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Hudson, Ohio-based JOANN Stores is a retailer of home decoration crafts and fabrics, with more than 865 stores across 49 states and an e-commerce business. Team members in stores, distribution centers and the store support center are inspired by creativity, dynamism and on-trend ideas. If you wish to launch a career at JOANN Stores, you can benefit from tuition reimbursement, medical, dental and vision plans, 401(K), life insurance, discounts, health savings and flexible savings accounts.

Company - Private
$2B to $5B
Multiple locations
Niche Retailers
What departments JOANN Stores employees work at?
other occupation29.6%
Sales Managers & Supervisors13.7%
Administrative - Other8.8%
Buyers / Purchasers6.1%
Management - Other6%
Arts / Entertainment / Media5.7%
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Paper & Print Manufacturers
Large size
Niche Retailers
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do JOANN Stores employees have before joining?
Years of experience at JOANN Stores: Newcomers: 30%, Experiencers: 16%, Experts: 18%, Veterans: 36%. JOANN Stores employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
10 months ago
Call me and begin working for you asap.
10 months ago
Don't delete. Call me , I'll start asap .
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Where did JOANN Stores employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before JOANN Stores: American Greetings, Kohl's, Macy's. Typical JOANN Stores employees have worked at American Greetings.
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American Greetings
What industries did JOANN Stores employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of JOANN Stores: Niche Retailers, Clothing Retailers, Colleges / Universities, General Merchandise Retailers, Food & Beverage Retailers. JOANN Stores employees most likely come from a Niche Retailers industry background.
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Where did JOANN Stores employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at JOANN Stores: Small: 30%, Medium: 10%, Large: 60%. Most JOANN Stores employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at JOANN Stores study?
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Where did employees at JOANN Stores study?
Bowling Green State University-Firelands
Cleveland State University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at JOANN Stores?
Time employed at JOANN Stores: <1: 12%, 1-3: 33%, 4-8: 33%, 9-13: 13%, 14-20: 6%, 20+: 4%. Most JOANN Stores employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does JOANN Stores rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at JOANN Stores: 33.7% Male and 66.3% Female. Age ratio at JOANN Stores: 16-20: 1%, 21-30: 54%, 31-40: 21%, 41-50: 13%, 51-60: 9%, 60+: 2%. JOANN Stores rates - 22.3% more female than the industry average. Most JOANN Stores employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at JOANN Stores?
Top roles of JOANN Stores: Team Members, Store Manager, Sales Associate, Cashier, Manager. The top role at JOANN Stores is Team Members.
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Team Members
Store Manager
Sales Associate

Career advancement

How does JOANN Stores rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at JOANN Stores: medium. JOANN Stores ranks medium for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do JOANN Stores employees go on to work at?
Future employers of JOANN Stores: American Greetings, Big Lots, Kohl's, Lowe's, Target. People who work at JOANN Stores most typically go on to work for the American Greetings.
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American Greetings
Big Lots

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gender breakdown at JOANN Stores?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
gender ratio is 66.3% female, 33.7% male.
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When was JOANN Stores founded?
Liam Brown3 years ago
I think 1943.
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What industry is JOANN Stores in?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What’s JOANN Stores’s yearly revenue?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
$2b to $5b, i think
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How often do employees get promoted at JOANN Stores ?
Liam Brown3 years ago
advancement opportunities are medium
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What’s the average length of tenure at JOANN Stores?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Typically 4-8 year(s).
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what kind of companies did JOANN Stores employees work for?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Large companies before JOANN Stores.
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Top future employers of JOANN Stores employees?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
American Greetings, Big Lots, Kohl's, Lowe's, Self Employed, Target, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Walmart.
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Who are the top previous employers of JOANN Stores employees?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
from what i found these companies American Greetings, Kohl's, Macy's, OfficeMax, Self Employed, Target, Things Remembered, Walmart.
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What’s the average age at JOANN Stores?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
i think it’s 21-30.
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Where did most of JOANN Stores employees go to school?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Bowling Green State University-Firelands, Cleveland State University, Kent State University, The Ohio State University, The University of Akron.
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the yearly bonus is definitely something to look forward to at this company Its a great way to show employees that their hard work is valued ⭐
9 months ago
its like waiting for Christmas morning, but with a bonus instead of presents 🎁
9 months ago
i am pretty sure the anticipation of the yearly bonus is what keeps me going during those tough work weeks 😂
You comment as
Did I hear right? I heard they only offer benefits to full time workers
9 months ago
hardly will you see any company really offering benefits to part time workers.
9 months ago
but I have heard part times could enjoy discounts on purchases too, tho
You comment as
I think negotiating my pay scale here can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it paid off in the end if you derserve 🤞
8 months ago
congratx on your successful pay negotiation!
8 months ago
i think employee should do if they allow to negotiate🎉
You comment as
I think its great that the company offers gym memberships to some employees, good motivation to stay healthy and fit 🏋
8 months ago
I want it, how can i get 🤑
8 months ago
there is some eligibility critera for it
You comment as
what are the employement benefits here?
