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InMoment is headquartered in South Jordan, Salt Lake, Utah, the United States, also located in Atlanta, Georgia, CA, UK, AU, NZ, and Singapore. It is a private Computer Software company. InMoment is a platform that builds a relationship between customer, employee, and business to make a workflow. It provides the solution and key values which a business needs to be successful in this technological world. Excellence, Enterprise Architecture, Text Analytics, Experience Clouds, and Integration are their core values. At the intersection of values, InMoment’s mission is to assists its clients to get a better experience. To create an impact, this company’s vision is to believe that every moment offers a new opportunity. Its goal is to provide a marketplace that is trending in the industry of technology. InMoment offers benefits to its employees/ staff members, including Healthcare, Food & Financial benefits, paid travelling, and holiday plans.

Company - Private
$50M to $100M
Multiple locations
Computer Systems Design Companies
Andrew Joiner
What departments InMoment employees work at?
other occupation67%
Computer / IT33%
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Computer Systems Design Companies
Medium size
Computer Systems Design Companies
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do InMoment employees have before joining?
Years of experience at InMoment: Newcomers: 30%, Experiencers: 19%, Experts: 17%, Veterans: 34%. InMoment employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did InMoment employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before InMoment: Alliance Health, Brigham Young University, Mindshare Technologies. Typical InMoment employees have worked at Alliance Health.
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Alliance Health
Brigham Young University
Mindshare Technologies
What industries did InMoment employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of InMoment: Computer Systems Design Companies, Colleges / Universities, Software Publishing Companies, Design Firms, Consulting Companies. InMoment employees most likely come from a Computer Systems Design Companies industry background.
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Where did InMoment employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at InMoment: Small: 39%, Medium: 12%, Large: 49%. Most InMoment employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at InMoment study?
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Where did employees at InMoment study?
Brigham Young University-Idaho
Salt Lake Community College
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at InMoment?
Time employed at InMoment: <1: 20%, 1-3: 38%, 4-8: 36%, 9-13: 6%, 14-20: 0%, 20+: 0%. Most InMoment employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does InMoment rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at InMoment: 76.0% Male and 24.0% Female. Age ratio at InMoment: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 52%, 31-40: 37%, 41-50: 9%, 51-60: 2%, 60+: 0%. InMoment rates - 6.0% less female than the industry average. Most InMoment employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does InMoment rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at InMoment: very high. InMoment ranks very high for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do InMoment employees go on to work at?
Future employers of InMoment: Ancestry, DevMountain, Domo,, Microsoft Corporation. People who work at InMoment most typically go on to work for the Ancestry.
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Microsoft Corporation

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When was InMoment established?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What industry does InMoment operate in?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Marketing/Advertising/PR, Engineering/Architecture, Computer/Internet.
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gender breakdown at InMoment?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
gender ratio is 24.0% female, 76.0% male.
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Where can I find InMoment’s headquarters?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Salt Lake City, UT.
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What’s InMoment’s yearly revenue?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
$50m to $100m
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Who is the CEO of InMoment?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Andrew Joiner.
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How long do people usually work for InMoment?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
1-3 year(s).
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what kind of companies did InMoment employees work for?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Large companies before InMoment.
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what are the chances of career advancement at InMoment?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
very high.
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving InMoment?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Ancestry, DevMountain, Domo,, Microsoft Corporation, Pluralsight, Qualtrics, Teem.
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Who are the top previous employers of InMoment employees?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Alliance Health, Breakthrough Consulting Group, Brigham Young University, Mindshare Technologies,, Qualtrics, University of Utah, Vivint.
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How old are InMoment’s employees in general?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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Where did most of InMoment employees go to school?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Brigham Young University-Idaho, Salt Lake Community College, University of Utah, Utah State University, Utah Valley University.
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I have heard that turnover is increasing here, can any one share his experience ?πŸ€”
9 months ago
I think that is because of the reason that there are long delays in product development and launch
9 months ago
Employee satisfaction is directly related to employee turnover
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Hey everyone, has anyone had experience using fuel cards for mileage pay?
