PricewaterhouseCoopers is a multinational company which works as partnerships under the PwC brand.It was founded in 1998 by a merger between two accounting firms; Coopers and Lybrand and Price Waterhouse with its headquarters based in London,United Kingdom,operates in almost 157 countries in 742 locations with 276,000 people.The company help organisations and individuals to create the value which they are looking for by delivering quality in Assurance,Tax and Advisory services.The purpose of PwC is to build trust in society and solve important problems,by helping its clients to make informed decisions and operate effectively within them.Opportunities are provided at the heart of a career with PricewaterCoopers,it gives opportunities for the people to grow as an individual and to build lasting relationships by making an impact in a place where people,quality and value mean everything.PwC hires some of the experienced professionals each year across its network seeking to further develop their skills and experience.
What departments PricewaterhouseCoopers employees work at?
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