9 months ago
I love the education reimbursement 💯
9 months ago
in early times, i got PTO, life insurance ans some good employee discounts
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I have never been through a layoff myself, but I know several people who have, i am glad this company is resolving these issues and there are no lay offs now
8 months ago
i have been through a layoff before and its definitely a tough experience
8 months ago
yeah but now so its great to see that the company is making positive changes! 👍
You comment as
i was pleasantly surprised when i received a bonus along with my promotion, It made me feel valued and happy
8 months ago
congrats on the promotion and bonus, you deserve it 💼
8 months ago
wow, thats great news 🤑
You comment as
what's the pace of work like
9 months ago
One minute it's slow, the next it's intense sometimes 🧐
9 months ago
Sometimes mind numbingly slow, other times extremely stressful and busy.
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I have learned so much from my colleagues over the years, their unique perspectives and ideas have changed my perspective possitively 🤔
8 months ago
learning from others is one of the best ways to develop new skills and broaden your knowledge 📚
8 months ago
Right, teamwork really does make the dream work 🤝
You comment as
In my opinion, company should provide free meals and coffee only on occasion rather than every day, It makes it more special and appreciated 🎉
8 months ago
hehe its this a private agent trying to bann our free food services 😄
8 months ago
Now i am habitual please delete the post :D :D
You comment as
If you are an employee who frequently drives for work, I highly recommend the fuel card program
8 months ago
Thanks, its a great thing to manage expenses 😎
8 months ago
truly, its a great benefit to have
You comment as
Does anyone know how much is the hourly wage starting as a Seasonal Cashier and little experience?
8 months ago
I started at federal minimum wage for my state at $7.75 an hour.
8 months ago
$8 in Georgia👍
You comment as
i am happy that company allows employees to wear what they feel comfortable in, as long as its appropriate
8 months ago
yup i follow my free-style dressing
8 months ago
hmm i also like this policy 👍
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I was wondering about the type of test they do. have heard they do drug test
8 months ago
There was none😎
8 months ago
if I remember correctly, they test with a mouth swab. they test for alcohol, cocaine
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is there any promotion policy in place?
9 months ago
yes, there is. have to apply internally and interview numerous times.
9 months ago
a year of employment and then they will consider it
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i strongly believe that employees should be able to express themselves in their own way, and i am glad this company supports that belief 🤘
9 months ago
amm thats a good news for those who like this stuff, i have seen quite a few workers wearing face piercings
9 months ago
yeah i have seen most of the face piercings are allowed ❤
You comment as
i think the overtime rate at this company is pretty generous, it makes it a little easier to work those extra hours 💰
7 months ago
Yeah pretty fair 🤗
7 months ago
fair and very good addition to my overall pay
You comment as
I heard they dont necassarily drug test upon hiring? 💉
8 months ago
they can anytime; 😐
8 months ago
yeah not mandatory but mostly they do if they suspect anything
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i have worked under managers who were excellent at delegating tasks, but lacked the ability to inspire their team, i am happy here the managers are extremely qualified
9 months ago
we have the leaders who not only delegate tasks but also motivate and inspire their team 💪
9 months ago
such a good thing to be thankfull for the company
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The working environment in this company is innovative and forward-thinking creating an exciting and dynamic work culture
8 months ago
I cant wait to see what new ideas and concepts come out of this forward-thinking work environment 💡
8 months ago
True men
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the focus on professional development is one of the things that sets this company apart I love that I have access to the resources for growing in my career 📈
8 months ago
this company is all about investing in its employees and helping them reach their full potential 🌟
8 months ago
wow amazing i cant wait to start my journey
You comment as
How does the company handle scheduling conflicts, i want to work night shift but not always being allowed 🤔
8 months ago
may be the company thinks you need your beauty sleep 😉
8 months ago
have you tried talking to your manager about your preference? 😴
You comment as
what's so great about working here? what could be your best part working here
8 months ago
Getting to be around so many crafts and creativity.
8 months ago
Discount. Getting to see new product. Sometimes fun coworkers.
You comment as
the company's commitment to tech and digitalization is admirable, they are constantly investing in new tools and resources 👍
9 months ago
wow great to see this company embrace technology and innovation
9 months ago
Yoo very excited to see what new advancements we will be using next 🤖
You comment as
Hi guys according to your experiences how long does it take fot a pay raise
7 months ago
once in a yr but not 100% sure 🥴
7 months ago
i got my last raise in 1.3 years
You comment as
I love that our company is always looking to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate future trends we are constantly researching and innovating 🚀
7 months ago
Ohh i am getting excited to be part of this company 🤩
7 months ago
yeah always pushing boundaries and breaking new ground
You comment as
I think that offering maternity leave is not just a nice-to-have perk, but a necessary policy for health and well-being of employees and their families 👨
8 months ago
True i also think the same 💯
8 months ago
I agree with it
You comment as
I appreciate the transparency around the promotion process and the clear criteria for advancement, i did not have any problem with it 🙌
7 months ago
i am in the waiting list for my first promo i hope i will get a good experience
7 months ago
the fair policy is always good 😍
You comment as
the company's hiring process was very thorough, which made me feel like they truly care about finding the right fit for the job 🙌
9 months ago
thank God, i also have an upcoming interview
9 months ago
hmm thats so good for the candidates 🤗
You comment as
Personally, I found the probation period to be a bit stressful here, working closely with manager could improve it 😬
9 months ago
the probation period can feel like walking on a tightrope!
