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Salary and Benefits

Music Director
$48K-$59K / yr. (est.)
$53,679 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Music Director

What does a Music Director do?

As Music Directors, we lead musical groups such as orchestras and choirs. We select music to perform, arrange performances and work with musicians to ensure that they perform well. We plan and select the specific music that is appropriate for the group or event. We also work with musical groups to improve their skills and prepare for performances by rehearsing and training. We lead and conduct live performances to motivate our music groups. We study the voice, rhythm, tone, and tempo of every individual and coach them individually to improve their musical skills. We also ensure that the musical instruments are maintained regularly.

Core tasks:

  • ensure music instruments are repaired and maintained regularly
  • select appropriate music for an event
  • arrange auditions for new members
  • seek guidance from other music directors to improve performance


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Music Director?
On average, people work 3-5 years in other positions prior to becoming a Music Director.
Music DirectorSeattle, WA - A year ago
I agree with Chicago here! Working in other positions gives you a strong foundation and expands your network. 👌
Music DirectorNew York City, NY - A year ago
I'm torn about this. On one hand, experience matters, but on the other hand, there's something to be said about natural talent and drive. 🤔
How Long Do Music Director Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Music Directors works in this position for 5+ years across multiple employers.
ReporterSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Music Directors play a crucial role in turning raw talent into polished performances. Their direction and leadership elevate the entire musical experience, leaving a lasting impact on the audience
Assistant Professor OF MusicBoston, MA - A year ago
A Music Director's ability to blend diverse musical talents is simply awe-inspiring. They possess the knowledge, skill, and intuition to create an audible masterpiece that transcends boundaries.
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Music Director Employees?
Frequent job changes in Music Director, indicating a willingness to change companies and roles more frequently.
Media ProducerAustin, TX - A year ago
⚡ Hey, they must be hustlin'! Trying out various gigs might be the way to find unique musical opportunities and new collaborations. I dig it!
Music TherapistSeattle, WA - A year ago
Even in the helping profession, change can be beneficial. Exploring new music therapies and adapting to the needs of different populations could require job shifts. It's about growth, not instability.

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Music Director's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Music Director typically studied at.
Berklee College of Music
Indiana University-Bloomington

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Music Director Employees?
Gender ratio in Music Director position: 0.674574774607306 Male and 0.325425225392694 Female. Age ratio in Music Director position: 16-20: 19%, 21-30: 49%, 31-40: 18%, 41-50: 9%, 51-60: 4%, 60+: 1%. Music Director position is predominantly male (67.5%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 16-20 years old.
Music DirectorMiami, FL - A year ago
Why does it seem like being a Music Director is a profession for young people only? What happens to those of us who are older and still passionate about it? 🤔
Music DirectorSeattle, WA - A year ago
This is outrageous! How can we expect a diverse and inclusive music industry with such limited representation of different age groups? 😤


Who Are the Top Employers for Music Director?
Top employers of Music Director position: First Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church, School of Rock. People who work in Music Director position most typically go on to work for the First Presbyterian Church.
Music DirectorAustin, TX - A year ago
School of Rock is an amazing place to work, the passion and talent of the students make it a truly rewarding experience for any Music Director.
Music DirectorChicago, IL - A year ago
Why is there such a focus on religious organizations when it comes to Music Director positions? There are so many other opportunities in the music industry.
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
School of Rock
What Industries Does Music Director Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Music Director: Religious / Grantmaking / Civic, Education, Arts / Entertainment / Recreation, Publishing & Broadcasting, Information Technology. Music Director employees most likely come from a Religious / Grantmaking / Civic industry background.
Music DirectorHouston, TX - A year ago
👏That's right! Being a Music Director requires a unique blend of creativity, leadership, and technical skills.
Music DirectorPhiladelphia, PA - A year ago
being a music director is tough in my hooood! no respect! carrying all the weight on my shoulders!

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Discussion about Music Director

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Do a lot of women work as a Music Director?
Liam Brown3 years ago
More men than women work as a Music Director.
How old are people who work as a Music Director?
Liam Brown3 years ago
The typical age is 29 for a Music Director.
How much experience do you need to work as a Music Director?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
You should work for 4 years on average to become a Music Director.
Which industries have a lot of people working in Music Director roles?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Religious / Grantmaking / Civic employs the most.
Is a degree needed to work as a Music Director?
Liam Brown3 years ago
No higher education is the typical for a Music Director
Which company is likely to have openings for Music Director positions?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Working as a Music Director it might be a good next step to work for First Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church and School of Rock
How many years do people work as a Music Director before changing their role?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
More than 5 years is the typical lifespan for a Music Director.
Is it frequent for people to switch companies and still work as a Music Director?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Getting experience working for multiple companies is typical for a Music Director.
What work history do people usually have before becoming a Music Director?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Music Teacher, Choir Director or Musician are the typical prior positions for a Music Director
If I’m working as a Music Director, what next position could I have?
Music Director6 months ago
Hey y'all, thinking about making a switch from Music Director to Choir Director. Does anyone miss working nights and weekends?
Karen H.6 months ago
I totally get the struggle! I love directing, but the idea of having more time with family is attractive. Anyone else had trouble letting go of live performances?
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