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Paradies Lagardère is a North American division of Lagardère Travel Retail dedicated to bringing the best travel engaging experience operating above 4,400 service stores. It is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and was founded in 1960. The company has a retail and dining presence with 850 stores and 170 restaurants and bars in North America's above 100 airports. They offer all segments of travel retails ranging from travel essential, dining division, specialty retails, and duty-free. Their corporate offices are present in Toronto and Atlanta and above 100 airports throughout North America. Paradies Lagardère is a great workplace that offers challenging yet exciting career opportunities through corporate offices, retail & dining concepts located throughout North America's Airports. It offers tremendous benefits to its associates which include 401k, paid time off, company holidays, transportation assistance and parking, employee discounts, industry-leading training & development, a fun environment, recognition, and much more. Employment opportunities through Paradies Lagardère include Retail Manager, Sales Associate, Retail Supervisor, Warehouse Driver, and a lot more.

Company - Private
Multiple locations
Niche Retailers
What departments Paradies Lagardère employees work at?
other occupation51.8%
General and Operations Managers21.7%
Management - Other13.5%
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Large size
Food & Beverage Retailers
Large size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Paradies Lagardère employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Paradies Lagardère: Newcomers: 21%, Experiencers: 12%, Experts: 17%, Veterans: 50%. Paradies Lagardère employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Paradies Lagardère employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Paradies Lagardère: Aramark, Bed Bath & Beyond, HMSHost. Typical Paradies Lagardère employees have worked at Aramark.
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Bed Bath & Beyond
What industries did Paradies Lagardère employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Paradies Lagardère: Niche Retailers, Clothing Retailers, Limited-Service Restaurants, Food & Beverage Retailers, General Merchandise Retailers. Paradies Lagardère employees most likely come from a Niche Retailers industry background.
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Where did Paradies Lagardère employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Paradies Lagardère: Small: 20%, Medium: 8%, Large: 72%. Most Paradies Lagardère employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Paradies Lagardère study?
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Where did employees at Paradies Lagardère study?
Emory University
Georgia State University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Paradies Lagardère?
Time employed at Paradies Lagardère: <1: 11%, 1-3: 35%, 4-8: 29%, 9-13: 14%, 14-20: 7%, 20+: 4%. Most Paradies Lagardère employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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How does Paradies Lagardère rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Paradies Lagardère: 52.9% Male and 47.1% Female. Age ratio at Paradies Lagardère: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 40%, 31-40: 23%, 41-50: 21%, 51-60: 11%, 60+: 5%. Paradies Lagardère rates - 3.1% more female than the industry average. Most Paradies Lagardère employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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What are the top roles at Paradies Lagardère?
Top roles of Paradies Lagardère: General Manager, Sales Associate, Buyer, Zone Manager, Team Lead. The top role at Paradies Lagardère is General Manager.
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General Manager
Sales Associate
Zone Manager
Team Lead

Career advancement

How does Paradies Lagardère rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Paradies Lagardère: low. Paradies Lagardère ranks low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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What companies do Paradies Lagardère employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Paradies Lagardère: Amazon, Carter's, Hudson Group, Lowe's, Morrison Healthcare. People who work at Paradies Lagardère most typically go on to work for the Amazon.
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Hudson Group
Morrison Healthcare

