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Salary and Benefits

Premium Auditor
$52K-$63K / yr. (est.)
$58,182 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Premium Auditor

What does a Premium Auditor do?

As Premium Auditors, we are responsible for performing timely and spot-on physical audits that are related to all types of auditable policies. As Premium Auditors, we are also in charge of the receipt of premium to ensure consistency in premium payments. We are also responsible for making sure that a company or an organization receives its payment in full consistently. We also participate in the company's general auditing process and also relate with agents in order to obtain further business and financial information. We are employed by Insurance Companies who rely on us for the auditing of their records and operations. As Premium Auditors, we are also tasked with the responsibility of studying or determining company information.

Core tasks:

  • detecting fraudulent activities
  • checking the preciseness of policy qualification
  • training upcoming Premium Auditors


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Premium Auditor?
On average, people work 5-7 years in other positions prior to becoming a Premium Auditor.
Premium AuditorMiami, FL - A year ago
yeah, because clearly the skills needed for premium auditing are so basic that everyone can just jump in. what a joke! 🙄
Premium AuditorBoston, MA - A year ago
well, this certainly explains why some premium auditors lack the necessary attention to detail. what a shame. đŸ€Š
How Long Do Premium Auditor Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Premium Auditors works in this position for 5+ years across multiple employers.
Risk ManagerHouston, TX - A year ago
👏 Premium Auditors bring invaluable expertise to risk assessments. It's reassuring to work with professionals who have a strong background in analyzing insurance policies.
HR ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
Let's not forget, Premium Auditors' years of experience often reveal inconsistencies and help save costs for our companies. We appreciate the work you do! đŸ’Ș
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Premium Auditor Employees?
Frequent job changes in Premium Auditor, indicating a willingness to change companies and roles more frequently.
Premium AuditorHouston, TX - A year ago
change company all the time is 😡 nonsense in my opinion. employers pay, & then you take off for greener pasture? shameless!
Premium AuditorChicago, IL - A year ago
Job-hopping may bring fresh ideas and perspectives to each new role. Companies need to adapt and embrace this dynamic workforce!

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Premium Auditor's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Premium Auditor typically studied at.
Arizona State University-Tempe
Ball State University

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Premium Auditor Employees?
Gender ratio in Premium Auditor position: 0.575247524752475 Male and 0.424752475247525 Female. Age ratio in Premium Auditor position: 16-20: 4%, 21-30: 65%, 31-40: 17%, 41-50: 9%, 51-60: 4%, 60+: 1%. Premium Auditor position is predominantly male (57.5%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 31-40 years old.
Audit Specialist15 days ago
I only started auditing at age 40 . I see men and women in their 60's and 70' still auditing. I even know a guy 87 years young still performing.
Audit Specialist15 days ago
Great for a parents of children. You mostly set your schedules so you can make doctor's appointments, kids events, and the possibilities of advancement into underwriting, loss, and management are all available.


Who Are the Top Employers for Premium Auditor?
Top employers of Premium Auditor position: Liberty Mutual Insurance, Lowry & Associates, Overland Solutions. People who work in Premium Auditor position most typically go on to work for the Liberty Mutual Insurance.
Premium AuditorPhiladelphia, PA - A year ago
I disagree with the infographic. Working for Liberty Mutual Insurance as a Premium Auditor was a disaster. Their management was clueless and created a toxic work environment.
Premium AuditorSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
I've heard great things about Lowry & Associates as an employer for Premium Auditors. They provide excellent training and career growth opportunities!
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Lowry & Associates
Overland Solutions
What Industries Does Premium Auditor Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Premium Auditor: Finance & Insurance, Professional / Scientific / Technical, Information Technology, Arts / Entertainment / Recreation, Manufacturing. Premium Auditor employees most likely come from a Finance & Insurance industry background.
Premium AuditorChicago, IL - A year ago
No doubt about the importance of attention to detail, but in manufacturing, efficiency and productivity are key to meeting deadlines and reducing costs.
Premium AuditorMiami, FL - A year ago
A mi me puede interesar de IT, y en ese caso, no solo necesito atenciĂłn a los detalles, tambin habilidades para analizar sistemas y gestionar riesgos!

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Discussion about Premium Auditor

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What is the women/men ratio in the job of Premium Auditor?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
This is a well balanced profession, about half of the people are women.
What is the typical age to work as a Premium Auditor?
Liam Brown3 years ago
30 is the average age of people working as a Premium Auditor.
Is a Premium Auditor considered to be a senior profession?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
You need 6 years of experience to work as a Premium Auditor.
Which industries should a Premium Auditor consider working in?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Finance & Insurance is typical for a Premium Auditor to work in.
What kind of higher education a Premium Auditor need?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
A Bachelor of Science degree could not hurt if you want to be a Premium Auditor
Which company employs the most people in the Premium Auditor role?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Liberty Mutual Insurance, Lowry & Associates, Overland Solutions, The Hartford and Travelers employs the most people in the Premium Auditor role.
How many years do people work as a Premium Auditor before changing their role?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
You should work for more than 5 years before considering changing to another role.
Is it frequent for people to switch companies and still work as a Premium Auditor?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
It’s likely to work for multiple companies while holding the same title.
What do people usually work as before switching to Premium Auditor?
Liam Brown3 years ago
You have a good chance of becoming a Premium Auditor if you are working as Insurance Premium Auditor
What are the typical next steps for someone working as a Premium Auditor?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Changing from a Premium Auditor to Audit Manager, Insurance Premium Auditor or Underwriter is a typical career path.
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