Natixis Global Asset Management Company Reviews and Ratings
UI/UX Developer Lead
Boston, MA - October 31, 2023
The company was stuck in mostly Print-base business, not listening to Web/Mobile experts. Projects would get approved before getting to the Dev hands & impossible to change after. Even though I've tried for 5 years to make company move faster & in more productive direction by POCs, that were greatly received and approved by everyone involved, they were always returning to the projects that made no sense from Dev perspective & took extremely long time, compared to new proposals.
Recognition & respect were not quite on the level in group I worked in. Promotions were given to undeserving people, while those who were promised them were by-passed for no reason
Pros and Cons
good location; overall company had a nice group of people, culture was good
extensive work hours; on-call responsibilities; inability to move in new direction
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