In 1993, Kate Spade was launched with six essential handbags. Today, the company is a global lifestyle house with handbags, clothes, shoes, jewelry, home décor, tech accessories and many other things. Kate Spade New York is part of the tapestry house of brands and integrates signature marks into all its designs. The company that was established with a mission to use on purpose supply chains to empower women and girls. Presently, Kate Spade New York into only dedicatedly empowering women and girls while enhancing their agency across the world, but also improving their mental well-being, strengthening their communities, and expanding their access to economic opportunities enabling women and girl community to transform the world. Every year, the company foundation gives away $1 million annually to the causes that support women's economic empowerment and access to mental well-being to communities of women.
What departments kate spade employees work at?
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