Premier Healthcare Services Company Reviews and Ratings
Answer Phones, receptionist, referral, manage file room ad phones
Pasadena, TX - May 13, 2022
I was hired to answer a very busy phone with 4 lines, then to oversee the phones and file room.
Became a referral co-ordinator.
Filled in for receptionist and checking out patients.
Pros and Cons
I liked the work. Enjoyed the people, both co-workers and patients
It was very busy, but we managed it!
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Pasadena, TX - May 13, 2022
I started out answering phones. I was moved as supervisor of the file room and phones. Then a referral co-oridinator. It was and is a very busy office. Three doctors and they eventually hired a P.A. Each doctor and P.A. had a very busy schedule each day. I enjoyed working there and liked all the people.
Pros and Cons
Christmas bonus
Nice people
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