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Founded in 2003 in Boulder, Colorado, U.S, Lucky's Market is a superstore network. The store network was founded by Bo and Trish Sharon. Headquartered in Niwot, Colorado, it emphasizes more on organic nutrition. Lucky’s, believe food is the connection that ties us all together. It speaks directly to beliefs, character, and purpose. It strives to come up with a opportunity to gather and connect with people, not just fuel the body. It believes in creating strong, lasting memories through nutritious food while making an impact in our community. Its mission is good food for all. The company frequently announces jobs for individuals related to management, Assistant, and more disciplines with benefits including a 401k plan, insurance and more.

Company - Private
$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Food & Beverage Retailers, Grocery Wholesalers
What departments Lucky's Market employees work at?
other occupation62.9%
Sales Managers & Supervisors22.6%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Lucky's Market employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Lucky's Market: Newcomers: 14%, Experiencers: 15%, Experts: 18%, Veterans: 53%. Lucky's Market employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Lucky's Market employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Lucky's Market: Alfalfa's Market, Earth Fare, Kroger. Typical Lucky's Market employees have worked at Alfalfa's Market.
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Alfalfa's Market
Earth Fare
What industries did Lucky's Market employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Lucky's Market: Food & Beverage Retailers, Niche Retailers, Full-Service Restaurants, Limited-Service Restaurants, Traveler Accommodation Companies. Lucky's Market employees most likely come from a Food & Beverage Retailers industry background.
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Where did Lucky's Market employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Lucky's Market: Small: 27%, Medium: 6%, Large: 67%. Most Lucky's Market employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Lucky's Market study?
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Where did employees at Lucky's Market study?
Metropolitan State University of Denver
The Ohio State University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Lucky's Market?
Time employed at Lucky's Market: <1: 27%, 1-3: 43%, 4-8: 29%, 9-13: 1%, 14-20: 0%, 20+: 0%. Most Lucky's Market employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does Lucky's Market rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Lucky's Market: 62.0% Male and 38.0% Female. Age ratio at Lucky's Market: 16-20: 2%, 21-30: 45%, 31-40: 33%, 41-50: 11%, 51-60: 7%, 60+: 2%. Lucky's Market rates - 1.0% less female than the industry average. Most Lucky's Market employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Lucky's Market rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Lucky's Market: medium. Lucky's Market ranks medium for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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What companies do Lucky's Market employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Lucky's Market: Albertsons Companies, Fresh Thyme Farmers Market, KeHE Distributors, Sprouts Farmers Market, Target. People who work at Lucky's Market most typically go on to work for the Albertsons Companies.
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Albertsons Companies
Fresh Thyme Farmers Market
KeHE Distributors
Sprouts Farmers Market

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When was Lucky's Market established?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What industry does Lucky's Market fall under?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
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Where’s Lucky's Market’s HQ located?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Niwot, CO.
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What’s the gender distribution at Lucky's Market?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
38.0% female, 62.0% male.
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What is the annual revenue of Lucky's Market?
Liam Brown3 years ago
$10m to $25m.
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What companies are similar to Lucky's Market?
Liam Brown3 years ago
these are similar: Fresh Thyme Farmers Market, Harris Teeter, Kroger, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Sprouts Farmers Market, The Fresh Market, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods Market
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How long do people usually work for Lucky's Market?
Liam Brown3 years ago
1-3 year(s).
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what kind of companies did Lucky's Market employees work for?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Large companies before Lucky's Market.
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How often do employees get promoted at Lucky's Market ?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
advancement opportunities are medium
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving Lucky's Market?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Albertsons Companies, Fresh Thyme Farmers Market, KeHE Distributors, Self Employed, Sprouts Farmers Market, Target, The Fresh Market, Whole Foods Market.
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Where did employees work before joining Lucky's Market?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Alfalfa's Market, Earth Fare, Kroger, Sprouts Farmers Market, Sunflower Farmers Market, The Fresh Market, Whole Foods Market, Winn-Dixie.
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How old are Lucky's Market’s employees in general?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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Where did most of Lucky's Market employees go to school?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Metropolitan State University of Denver, The Ohio State University, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Phoenix-Utah.
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I am a student so can I work part time here? need some cash to bear my expenses 😟
9 months ago
Most people are hired on FT status here
9 months ago
Give it a try. Goodluck 👍
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my friend told me that the career advancement opportunities are medium.😶
9 months ago
Positive place to work with room for advancement.😃
9 months ago
I have worked there for over 2 year. The moment I started I was allowed to learn and grow.. 😇
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How much experience do I need for working here, I have customer assitance experience of 5 years
8 months ago
None, it's great that you have experience.
8 months ago
You have great chances 😊
You comment as
I recieved my call for interview yesterday, can you guys share what were the questions that they asked during the interview, kinda nervous 😥
9 months ago
My interviewers were quite friendly, you'll do great
9 months ago
regular questions regarding skills, experience, when can you start
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One of my friends told me tht the pay is weekly and is quite decent.
9 months ago
salary is competitive,
9 months ago
you are paid well!
