Pond & Co was established in 1965, headquartered in Atlanta, USA. Pond & Co comprises of highly experienced team of Engineers, Architects, constructors and planners. These professionals help the clients by giving them customized solutions for their projects from scratch to completion.For providing quality services the company organizes various in house workshop and training programs to ensure ongoing process of learning among their team members. The company serves to a wide range of clients coming from different sectors including transportation, defense/federal, community development and industrial solutions.Pond & Co sees their employees are the heart and chief resource of the company and initiates different fun events and professional development programs to keep them motivated. All these features earned them a title of “best place to work” in different publications. The company encourages interested candidates to become a part of their team and posts various positions on their official website. Some of the vacant positions include Director Transportation, accounting manager, assistant controller, and aviation intern.
What departments Pond & Company employees work at?
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