Major League Baseball (MLB) is an American sports organization, exclusively operating for the sport of Baseball. The organization is responsible for the professional play, development, and management of the game, which is mainly governed by the Major League Baseball Constitution. MLB comprises 30 teams, 15 teams in the National League (NL) and 15 in the American League (AL), each team's schedule typically organized into three-game series during each season, ensuring each team plays 19 games against each of its four divisional opponents. The organization’s roots date back to 1869, when the first professional team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, was established in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. The organisation's present headquarters is located in Avenue of the Americas, New York City, United States, and the organization hires individuals in a broad array of fields, across the world, providing them with various comprehensive benefits including an inclusion policy, total rewards and additional perks.
What departments Major League Baseball employees work at?
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