National 4-H Council is a Non-profit Organization Management founded in 1976. It is Headquartered in Chevy Chase, MD. 51-200 employees are working there in different career specialties including Creating a STEM ready workforce, Healthy living, Youth impact, Youth-adult partnerships, Community service, and Volunteerism. At 4-H, they believe in the power of young people. They see that every child has valuable strengths and a real influence to improve the world around them. They are America's largest youth development organization - empowering nearly six million young people across the U.S. with the skills to lead for life. National 4-H Council is powered by Cooperative Extension - a community of more than 100 public universities nationwide, which provides an experience, where young people learn by doing. Environments where they receive guidance from their adult mentors and are encouraged to assume active leadership roles. They offer many benefit plans and programs including 401k or 403 B for a non-profit, work environment, health insurance, retirement package, decent vacation time and many more.
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