ImmediaDent is a Medical Practice institute that was founded in 2003 and headquartered in Anderson, IN. They have the vision to treat the patients of the teeth and who feel embarrassed about the conditions of their teeth. To cure the teeth of their patients they engage their employees in the provision of different special services such as Convenient Dentistry, Comprehensive Dentistry, and much more. They encourage the young dentists and appreciate their efforts and award them different employment benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, flexible payment method, medical insurance, dental and vision insurance, and much more. They prefer to select creative, enthusiastic, and professional employees who can enhance the recovery of the teeth of the patients and can take them into their confidence. They recruit new employees in different domains such as receptionists, teeth specialists, cavity specialists, and much more. They have 500 to 1000 employees. Most of the employees live in the United States and graduate from the University of Phoenix.
How many years of experience do ImmediaDent employees have before joining?
Years of experience at ImmediaDent: Newcomers: 31%, Experiencers: 25%, Experts: 18%, Veterans: 26%. ImmediaDent employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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