8 months ago
I dont think they offer
8 months ago
I have not even heard about them hahah
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How many days do you need to work per week on a normal off seasoned time? πŸ€”
8 months ago
5 and the most can be 6
8 months ago
5 normally πŸ™ƒ
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i have been with this company for 10 years and i can honestly say the retirement plan here is not the best
7 months ago
yeah there is none i know it already
7 months ago
i am sorry to hear that. Have you considered speaking with a financial advisor?πŸ’‘
You comment as
Has anyone here successfully got a remote work agreement? any advice on how to approach the conversation? πŸ€”
8 months ago
yeah you can ask for it πŸ‘
8 months ago
I was asked and put into remote working for sometime then got permanent for it
You comment as
any tips on negotiating a higher pay scale during a job interview? πŸ’°
9 months ago
just keep in mind, its like a deal so you should not be on back foot, you are the half of this deal
9 months ago
its important to keep the conversation respectful and professional, and highlight your skills and achievements that make you a valuable asset to the company 🀝
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Leadership is extremely supportive both in day-to-day work as well as career development. Employees are taken care of
8 months ago
I have worked here and tbh, i miss the work culture and support of management😊
8 months ago
They have created a culture of teamworkπŸ‘
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I love how our company encourages us to take vacations and relax, the PTO beneifts are just great 😍
8 months ago
great that the company values work-life balance and recognizes the importance of time off for employee well-being πŸ™Œ
8 months ago
I am so happy after getting a good vacay time this year
You comment as
i am very happy for the effective re-hiring policy here that include guidelines for considering and prioritizing former employees who were previously laid off πŸ”
9 months ago
i have not heard about this kind of policy but it looks good to be
9 months ago
looks like we have got a 'no grudges held' policy around here, so if you have been fired once, come back for more πŸ˜„
You comment as
Hey folks, has anyone used the travel voucher program at our company? i am planning a vacation and I am wondering if its a good deal? ✈a
8 months ago
i have not used the travel voucher program, but i am always down for a good deal on a vacation 😎
8 months ago
i used it last year and it was great, saved a lot of money on my trip πŸ™Œ
You comment as
I have seen the poeple and the culture here at this company is aboslutely the best i seen in my entire career πŸ₯Ί
9 months ago
i dont think so we are all working in a very good alignment and are good to face any sort of challenge πŸ‘
9 months ago
I dont like the staff people, well the culture is nice
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InMoment provides a perfect environment for those looking to learn and grow. Lot of growth opportunities hereπŸ‘
9 months ago
Lot of development and growth opportunities here
9 months ago
Work environment is very supportive here😊
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to those who have advanced within the company, what advice would you offer to someone just starting out? πŸ€”
9 months ago
I think being proactive in seeking out opportunities for growth and development, dont wait for them to come to you πŸš€
9 months ago
i used to be stay curious and keep learning, both about your job and the company as a whole 🧐
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to anyone who has worked at a company that embraces personal style and expression, how did it affect your overall job satisfaction? πŸ€”
8 months ago
I appreciate them for this thing, being able to express myself through my clothing and accessories makes me feel more comfortable and confident at work 😎
8 months ago
if I wore what I wanted to work, it would be pajamas every day, so, I prefer a strict dress code to keep me in line πŸ˜‚
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ready to get paid what you are worth? our company offers competitive overtime rates that reward your hard work and dedication πŸ’°
9 months ago
ahh yess i am ready eagerly ready brohhhh
9 months ago
Money talks and overtime rates like these definitely make the hard work feel worth it πŸ’°
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hi i am new to the company and would like to know how they handle layoffs and re-hiring, any experienced employees care to share their insights?
9 months ago
Its still not normalized here, because we dont face any of them thankfully
9 months ago
dont panic, hopefully, you will not have to worry about that anytime soon 🀞
You comment as
I dont mind working on weekends if it means having a day off during the week😎
8 months ago
Haha thats not a big deal
8 months ago
i will take a weekend off any day, but glad to hear it works for you πŸ˜…
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Has anyone here ever had to deal with a toxic manager? How did you handle it?
