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The National Youth Advocate Program is a US-based non-profit organization, headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. It strives to provide foster care, mental health, child welfare programs, emergency shelter, parent education, adult mentoring, and respite services to patients and communities in the United States. It offers flexible, creative, and outcome-based solutions to meet the actual needs of the communities, while observing the individual needs of the youth and families enrolled in its programs. Employees benefit from working in a challenging and continuously changing work environment, as well as from a competitive pay, and health coverage, paid time off, maternity and paternity leave, flexible working hours, proper work/life balance, on-site job training opportunities, and more.

$25M to $50M
Multiple locations
Grantmaking & Charity Organizations, Religious Organizations, Social Advocacy Organizations
Marvena Twigg
What departments National Youth Advocate Program employees work at?
other occupation43.7%
Community / Social Service29.1%
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do National Youth Advocate Program employees have before joining?
Years of experience at National Youth Advocate Program: Newcomers: 28%, Experiencers: 24%, Experts: 20%, Veterans: 28%. National Youth Advocate Program employees have less than 3 years experience on average before joining.
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Where did National Youth Advocate Program employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before National Youth Advocate Program: Assisted Care, Aunt Marthas Youth Services Center, Centerstone. Typical National Youth Advocate Program employees have worked at Assisted Care.
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Assisted Care
Aunt Marthas Youth Services Center
What industries did National Youth Advocate Program employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of National Youth Advocate Program: Social Advocacy Organizations, Religious Organizations, Grantmaking & Charity Organizations, General Hospitals, Outpatient Care Centers. National Youth Advocate Program employees most likely come from a Social Advocacy Organizations industry background.
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Where did National Youth Advocate Program employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at National Youth Advocate Program: Small: 45%, Medium: 24%, Large: 31%. Most National Youth Advocate Program employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at National Youth Advocate Program study?
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Where did employees at National Youth Advocate Program study?
Ball State University
Ohio University-Eastern Campus
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at National Youth Advocate Program?
Time employed at National Youth Advocate Program: <1: 10%, 1-3: 40%, 4-8: 35%, 9-13: 11%, 14-20: 3%, 20+: 1%. Most National Youth Advocate Program employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does National Youth Advocate Program rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at National Youth Advocate Program: 33.7% Male and 66.3% Female. Age ratio at National Youth Advocate Program: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 46%, 31-40: 32%, 41-50: 18%, 51-60: 3%, 60+: 1%. National Youth Advocate Program rates - 12.3% more female than the industry average. Most National Youth Advocate Program employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does National Youth Advocate Program rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at National Youth Advocate Program: low. National Youth Advocate Program ranks low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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What companies do National Youth Advocate Program employees go on to work at?
Future employers of National Youth Advocate Program: 7 Cups of Tea, Accenture Federal Services, Community Arts Experience, Inc., Crown Counseling, Franklin County Children Services. People who work at National Youth Advocate Program most typically go on to work for the 7 Cups of Tea.
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7 Cups of Tea
Accenture Federal Services
Community Arts Experience, Inc.
Crown Counseling
Franklin County Children Services

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What’s the gender distribution at National Youth Advocate Program?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
66.3% female, 33.7% male.
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When was National Youth Advocate Program founded?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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What industry does National Youth Advocate Program operate in?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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What is the headquarters of National Youth Advocate Program?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
The headquarters of National Youth Advocate Program is Columbus, OH.
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How much revenue does National Youth Advocate Program generate?
Liam Brown3 years ago
$25m to $50m.
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anyone knows who the CEO is at National Youth Advocate Program?
Liam Brown3 years ago
yep, it’s Marvena Twigg
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How long do people usually work for National Youth Advocate Program?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
1-3 year(s).
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What size of companies did National Youth Advocate Program employees used to work for?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Most worked for small businesses before.
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How often do employees get promoted at National Youth Advocate Program ?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
advancement opportunities are low
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving National Youth Advocate Program?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
7 Cups of Tea, Accenture Federal Services, Community Arts Experience, Inc., Crown Counseling, Franklin County Children Services, Melanoma Research Foundation, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Thresholds.
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Who are the top previous employers of National Youth Advocate Program employees?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
from what i found these companies Assisted Care, Aunt Marthas Youth Services Center, Centerstone, Childnet, Illinois MENTOR, Talbert House, The Buckeye Ranch, The MENTOR Network.
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Does anyone know the average age of employees at National Youth Advocate Program?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Here’s an estimate I found for National Youth Advocate Program: 21-30.
