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OPSWAT is a software company that protects infrastructures for companies. This company provides the services to eliminate cyberattacks and malware. The Company was established in the year 2002. The main office of the company is based in Tampa, Floria. The total manpower of this company is almost 400 employees. OPSWAT is working to protect files and data from cyberattacks. This company is providing services to find threads and secure data transfer. This company also saves the devices from attacks. The experts in the company always want to ensure the minimum risk of threats. Most of the nuclear power facilities in the U.S work with this company to reduce cyberattacks. OPSWAT offers two platforms for data security and data access. The platforms are MetaDefender and MetaAccess. MetaDefender is used to defend against cyberattacks and MetaAccess is used for cloud access. These platforms use to remove threats and keep the data safe.

Company - Private
$100K to $500K
Multiple locations
Computer Systems Design Companies, Software Publishing Companies
Benny Czarny
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Software Publishing Companies
Medium size
Computer Systems Design Companies
Medium size
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When was OPSWAT established?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
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What industry does OPSWAT operate in?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Engineering/Architecture, Computer/Internet.
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What’s the main location of OPSWAT?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
It’s San Francisco, CA.
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What is the annual revenue of OPSWAT?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
$100k to $500k.
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Who is the CEO of OPSWAT?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Benny Czarny.
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What is the mission of OPSWAT?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
"Cyber threats affect both businesses and consumers, and OPSWAT aims to provide intelligence as well as protection to help these groups and individuals continue to be both productive and secure. OPSWAT helps protect some of the world’s critical operations: critical infrastructure, government agencies, financial institutions and others, and we have an obligation to provide the best protection we can to keep these institutions, their data and their customers secure.".
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