Medical Technologist/Medical Laboratory Technician (Part-Time, Weekends)
Arc - Austin, TX

Medical Technologist/Medical Laboratory Technician (Part-Time, Weekends)

company building Arc location Austin, TX
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Job Description


Austin Regional Clinic has been voted a top Central Texas employer by our employees for over 10 years! We are one of central Texas’ largest professional medical groups with 25+ locations and we are continuing to grow. We offer the following benefits to eligible team members: Medical, Dental, Vision, Flexible Spending Accounts, PTO, 401(k), EAP, Life Insurance, Long Term Disability, Tuition Reimbursement, Child Care Assistance, Health & Fitness, Sick Child Care Assistance, Development and more. For additional information visit


Under general supervision and following established laboratory procedures, performs routine medical laboratory tests for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. This position may also perform phlebotomy functions. Carries out all duties while maintaining compliance and confidentiality and promoting the mission and philosophy of the organization.


  • Responsible for specimen processing, test performance, and for reporting test results.
  • Arranges for pickup or delivery of specimens sent to reference lab or outside lab.
  • Maintains records that demonstrate that proficiency testing samples are tested in the same manner as patient samples.
  • Adheres to the laboratory’s quality control policies and documents all quality control activities, instrument and procedural calibrations and maintenance performed.
  • Recognizes factors that affect measurements and results and either corrects the problem or refers to appropriate personnel for resolution.
  • Recognizes alert/critical test results, informs appropriate personnel and documents.
  • Communicates information such as test results, normal ranges, and specimen requirements to authorized sources.
  • Demonstrates technical laboratory skills to students and new employees.
  • Assures that all remedial actions are taken whenever test systems deviate from the laboratory’s established performance specifications.
  • Ensures that patient test results are not reported until all corrective actions have been taken and the test system is properly functioning.
  • Responsible for administering testing according to policies and procedures.
  • Responsible for applying Total Quality Management (TQM) guidelines to laboratory processes.
  • Adheres to all company policies, including but not limited to, OSHA, HIPAA, compliance and Code of Conduct.
  • Regular and dependable attendance.
  • Follows the core competencies set forth by the Company, which are available for review on CMSweb.
  • Works holiday shift(s) as required by Company policy.
  • May perform phlebotomy functions.
  • May conduct and/or assist Lab Supervisor with assessment reviews.
  • If qualified, performs high complexity testing only under the onsite, direct supervision of supervisor.
  • May assist Lab Supervisor with scheduling, timekeeping and approving time off for lab staff.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.

Education and Experience

Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT)
  • Associate degree in Clinical Laboratory Science or MLT with completion of school laboratory training.
  • ASCP or AMT certification preferred.
  • Phlebotomy may be required.
  • Qualified as Testing Personnel as defined under CLIA.
Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS/MT)
  • One of the following required:
    • Bachelor’s degree in a science related field and completion of a clinical laboratory science, or medical technology program from an accredited institution with one (1) or more years of experience in clinical laboratory (experience can include school laboratory training)

    • Bachelor’s degree in science related field with four (4) or more years of experience in clinical laboratory.
  • Must be certification eligible (ASCP or AMT)
  • Phlebotomy may be required.
  • Qualified as Testing Personnel as defined under CLIA.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
  • Knowledge of laboratory policies and procedures.
  • Knowledge of CLIA regulations.
  • Strong attention to detail.
  • Ability to handle competing priorities.
  • Ability to work in a team environment.
  • Ability to analyze problems, manage conflict, and multi-task.
  • Excellent interpersonal & problem solving skills.
  • Excellent customer service skills.
  • Ability to engage others, listen and adapt response to meet others’ needs.
  • Ability to align own actions with those of other team members committed to common goals.
  • Excellent computer and keyboarding skills, including familiarity with Windows.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Ability to perform job duties in a professional manner at all times.
  • Ability to understand, recall, and communicate, factual information.
  • Ability to understand, recall, and apply oral and/or written instructions or other information.
  • Ability to organize thoughts and ideas into understandable terminology.
  • Ability to apply common sense in performing job.

Work Schedule: Every other Saturday and Sunday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
This job was posted on Thu Jul 13 2023 and expired on Sun Jul 30 2023.
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Medical Technologist Interview Questions & Answers

What experience do you have working in a medical laboratory?


I have 3 years of experience working in a medical laboratory, performing various tests and analyzing results.


About the Medical Technologist role

Clinical Laboratory Technicians Medical Technologist

As Mediсаl Teсhnоlоgists we рrоvide infоrmаtiоn fоr diаgnоsis, treаtment, аnd рreventiоn оf diseаse by соnduсting mediсаl lаbоrаtоry tests, research, exрeriments, аnd аnаlyses. Our daily tasks include determining nоrmаl аnd аbnоrmаl соmроnents in bоdy fluids by соnduсting сhemiсаl аnаlyses оf blооd, urine, sрinаl fluids, аnd gаstriс juiсes аnd аnаlyzing blооd сells by соunting аnd identifying сells using miсrоsсорiс teсhniques. Preраring blооd, рlаsmа, аnd рlаtelets fоr trаnsfusiоns by соnduсting blооd grоuр, tyрe, аnd соmраtibility tests is also included in our job description. We are also responsible for ensuring that the орerаtiоn оf аnаlyzers, sрeсtrорhоtоmeters, соlоrimeters, flаme рhоtоmeters, аnd оther lаbоrаtоry equiрment is in order by regularly соmрleting рreventive mаintenаnсe requirements; fоllоwing mаnufасturer's instruсtiоns; trоubleshооting mаlfunсtiоns; саlling fоr reраirs when needed; keeping track of equiрment inventоries; as well as evаluаting new equiрment.

Core tasks:

  • mаintаin lаbоrаtоry suррlies inventоry
  • рrоvide mediсаl teсhnоlоgy infоrmаtiоn
  • conduct medical laboratory tests and experiments
  • analyze samples and provide reports
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