The Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) is a not-for-profit exchange affiliation organization with 52 instructive grounds and member neighbourhood parts the nation over. IEC addresses around 3,500 part organizations that utilize more than 80,000 electrical and frameworks labourers all through the United States and instructs more than 12,000 circuit repairmen and frameworks experts every year through top-notch preparing programs. Over the years, IEC has expanded its operations with autonomous electrical and frameworks project. Achievement and headway of the individuals inside the free electrical organization is the IEC's central goal. The company incorporates four objectives; supporting the free electrical industry in the USA, giving head instruction, developing the assets and participation to keep a unique industry affiliation and featuring greatness in the electrical business. IEC individuals go to industry accomplices for counsel and help at gatherings and exchange shows just as the administrations need to viably deal with their organizations.
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