They founded Nebo in response to what they saw as the industry's most serious flaws. They began by observing a shattered agency environment. Employees were handled as though they were a commodity. Clients were seen as a means of calculating return on investment. Acquisition and benefit were the driving forces behind it. They were convinced that there was a better way. Since they agree that excellent work is more critical than billable hours, they have paved the way for the use of fixed project fees. They've never outsourced their core competencies because when strategists, creatives, and technologists collaborate in the same space to solve complex issues, magic happens. They don't outsource any of their main competencies, either. Much of their work is done by local resources based in Atlanta. When designers and developers collaborate, the project becomes more collaborative and cohesive. SEO experts collaborate closely with their UX team. Nothing is lost in translation, and the customers remain the focal point of their digital universe.
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