Integer Holding Corporation is an advanced medical device design and outsources manufacturers (MDO). The Company manufactures medical materials with exquisite designs and distributes them across four continents. Integer Holdings Corporation was established in 1970 and headquartered in Plano, Texas. The Company is headed by a careful businessman Joseph W Dziedzic who serves the corporation as President and CEO. Integer Holding Corps was formally known as Greatbatch Medical Inc. before it was changed to its current name. The Company has over 5,000 employees who are passionate about meeting its customers' needs around the world. Integer Holding Corps is committed to providing innovative medical technologies and services for the improvement of medical services. The Company has remained one of the leading Medical Device Outsourcing firms in the State, serving the cardiac, vascular, neuromodulation, and portable markets. Integer Holding Corps is committed to enhancing the lives of patients worldwide. Integer Holding Corps develops batteries for high-end niche applications in military, energy, and environmental markets in addition to the medical service. The Company offers its numerous services and products at affordable prices. The Company has experienced an ever increasing revenue, which is now estimated to be $1.39 billion.
What departments Integer Holdings Corp. (formerly Greatbatch Medical) employees work at?
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