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How long does it take to get hired at Lucky's marketa, I just applied here today
9 months ago
Depends on when do you recieve your call for interview
9 months ago
you'll be hired on spot on your interview
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i am worried about working environment. i can't afford hectic schedules😒
9 months ago
Very flexible with scheduling, Incredibly positive and relaxed work environment😊
9 months ago
flexible work hours and fun coworkers😍
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Can someone tell me about the working hours here 🤔 I am planning to work here
8 months ago
30 hours per week
8 months ago
6 hrs on a normal day
You comment as
I think the pay is a little less. It could be a little bit better I think
8 months ago
8 months ago
Let's see how much do they raise this year 😇 fingers crossed
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is this job suitable for young people, would I be feeling left out?
9 months ago
Not at all, a lot of staff is pretty young
9 months ago
No, the enviroment is very welcoming 🥰
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I just left this company and now i am searching for my future employer
9 months ago
self employed is also an option😎
8 months ago
don't worry. There are a lot more options👊
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i have just applied for a post nd now i'm a bit confused about the interview😕
9 months ago
the Interview was laid back, but in a formal way. Conversation flowed very easily which offered an open and easy environment to speak freely about experiences and skills. 😇
9 months ago
They asked a few questions pertaining to the job and also wanted examples on how I deal with people😃
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In my interview today, it felt like they were eager to hire and would hire anyone, anyways good for me.
9 months ago
Yes, it is like that.
9 months ago
Heard they need people, maybe that's why.
You comment as
I just had my interview today, will there be a drug test too?
9 months ago
I don't think so.
9 months ago
Nope, no drug tests 🤭
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I want to work here full time, how can I apply?
8 months ago
Online is the best option
8 months ago
Apply online👍
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It's been 4 months but there is no sign of raise, how long till I get a raise.
8 months ago
Every year
8 months ago
It happens on yearly basis
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Two months here and I love this job, the best part of my day is working with customers, Absolutely loving it.
9 months ago
sometimes it gets hectic, but most people are friendly 😇
9 months ago
Big time agree
You comment as
I'm 52M and thinking to work here, does it get tiring as I'm an the old guy now 😒
9 months ago
It's refreshing so you don't feel that much weary
9 months ago
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I don't hve experience but i want a job. I also have a diploma degree. can i get a job here as Assistan Manager Produce? 😕
9 months ago
Preferred 2-4 years grocery retail experience in Produce department processes and procedures.😌
9 months ago
Previous experience in a natural foods industry is a plus.😶
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I am applying for the post of Bakery Clerk bt i don't know bout the eligibility criteria😟
9 months ago
Previous experience in a natural foods industry is a plus.😶
9 months ago
Both degree and experience are needed😏
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I personally think that the upper management should concentrate more on current stores rather than opening new ones so often 😑
8 months ago
It divides workload, better step for us
8 months ago
Agreed 👍
You comment as
I will be needing medical if I start working here, do they offer medical insurance 😕
8 months ago
yes, 401k
8 months ago
yes, thanfully
You comment as
I've heard that they offer 20% off on groceries for their employees. That's really good if it's applicable on all items 😎
9 months ago
15% off all non sale items. 10% off liquor items. Best time to take advantage of it is when they do entire departments 25%or 35% off sales. The employee discount usually is added on to these.😇
9 months ago
The best thing about their dicsount is it makes the expensive food less expensive. 😍
You comment as
Thinking of applying here, what are the benefits that they offer?
9 months ago
Bonuses to supervisors
9 months ago
same as all basic companies
You comment as
It's my first day and it was quite stressful, I don't know how will I survive here 🥲
8 months ago
Try to make friends, it will become easy
8 months ago
Somedays workload is more
You comment as
Can someone guide me about overtime work, is it paid extra, It's my second month and I'm a little shy to ask about it
8 months ago
No overtime opportunities😞
8 months ago
No I guess, but you can still ask about it from your supervisor
You comment as
I am thinking to work here on part time basis, would I be getting any benefits?
8 months ago
8 months ago
You need 32 hours to qualify for those
You comment as
Just had my interview today, extremely easy and fun 🤩
8 months ago
To anyone who's gonna give an interview, I can assure you it will be the easiest and most fun one.
8 months ago
Hope you get hired 😊
You comment as
I like working with customers a lot, should I apply here or not
8 months ago
Sometimes they get rude too, but you should have the ability to calm them down
8 months ago
This will be your dream job then 😇
You comment as
I have dental problems, is dental covered here?
8 months ago
I think so yes.
8 months ago
Medical and dental both covered.
You comment as
Someone has told me that the PTO offered and accrual is pretty average😶
8 months ago
they give OT based on service hours worked, just like every other company i worked with in the past.😏
8 months ago
PTO is available but varies according to your position😊
You comment as
I've heard bout union and other benefits. i wonder if it's really true?
9 months ago
They do offer an attractive benefits package and employee discount, but whether or not it's worth it depends on how well your store functions.😍
9 months ago
You do have benefits and the vision is really good😊
You comment as
What is the payment criteria here, it's not mentioned on the website.
9 months ago
Every two weeks
9 months ago
It's every other week, they'll tell you about it on interview 👍
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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