Marcus & Millichap was founded in 1971. The company was created by George M. Marcus. Marcus & Millichap is located in Calabasas, California, United States. The company specializes in providing various brokerage services. The company offers real estate brokerage, mortgage brokerage, and joint venture brokerage solutions. Marcus & Millichap also offers research and advisory services to investors in the United States and Canada. The company provides top-notch finance, real estate sale, research, and advisory services with the help of its highly-efficient employees. The company is intensely determined to tackle its various client’s capital needs by providing the best finance solutions. Marcus & Millichap has up to 800 employees and offers them great benefits. Some of these benefits are medical, dental, life insurance, vision, 401k, educational assistance program, paid vacation, and flexible spending plans. The company generates up to $190 million in total revenue per year.
What departments Marcus & Millichap employees work at?
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