9 months ago
Noppps we have a professional team of leaders πŸ’•
8 months ago
not yet and i am happy i dont have such type of ppl here in senior positions or in management
You comment as
Is it required to wear business attire for client meetings or presentations here??
8 months ago
I always follow what is guided by my seniors
8 months ago
Some clients may expect formal attire while others may be more casual. Its good to check with your supervisor or HR department to be sureπŸ‘Œ
You comment as
I am very happy to work here with a great team of seniors and expert in their roles, looking way forward to spent good time with this company 😍
9 months ago
Hmm thats very impressive
9 months ago
glad to hear you are enjoying your time there πŸ™Œ good luck
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Can anyone share their experience with the hiring process for this company?
8 months ago
yeahh it was smooth easy and super fast πŸ₯°
8 months ago
I was tested for my job related skills simple and obvious
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As someone who needs to take regular medical leave, I appreciate how accommodating and understanding the company's leave policy is πŸ™
9 months ago
great to hear, kudos to this company for recognizing that 🩺
9 months ago
they help in good work-life balance and supports our needs outside of work πŸ‘
You comment as
what about any policy for parking during events or conferences at your workplace?
8 months ago
no we all manage by ourselves
8 months ago
they have designated parking spots for event attendees, but i always end up parking a mile away anyways πŸ˜…
You comment as
Learnt a lot here, but organization need to work more professionally
9 months ago
Although i learnt a lot here but there is no proper training for employees
9 months ago
I joined them 3 months ago and it was a great learning curve for meπŸ‘
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to those who have been with the company for a while, what advice would you give to someone looking to get a promotion?
8 months ago
Its all about your dedication and some on your luck as well
8 months ago
prepare yourself for a position not just run towards any higher job that will not help
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The work and life balance is very good, and you have long paid Christmas holiday breakπŸ‘
9 months ago
They make sure employee are not under any sort of work pressure
9 months ago
Love working for themπŸ‘
You comment as
i have been lucky to work with some amazing colleagues throughout my career, their guidance and support have helped me grow both professionally and personally πŸ“£
9 months ago
Glad to hear that, i also had such a positive experience with my co workers πŸ™Œ
9 months ago
well i think having supportive colleagues can make work feel like a second home πŸŽ‰
You comment as
I started my job here as a UI/UX designer, and currenly i am seeing so much of indoor facilities which are highly entertaining and fun to have πŸ’―
8 months ago
yeahh i hear you, i know what you are talking about 😜
8 months ago
Thats so good, 1 hour of break is extremely short for those
You comment as
what type of the benefits can be achieved working at this company? 😜
9 months ago
the benefits here are amazing! 🀩
9 months ago
well its good, you will get everything from health insurance to good vacation and personal time πŸ₯
You comment as
I thiink this company has potential but still waiting for some important changes to be made in order to progress big in future
7 months ago
I am far away from this, have you shared your thoughts with management? they might appreciate your input πŸ‘¨
7 months ago
patience is key, Rome was not built in a day!πŸ•°
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Hi guys, any tips for how to increase your chances of receiving a bonus at work?
9 months ago
complete your targets and show it to your manager 🎯
9 months ago
yeah the job needs to be done on time and with highest level of satisfaction, other wise the yearly bonus is there for everyone with or without performance
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Can someone share their experience with the company's drug test and background check process? πŸ€”
8 months ago
i was not tested 🀣
8 months ago
there is none bro chill
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I love this place, a new but a very meature software company, great place to work with a good flexible schedules
8 months ago
well i am little bit disagree, what department do you work in?
