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Laradon is a nonprofit organization founded in 1948. It offers its services to children and adults with developmental and other disabilities. Programs it offers include adult day programs, employment programs, community living, education programs, and children programs. It is located in Denver, Colorado, United State. Its mission is to empower people with developmental and other disabilities to rise to their full potential. Its core values are empathy, care, dignity, teamwork, and commitment. It believes that its employees are its most reliable partner. It also offers new jobs for all individuals for positions like behavior support coordinator, case manager, direct support professional, director of program services, program manager, special education teacher, youth treatment counselor, and others.

School / School District
$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Grantmaking & Charity Organizations, Religious Organizations, Social Advocacy Organizations
Doug McNeill
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Grantmaking & Charity Organizations
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Home Health Care Services Companies
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What year was Laradon founded?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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What industry is Laradon in?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What is the headquarters of Laradon?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
The headquarters of Laradon is Denver, CO.
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Has Laradon disclosed its yearly revenue numbers? If so, how much do they make?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Yes! Laradon makes $10m to $25m per year.
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What’s the name of Laradon’s CEO?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Doug McNeill.
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What’s Laradon’s mission?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
found their mission statement: Laradon’s Mission is to be an organization of excellence that provides superior, individualized services to children and adults with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities, supporting their independence in daily life and maximizing their full potential.
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