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Where did most of National Youth Advocate Program employees go to school?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Ball State University, Ohio University-Eastern Campus, The Ohio State University, The University of Akron, University of Dayton.
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We should be celebrating 45 years anniversary soon πŸ₯³
9 months ago
9 months ago
We have come a long way, I have worked for only 4 months 🀭
You comment as
if I start work at nyap is there chance of growth as employee
8 months ago
challenging work promotes growth here
8 months ago
yes there are numerous opportunities for you to grow
You comment as
Interview process, swift but no offer
9 months ago
You can re apply though
9 months ago
Sorry about that, just move on
You comment as
What's with all these drug tests ? 🀦
9 months ago
DO you take drugs cos that should not be a big deal
9 months ago
Did you expect to get accepted without a drug test in this type of organization, lol!
You comment as
What are the working hours like?
8 months ago
Very stressful and long from Mondays to Thursday
8 months ago
Expect close to 40 hours as full time πŸ‘
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Have you ever participated in the NYAPSTRONG fitness challenges 😢
9 months ago
I am the laziest person on earth, all i do is watch withy my popcorn 🍿
8 months ago
I do the nutrition tips 😐
You comment as
I was reading the story and realized how far they have come, how they started 😒
8 months ago
They started in a 2 person office
8 months ago
None of my concern as long as I get paid πŸ’…
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the diversiity has opened me up by allowing me make friends from people all over the world
8 months ago
I am just noticing that πŸ€”
8 months ago
How do you all come up with these stuff?πŸ˜‚
You comment as
I have heard that the management is not good and do not cooprate is this true?
9 months ago
I don’t think so this is a problem at all, i never had any complaints!
9 months ago
no not in my case. I am working in friendly environment with no pressure
You comment as
The greatest news I heard and was so happy was on the holidays πŸ•Ί
9 months ago
my present job is annoying, we hardly go on holidays 🀦
9 months ago
Imagine not having to switch shifts in federal holidays
You comment as
I was sad to find out no remote positions
7 months ago
We got remote positions but they are few 😢
7 months ago
I work remotel though
You comment as
I saw a new program they just did called OhioRISE
8 months ago
Its like a partnership with Ohio Medicaid πŸ₯Ά
8 months ago
It def. makes a lot of sense
You comment as
The payment be twice and I love that β™₯
9 months ago
It makes me spend unnecessarily 😐
9 months ago
That is so good
You comment as
Which organisation has more than 5 values if not us 🀦
9 months ago
How do you read and know yor values?
9 months ago
What and where are the values anD I be sure it's a good thiing
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I think our pay could be better tbh 😭
8 months ago
I don't think so cos I live alone
8 months ago
I don't think one should have only one source of income these days 😢
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can I get flexibility in schedule?
9 months ago
yes they will assign u duty on a flexible schedule
9 months ago
plus point of nyap is they give flexibility of time
You comment as
I expected a dress code or something
8 months ago
Ones got to dress casually πŸ•΄
8 months ago
Who told you there isn't πŸ™„
You comment as
The interviews were simpler than I thought πŸ‘”
8 months ago
Top tier and friendly interviewers though my offer was declined 😒
8 months ago
Mine was my first in my entire life and I almost peed on my pants, probably due to anxiety πŸ˜‘
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The time to wait for 401k is too longπŸ˜–
9 months ago
Half bread is better than none 🍞
9 months ago
And what of us not getting any benefitsπŸ™„
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is there any half time days?
8 months ago
sin summers you can work half days
8 months ago
on Friday summers u get half daysπŸ’•
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I need you all go read the history behind NYAP, the story of our founder and everything
7 months ago
How insensitive can you all be? Didnt you read his motivation and his life stroy and the reason behind nyap?
7 months ago
i have read it and its very touching
You comment as
is environment good for newbies?
8 months ago
my finacee works at nyap and according to him the work environmanet is calm and supportive
8 months ago
I worked in peaceful and friendly environment I don’t know y u guys are complaining
You comment as
Where are the locations 🀨, need to find something
8 months ago
If you mean state, we in 10 states πŸ™‚
8 months ago
Go to the website and search for it πŸ˜’
You comment as
Most of the departments requires you to be a graduate
8 months ago
Social service degree to be specific πŸ˜‘
8 months ago
I don't care
You comment as
I hve experience in working at religious organizations can I work here
8 months ago
yes u can almost 7% workers here have the same experienceπŸ’•
8 months ago
apply and see for yourself!