8 months ago
what type of flexibility does this company offer?πŸ€”
You comment as
Lot of learning and development opportunities here for someone who want to excel in their careerπŸ‘
7 months ago
Employees got lot of support and recognition here
7 months ago
HR is very active in identifying and rewarding talented staff😊
You comment as
I had to file a claim with my car insurance company after a fender bender, and the process was surprisingly easy and efficient, they took care of everything and I was back on the road in no time πŸš—
8 months ago
looks like your car insurance company had your back and bumper covered! 🀣
8 months ago
thats one less bump in the road for you! 😜
You comment as
Hi guys, what are some creative ways that companies can provide free meals and drinks to their employees without breaking the bank? πŸ’°
8 months ago
there is nothing required idk how you guys can come with those crazy ideas
8 months ago
i am already having free food
You comment as
anyone who has been through the interview process recently at this company, any suggestions u have for preparing for the interview???
8 months ago
i think being confident and authentic during the interview, and dont be afraid to ask questions and engage with your interviewers πŸ™‹
8 months ago
The interview is a two-way street, and you should also be evaluating if the company and position are a good fit for you 🀝
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I believe that by embracing agile business methodology, we can deliver customer value faster and more efficiently, while also improving our bottom line 🎯
7 months ago
I think its the future
7 months ago
its is all about collaboration, transparency, and rapid iteration πŸ‘₯
You comment as
In my opinion, a positive and supportive working culture is essential for employee satisfaction and productivity. Its very very important for management to listen to employee feedback and make necessary changes to create a healthy work environment πŸ’ͺ
8 months ago
i agree, a supportive culture is crucial for employees to thrive πŸ‘
8 months ago
yes right, a healthy work environment leads to happier and more productive employees 🌟
You comment as
Everyone is supportive and friendly here, lot of support for junior staff here
8 months ago
Lot of support from management
8 months ago
I am happy that i made the right decision of joining them😊
You comment as
transferring to the new office was one of the best decisions I have made πŸŒ‰
7 months ago
I can relate, the new location is unbeatable and the team is fantastic πŸ’―
7 months ago
Thats so good and also the transition was so smooth
You comment as
I have heard that they really care about employees and feedback from employees are considered😊
9 months ago
Yes, Employee feedback is given importance here
9 months ago
Employees are provided a great platform to perform to the best of their abilitiesπŸ™‚
You comment as
Can anyone recommend a good employee training program for project management?
8 months ago
whatever you do, dont trust Michael Scott's version of project management training! πŸ˜‚
8 months ago
start an internship :p
You comment as
As a new parent, i was excited to take advantage of the on-site daycare, but I did not realize i would end up spending more time in the daycare than in my office
9 months ago
i am glad to hear that the company provides this benefit, but I understand how it can be distracting πŸ™Œ
9 months ago
there is an on-site daycare?? i can only imagine how wonderful it is to have your little one close by all day long 😍
You comment as
I worked for Inmoment for two months only . You work from home and the hours are very flexible.πŸ‘
7 months ago
Great benefit for someone who is also completing his studiesπŸ™‚
7 months ago
truly a great benefit for employee
You comment as
how do you see the pace of working here?
9 months ago
It might feel faster due to a lack or clear direction πŸ’―
9 months ago
mix kinda pace sometimes fast sometimes slow
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how can i get prepared for the interview here? whats the most important thing they look for?
7 months ago
prepare regarding your job description
7 months ago
Its all about what they require from you
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i want to ensure a smooth transition from the probation period to a full-time employee, any suggestion for this period? πŸ€”
8 months ago
Be proactive in learning and understanding the company culture and expectations during the probation period to make a smooth transition to full-time πŸ’•
8 months ago
take initiative and show enthusiasm in your work during the probation period to demonstrate your value as a full-time employee
You comment as
I am looking for a part time work opportunity, do they have any part time job available?πŸ€”
8 months ago
Ye, part time jobs are available
8 months ago
Part time work opportunities are available in the company
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In my opinion, this company's future depends on how well it invests in its employees, thankfully this company provides ample growth opportunities, it will attract and retain top talent, leading to a bright future 🌟
7 months ago
I believe they have good plans for employees
7 months ago
really, investing in employees is definitely a smart move for the company πŸ’°
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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