It's a lot like working at a startup in that I have a wide scope of responsibilities and influence, while still being in the safety of an Amazon subsidiary company.✌
You comment as
I applied through a recruiter. I interviewed at IMDB. very well structured, reliable and professional process.πŸ‘
9 months ago
Senior Executive Officer Interview. All very friendly, fairly in-depth with scenarios, questions a lot around notice period and availability
8 months ago
Interview Questions candidates are asked to report about former successes and challenges and how they managed.πŸ’­
You comment as
I love working for IMDB. It always has me in a productive state.Where I'm able to stay active and be on the go at all times.❀
7 months ago
I joined IMDB after my graduation and its been great learning curve here.
7 months ago
Work culture is nice but it depends on team you work.☝
You comment as
Compensation, Smart Team Members, and the work is market impactful.πŸ‘
9 months ago
In my case Great Manager and other employee in my team .
9 months ago
Personal time off , Vacations , 5x8 or 4x10 working hours as optionπŸ‘Œ
You comment as
Good culture, challenging role, lots of opportunity to learn and tap into Amazon’s resources
8 months ago
They're great a great source of information on movies.
8 months ago
Supportive workplace, shared passion for film, fantastic location.πŸ‘
You comment as
As a small company with teams of 6-8, IMDb feels a bit like a start up.πŸ‘
8 months ago
Being part of Amazon, IMDb receives all of the same mechanisms and structure that have made Amazon successful.
8 months ago
If you love movies or tv shows, this is the place for you!πŸ₯°
You comment as
Management insight is also part of daily life, leadership principles set across the company are used to assess performance, as the framework for personal development and as the benchmark for recruitment decisions and they're very useful.πŸ‘
9 months ago
IMDb itself retains some small-company feel within Amazon and is a desirable destination for horizontal moves from other parts of Amazon.
9 months ago
Work culture is heavily influenced by Amazon. This brings high pressure and a greater emphasis on individual contribution than on team accomplishments.✌
You comment as
What benefits does Amazon Web Services offer?πŸ’­
9 months ago
2 Year Contracts with Signing Bonuses
9 months ago
Benefits are not worth it IMO🀷
You comment as
Marketing Executive Interview. 1/ phone screen with the recruiter will ask you basic background and experiences 2/ business case presentation will be given a mock business case and you present in whatever format✌
9 months ago
it is a very hectic process with 6-7 rounds meeting 8-10 amazonians once you clear technical phone screen round.
9 months ago
The good part is recruiter shared in depth preparation topics & materialsπŸ‘Œ
You comment as
it's a large size company
8 months ago
yes, its large webiste about movies
8 months ago
yes, and the company has good growth opportunities
You comment as
- You'll work alongside some of the best talent in engineering, product, and operations.πŸ‘
8 months ago
- You'll create, support and improve features used and loved by millions of customers -- including celebrities and movie industry pros.
8 months ago
- You'll get to leverage cool Amazon tech and occasionally collaborate with other Amazon teams like Prime Video, Amazon Studios and others.🀩
You comment as
Great place, great people, great company vision. 😊
9 months ago
High Income, Industrial cut-edge technology.
9 months ago
Cannot grab any free food or banana in the office. πŸ˜…
You comment as
IMDb also has its own culture that is separate from the parent company in a good way. πŸ‘
9 months ago
Unlike many parts of Amazon, we have an operations team that handles the first line of on-call.
9 months ago
We usually only get paged when it's not something that the operation team can mitigate quickly.✌
You comment as
Excellent tech tools | Empathetic Leaders | AutonomyπŸ‘Œ
9 months ago
Well Oiled Machine!
9 months ago
IMDB has great leadership and people.☺
You comment as
- IMDb is one of the oldest web properties with some really passionate users. Any changes or updates made to the product always upsets a small set of passionate users which is difficult!☝
8 months ago
At the same time, scaling through advertising is tricky business and should not come at the cost of CX on any platform
8 months ago
it will lead to short-term gains but definitely not good for business long-term.πŸ‘
You comment as
what about the company work environment?
8 months ago
good management makes a good environment
8 months ago
I just enjoy the supportπŸ‘
You comment as
I'm looking for an internship opportunity to start my career
9 months ago
company provides good training opportunities which help in career advancement
9 months ago
I completed my internship there
You comment as
We are a full-stack company and act fairly independently but we collaborate and take guidance from our parent owner. πŸ‘
8 months ago
These are the best parts of Amazon and they infuse IMDb.
8 months ago
I said that being owned by Amazon has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages.☝
You comment as
Front End Engineer Interview. 1. phone screen - on leadership principles and a coding challenge 2. loop - more of the same but like 5 of them.✌
9 months ago
Interview tips that are given to you before the interview are very helpful. The questions were very straightforward.
9 months ago
Interview Questions Q: What attracted you to IMDB?🧠
You comment as
Empowerment Freedom to work Culture Opportunities to learn are amazing 🀩
9 months ago
People are kind and professional.
9 months ago
Great to work for an org is professional instead of like a dysfunctional family.😏
You comment as
I was interviewed last week hoping to be hired
8 months ago
best of luck
8 months ago
yes, a batch has been interviewed last week
You comment as
Who works here? The kinds of people who sit through the credits of a movie, who binge-watch STRANGER THINGS, and who care about the box office gross of WONDER WOMAN.😊
9 months ago
Our CEO likes to say that there's no such thing as a bad movie -- only a movie that's not right for you.
9 months ago
Meaning, we embrace the fat head and the long tail of movies and TV and love that people love what they love (SHARKNADO fan? IMDb loves you. Christopher Nolan snob? IMDb loves you. Honest Trailers fan? IMDb loves you.)❀
You comment as
IMDb provides a fun and empowering environment with an opportunity to share new ideas with managers who are listening and are always open to new suggestions.πŸ‘
8 months ago
Flexible Schedule is my favorite part.
8 months ago
At times communication about changes and/or new processes can be slow✌
You comment as
this is some of the best engineers and managers I have had the pleasure of working with.πŸ‘
8 months ago
The sense of ownership and customer centric development is something I haven't experienced before.
8 months ago
Continue doing what you are doing and I am sure IMDb will continue being loved all across the globe. It will be great to expand IMDb to video gaming world too :)
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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