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What’s the gender distribution at Paradies Lagardère?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
47.1% female, 52.9% male.
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What year was Paradies Lagardère founded?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
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What industry does Paradies Lagardère operate in?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
in Retail i believe
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What companies are affiliated with Paradies Lagardère?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Lagardère Travel Retail.
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How many years does an employee typically spend working for Paradies Lagardère?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
An employee typically spends 1-3
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What size of companies did Paradies Lagardère employees used to work for?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Most worked for large businesses before.
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what are the chances of career advancement at Paradies Lagardère?
Liam Brown3 years ago
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving Paradies Lagardère?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Amazon, Carter's, Hudson Group, Lowe's, Morrison Healthcare, Self Employed, The Home Depot, UPS.
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Which companies did employees work for before starting at Paradies Lagardère?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Most of Paradies Lagardère’s employees worked for one of these companies Aramark, Bed Bath & Beyond, HMSHost, Macy's, Nordstrom, Party City, Target, The Home Depot.
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Does anyone know the average age of employees at Paradies Lagardère?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Here’s an estimate I found for Paradies Lagardère: 21-30.
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Where did most of Paradies Lagardère employees go to school?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Emory University, Georgia State University, Kennesaw State University, The University of Georgia, University of Phoenix-Utah.
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The office staff has a great impact on productivity.
9 months ago
It has a negative impact on me
9 months ago
They either motivate or demotivate.
You comment as
I’m going to apply for a career here can u plz tell how long they take to hire if applied
8 months ago
It might take a or may take longer can’t say exactly
8 months ago
I was hired ri8 after the interview
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This company offers challenging yet exciting career opportunities through corporate offices, retail & dining concepts located throughout North America's Airports
9 months ago
Hmm it’s somehow challenging but not all the time actually
9 months ago
i would love 2 work in the retail & dining category one day here
You comment as
My best friend works here and he always comes to hang out with us.
8 months ago
I also work out with my friend after work 💪
8 months ago
Work hours here are less
You comment as
I want to apply here but I have never worked in a similar company or industry before.
8 months ago
Doesn't matter.
8 months ago
It is okay, not a problem.
You comment as
The free benefits I get here really amaze me. 😏
9 months ago
What are you guys getting?
9 months ago
It motivates me to work more.
You comment as
In most offices they don't give such great benefits like they do here.
9 months ago
They are good no doubts about it.
9 months ago
I save a lot thanks to them.
You comment as
what r the best jobs offered here?
9 months ago
Corporate jobs r the best IMO..
9 months ago
it depends on diff factors
You comment as
Some benefits offered here r PTO, 401K, company holidays, employees discounts, transportation & parking assistance, and more😇
8 months ago
Health benefits seem to be a bit expensive
8 months ago
This is just OK not the best huh
You comment as
I have built many amazing habits here.
8 months ago
Would you care to share?
8 months ago
Hope you transform into a better person now!
You comment as
Our company is quite careful about the security and safety of the workers.
9 months ago
Good for us.
9 months ago
They only do it for us.
You comment as
We have a lot of females working here and this environment is extremely friendly for them.
9 months ago
I can guarantee this
9 months ago
Been working for 4 years now.
You comment as
Hey peeps - What questions have u been encountered with during the interview here?
8 months ago
Those were typical but specific “INTERVIEW type questions
8 months ago
Regarding to management & customer service
You comment as
My manager here is super friendly. I simply love this guy.
9 months ago
Does he consider your requests?
9 months ago
Most of them are like this.
You comment as
The pay here is marvellous, I can easily manage everything.
9 months ago
Even in this economy? 👀
9 months ago
Me too, I also manage everything,
You comment as
It is quite amazing to work here, I really enjoy the environment.
8 months ago
Well it is nice to have you around.
8 months ago
The environment is the biggest quality of this place. 👍
You comment as
They invest a lot in building this place and make it more efficient for us. 🏢
8 months ago
They have an image.
8 months ago
Wish they would have invested this much in us.
You comment as
What role does a Merchandising planner play?
9 months ago
Its responsibilty may vary and u can find info by the company
9 months ago
He executes planning responsibilities for multiple departments i think
You comment as
Their attitude towards us is very caring.
8 months ago
What act made you think that?
8 months ago
Not the case with me.
You comment as
Sometimes the works get overwhelming but it is managed at the end.
8 months ago
Never occured to me.😎
8 months ago
Agree with the 2nd part.
You comment as
Our company values loyalty and it pleases me a lot.
9 months ago
Loyalty is needed by companies 🙂
9 months ago
Do they reward it?
You comment as
I feel really good here, and especially, I love the environment.
9 months ago
You must be working for along time now 👀
9 months ago
I feel the same because of my friends.
You comment as
It is quite simple to get a job here, very easy process.
8 months ago
Very smooth process I'd say
8 months ago
You get a job in almost no time.
You comment as
This place has a friendly working culture with a diversity of coworkers and customers
9 months ago
The only reason to work here: a supportive group of wonderful ppl!
9 months ago
but r the manager too good?
You comment as
Most my days here pass very quickly and I don't feel overworked.
9 months ago
One of the perks of working here
9 months ago
It is very manageable
You comment as
they have a global image
8 months ago
8 months ago
and it’s a very friendly company i would say
You comment as
For the hourly full-time position, they pay from $16.00 starting or higher depending on experience😵
8 months ago
$16 as a starting is good so far🤩
8 months ago
It’s can be better as its a full-time hourly job
You comment as
What services does this company offer?
9 months ago
Haven’t u experienced their services during your travel especially food & beverages?
9 months ago
We love buying essentials from their brands every time we r on a trip😍
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Isabella Holmes Career Advocate
Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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