The MIT Lincoln Laboratory, situated in Lexington, Massachusetts, is a federally sponsored research and development institution of the United States Department of Defense tasked with applying sophisticated technology to national security issues. Long-term technological research, as well as fast system prototype and demonstration, are the emphasis of R&D efforts. Sensors, integrated sensing, signal processing for information extraction, decision-making assistance, and communications are among its main competencies. These initiatives are coordinated across eleven mission areas. They have a team that is supplied with a variety of perks such as work-life balance, a healthy atmosphere, and a culture that fosters and encourages cooperation. Employee perks include health and wellness, professional development, a flexible spending account, retirement benefits, and a variety of additional perks. There are now openings for Cyber system exploitation researchers, information system security engineers, system administrators, and a variety of other positions.
What departments MIT Lincoln Laboratory employees work at?
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