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NYAP is the GOAT in paid holidays
9 months ago
GOAT means greatest of all times πŸ™„
9 months ago
Excellent PTO and what is goatπŸ€”
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Anything like tuition reimbursement for people out of school
9 months ago
Only eligible after working for 30 days πŸ’―
9 months ago
It increases the more time you spend woking
You comment as
Did you know there is a benefits coordinator 😢
8 months ago
Idon't get benefits so I really do not care 😢
8 months ago
The person is availble for ensuring we all get our benefits blah blah blah πŸ₯±
You comment as
Looks like there are no VTO πŸ˜‚
8 months ago
we got peace leave though
8 months ago
Its not by the word VTO cos we get these paid leaves to represent organization and I can't continue 😣
You comment as
It is a job I love cos I know I make a difference in the work I do to children's lives
9 months ago
I just feel like I am more than a number 😍
9 months ago
Yes, exactly
You comment as
I would like to know that is the best part of working here.
9 months ago
The cients!!🌟
9 months ago
The coworkers and decent hours for part time.
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can we have free lunch or no is it paid?
8 months ago
when I used to work they didn't offer anything like that but maybe it has changed nowπŸ€”
8 months ago
yes I think they do offer free lunch
You comment as
Applied for a therapist position and I been waitin for an interview since πŸ˜₯
9 months ago
I was called after a week of applying 🀷
9 months ago
Hope you ain't puting all your eggs in a basket 🀨
You comment as
I applied and got a job through campus recruiting
8 months ago
I applied online, that is theway
8 months ago
In person gotta be the fastest way for me always πŸ˜‹
You comment as
I got helped with my tuition when I was schooling 😴
8 months ago
That is tuition assistance πŸ₯³
8 months ago
I was out of school so no need
You comment as
What's the promotion like?😯
9 months ago
I never got pomoted
9 months ago
I don't think that exists 🀨
You comment as
what is paymnt criteria here?
8 months ago
average salary here is good enough to spend a mediocre life
8 months ago
it doesn’t pay good for overtime but in short normal wage is good.
You comment as
Any minimum age requirement ⁉
8 months ago
Minimum for al jobs is 18 and some are 21
8 months ago
I need this info too✌
You comment as
How many interviews did you all have before getting the job 🧐
9 months ago
Seems everyone had 2 but I had three 🀘
9 months ago
I was not even called for an interview πŸ˜‚
You comment as
A very good work life balance if you ask me
9 months ago
Not for all positions
9 months ago
Yeah, and I see it that way too
You comment as
I know of Florida and Nevada as the states but I think I need more 😢 cos I don't live in these two
8 months ago
My friend is in west Virginia
8 months ago
They keep expanding so I got no idea but I work at Kentucky
You comment as
My friend told me she will soon be given vcation for free but i don't think i understand what she was saying 😺
9 months ago
That is cos you did not pay attention πŸ™„
9 months ago
Seeing all these comments and wondering how one can wok for 10 years in a place ☹
You comment as
what are ppl like here?
8 months ago
very supportive environment😊
8 months ago
very good environment everyone is like a family😍
You comment as
how much experience is required?
9 months ago
I think u shld have almost 3 yrs experienceπŸ™ƒ
9 months ago
depends on your experience, but as with everything - the more the better ahhaha
You comment as
I be thinking the headquarters at North Calorina πŸ˜†
7 months ago
I got no idea where the HQ's at 😢
7 months ago
I thought, Texas 🀣
You comment as
What exactly is the industry like what branch cos I am really confused?
8 months ago
Its a non profit 😎
8 months ago
NGO stufff ✌
You comment as
I just heard there is something called summer holidays when I applied for job, I could not believe my ears πŸ‘‚
8 months ago
Happens between Memorial day and Labor dAY
8 months ago
a good chance to enjoy summer β˜€
You comment as
THe goodwill holidays are top notch πŸ‘Œ
8 months ago
Gonna try working here
8 months ago
Just because we get goodwill does not mean we should work those long stressful hours from monday to thursday πŸ˜’
You comment as
We are affiliated with some companies, how am I just finding out?
9 months ago
like The Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, Indiana Association of Resources and Children (IARCA) etc....
9 months ago
I knew before I even got employed
You comment as
Was shocked to find out we don't have a union
8 months ago
Sometimes unions are useless and only cause trouble 😐
8 months ago
NI don't like interacting with people so...
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You guys got no cons??? A place can't be too perfect πŸ™‚
9 months ago
9 months ago
Loads of paperwork πŸ“°
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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