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Parker, Smith & Feek is an insurance brokerage firm. Its headquarter is located in Washington. It is committed to guiding clients to make responsible risk management decisions and develop innovative insurance, employee benefits, and surety solutions. Its mission is to attract and retain leading professionals of the industry and foster a dynamic culture to grow business. It offers commercial insurance, project risk services, claims management, personal insurance, workers’ compensation, financial, and life insurance services. It serves a diverse collection of industries including healthcare, manufacturing, marine, and energy industries. Their core values are pride, respect, and integrity. It offers health coverage, 401 (k) plan, flexible spending account, disability income, and life insurance to employees. It also provides employee assistance and emergency travel assistance. It is offering jobs for account executive, AM commercial, service manager, and account manager positions.

Company - Private
$100M to $500M
Multiple locations
Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
Greg Collins
What departments Parker, Smith & Feek employees work at?
other occupation62.2%
Sales / Retail37.8%
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See what companies are similar to Parker, Smith & Feek
Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
Large size
Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms
Small size
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Professional experience

How many years of experience do Parker, Smith & Feek employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Parker, Smith & Feek: Newcomers: 14%, Experiencers: 12%, Experts: 25%, Veterans: 49%. Parker, Smith & Feek employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Parker, Smith & Feek employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Parker, Smith & Feek: Alaska USA Insurance Brokers, Gallagher, HUB International. Typical Parker, Smith & Feek employees have worked at Alaska USA Insurance Brokers.
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Alaska USA Insurance Brokers
HUB International
What industries did Parker, Smith & Feek employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Parker, Smith & Feek: Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms, Direct Insurance Companies, Finance & Insurance Companies, Commercial Banking Companies, Investment Banking & Securities Brokerage Firms. Parker, Smith & Feek employees most likely come from a Insurance Agency & Brokerage Firms industry background.
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Where did Parker, Smith & Feek employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Parker, Smith & Feek: Small: 38%, Medium: 19%, Large: 43%. Most Parker, Smith & Feek employees have previously worked at large companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Parker, Smith & Feek study?
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Where did employees at Parker, Smith & Feek study?
Bellevue College
Seattle University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Parker, Smith & Feek?
Time employed at Parker, Smith & Feek: <1: 15%, 1-3: 24%, 4-8: 29%, 9-13: 16%, 14-20: 8%, 20+: 8%. Most Parker, Smith & Feek employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Parker, Smith & Feek rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Parker, Smith & Feek: 42.8% Male and 57.2% Female. Age ratio at Parker, Smith & Feek: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 21%, 31-40: 35%, 41-50: 25%, 51-60: 18%, 60+: 1%. Parker, Smith & Feek rates - 14.2% more female than the industry average. Most Parker, Smith & Feek employees are 31-40, which is on par with the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Parker, Smith & Feek rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Parker, Smith & Feek: very low. Parker, Smith & Feek ranks very low for career advancement which is below the industry average.
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What companies do Parker, Smith & Feek employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Parker, Smith & Feek: 2018 Special Olympics USA Games, AHT Insurance, Allstate Benefits, Amazon, Aon. People who work at Parker, Smith & Feek most typically go on to work for the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games.
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2018 Special Olympics USA Games
AHT Insurance
Allstate Benefits