9 months ago
well it has gone now, Hopefully now working closely with your manager will ease the stress 😬
You comment as
i just finished attending a job fair here and It was a bit hectic but I got to meet a lot of different people 😂
9 months ago
did you get a good oppurtunity
9 months ago
i was not informed about it sadly 🥲
You comment as
when do you get a raise
8 months ago
annually, if at all
8 months ago
Every 6 months👍
You comment as
parking can be a source of tension between co-workers, I wish company should find a better way to manage it
9 months ago
mey be the company can provide more parking spots to ease the tension
9 months ago
i think the admin team is not working actively on this issue
You comment as
I am so curious about the background test i heard it takes a lot of time
8 months ago
3 days, despite the warehouse being kept extremely short staffed and the turn over rate high, you have to continuously call in to get hired on
8 months ago
about a week 🙂
You comment as
how is the vacation policy here? does it allow to take a much-needed break and come back to work feeling refreshed? 🌴
9 months ago
my experience was very good with leaves
9 months ago
i just came back from a two-week vacation, and I feel like a whole new person, definitely take advantage of the vacation policy here 🏖
You comment as
i recently got hired and i would say the drug test and background check process was straightforward and easy to follow 👍
8 months ago
have to say they have very good admin and management staff 😎
8 months ago
It took me 4 days but thats a very good time
You comment as
I recently attended an employee training program on data analysis, and it was a game-changer for my career! 📈
8 months ago
what did you learn from that can you share with us?
8 months ago
good to hear that the training program had a positive impact on your career! 💪
You comment as
our company actively work towards creating a culture of inclusion and belonging. Its not enough to just have a diverse workforce 💡
7 months ago
I love the culture 🫂
7 months ago
I am so happy that i have supporting co workers
You comment as
reallly impressed with the the 401K investment options and low fees, Its a great way to build a solid nest egg for retirement without breaking the bank 💼
9 months ago
i love the low fees, its a huge bonus, without sacrificing your current financial stability getting a 401K is just so good 💰
9 months ago
the planning can be overwhelming, but this company makes it easier by offering great investment options and low fees💰
You comment as
I am 16 years old and getting 17 in 3 months, can i work here?
8 months ago
Not now
8 months ago
noh bro celebrate two more birthdays first 😂
You comment as
i did not heard a satisfctory answer yet, can you work remotely at this company?
9 months ago
well its a retail store, u have got to be where the people are
9 months ago
Not a remote job 😏
You comment as
how did your interview go? what question was asked
7 months ago
the interview is really simple with easy questions 🤌
7 months ago
Experience and availability basic retail interview questions
You comment as
I appreciate the company's policy of granting sick leave without requiring a doctor's certificate for minor illnesses, It shows that they trust their employees 🙏
9 months ago
Well, it depeneds on job position 🤗
8 months ago
Overall i would say the leave policy is good
You comment as
what's the pay you start off with as a new hire?
9 months ago
$9.00 hour
9 months ago
When I first got hired, the company started me with $7.15/hr.
You comment as
happy to hear there is mostly no maximum age limit for the store job positions, as I thought it would only be suitable for younger people
9 months ago
Age is just a number
9 months ago
good to see they recognize the value of experience and diversity 🌟
You comment as
I am willing to start a job at this store i wanna know what is the starting pay for an inexperienced person 🤔
7 months ago
started at 14$ raised to 20$ once I went full-time
7 months ago
what i experienced is the sales floor team members have a starting pay of $15/hr, but there are lower positions that have a starting pay of $11/hr 😐
You comment as
I am really curious about the different cultures in our various office locations, can anyone who has transferred share their experience?
9 months ago
I believe the work culture is very different but i's amazing to learn from new perspectives 🤝
9 months ago
i had the opportunity to work a new office for a few months and it was a great experience!💼
You comment as
I am very grateful for the opportunity to work from home as a marketing manager here, but I do wish there were more opportunities for in-person collaboration and team-building activities
8 months ago
yeah without physical interaction its not entertaining
8 months ago
its great that the company offers flexibility for remote work 🤞
You comment as
Is it possible to work part-time at the company? 🤔
8 months ago
yess so many part time jobs
8 months ago
i do part time job its very common and easy here
You comment as
how would you describe the working hours. are they flexible?
8 months ago
I don't agree with you. the hours are okay and pretty flexible
8 months ago
Some times its three hours a day or four, but many are off shifts
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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