Rob and DeAnna Eastman formed Musician's Friend in 1983. The Eastmans, who were newlyweds at the time, founded their company with a $5,000 loan from Rob's parents and operated it out of their suburban California garage. Their first catalog was a two-color flyer with a few discounted guitar strings and a few other accessories. Things soon changed thanks to a mixture of hard work and personal knowledge of the music industry. They were one of the first catalog marketers of music gear and the first to specialize in rock-band gear, so they grew at a breakneck pace. They have many locations across the United States to ensure prompt delivery and outstanding customer support. Their corporate headquarters are located in the sunny town of Westlake Village, California. Salt Lake City, Utah, and Indianapolis, Indiana, are the locations of their two support centers. Finally, they have a 700,000-square-foot distribution center in Kansas City, Missouri.
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