Lifetime Brands is a manufacturer and distributor of kitchen utensils, tableware, and several other products used to cook food, serve dishes, entertain visitors and beautify our homes. It is a global company that is always keen on providing long-lasting products through Innovative thinking and unwavering commitment. Lifetime Brands also markets other products that are not well known like Faberware, Sabiter, Kitchencraft, and several others, and offers exclusively the company's label products to top retailers all over the world. Its core values are Design with the customer in mind, Continually explore what is new, Ask questions, Build Positivity, Act Urgently, Strive to find environmental & healthy solutions, Create products which are superior in function, safety, and style. Job openings available at Lifetime brands are Maintenance Helper, Warehouse Worker, Shipping Coordinator, Consumer Hindsight Analysis, Staff Accountant, and many more.
What departments Lifetime Brands employees work at?
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