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Salary and Benefits

Private Investigator
$51K-$62K / yr. (est.)
$57,201 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Private Investigator

What does a Private Investigator do?

Functioning as Private Investigators, we are responsible for investigating the clues to collect important evidence for the court cases. Find the missing information and individuals to support our cases. We interview different individuals to verify our gathered data and collect some vital facts for our cases. In the role of Private Investigator, we are accountable for conducting field investigations to write detailed and accurate reports. We work collaboratively with our customers and discuss the issues that are being faced during the case investigations to resolve them.

Core tasks:

  • investigating the multiple cases
  • collecting evidence
  • compiling data to prepare reports
  • providing security services
  • performing other duties as assigned


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Private Investigator?
On average, people work 5-7 years in other positions prior to becoming a Private Investigator.
Private InvestigatorSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
😒 I bet some people just don't have what it takes to jump straight into being a Private Investigator. So yeah, it makes sense to have previous experience.
Private InvestigatorHouston, TX - A year ago
I reckon folks need to learn the ropes before diving into being a Private Investigator. Ain't no shame in gaining a bit of experience!
How Long Do Private Investigator Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Private Investigators works in this position for 5+ years across multiple employers.
JournalistMiami, FL - A year ago
Being a journalist, I regularly collaborate with Private Investigators to uncover stories. Their expertise is invaluable.
Security GuardHouston, TX - A year ago
Private Investigators provide us with valuable information to protect our premises. They're an essential part of the security team.
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Private Investigator Employees?
Moderate job changes in Private Investigator, showing some career movement without excessive turnover.
Police OfficerHouston, TX - A year ago
🔎 What's the secret charm in being a private investigator that lures individuals towards a complex career like that?
BaristaSeattle, WA - A year ago
Oh man, being a P.I. seems like such an adventurous occupation, way beyond anything we're capable of handling in our low-profile coffee world. 😔

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Private Investigator's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Private Investigator typically studied at.
Community College of the Air Force
Florida State University

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Private Investigator Employees?
Gender ratio in Private Investigator position: 0.752089136490251 Male and 0.247910863509749 Female. Age ratio in Private Investigator position: 16-20: 12%, 21-30: 51%, 31-40: 16%, 41-50: 12%, 51-60: 8%, 60+: 1%. Private Investigator position is predominantly male (75.2%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 31-40 years old.
Private InvestigatorNew York City, NY - A year ago
I can't believe that only 1% of Private Investigators are over 60 years old. We need more experienced folks in the field! 😤
Private InvestigatorSeattle, WA - A year ago
Good to see some diversity in the age groups, but let's work on getting more women in the Private Investigator profession! 💪


Who Are the Top Employers for Private Investigator?
Top employers of Private Investigator position: PhotoFax, Private Investigator, Private Investigator Services. People who work in Private Investigator position most typically go on to work for the PhotoFax.
Private InvestigatorMiami, FL - A year ago
I applied for multiple jobs in the Private Investigator field, but no luck yet. Any tips on how to stand out in this satiated job market?
Private InvestigatorSeattle, WA - A year ago
I find it interesting that some of the top employers in this field have the same job title as the occupation itself. Is that common in other industries?
Private Investigator
Private Investigator Services
What Industries Does Private Investigator Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Private Investigator: Administrative & Support, Professional / Scientific / Technical, Finance & Insurance, Public Administration, Mining / Oil & Gas. Private Investigator employees most likely come from a Administrative & Support industry background.
Private InvestigatorHouston, TX - A year ago
Y'all ever have ethical concerns about invadin' people's privacy, 'specially in cases where it ain't for justice? 🕵
Private InvestigatorPhiladelphia, PA - A year ago
I heard private investigators do a lot of surveillance, but is the job really as glamorous as TV makes it out to be? 🎥

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Discussion about Private Investigator

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Do a lot of women work as a Private Investigator?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Mostly men choose this job, but women also choose this.
How old are people who work as a Private Investigator?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
People working as a Private Investigator are 31 old on average.
How many years of experience do you usually have as a Private Investigator?
Liam Brown3 years ago
You should work for 6 years on average to become a Private Investigator.
Which industries are highly likely to employ a Private Investigator?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Administrative & Support is typical for a Private Investigator to work in.
Is a degree needed to work as a Private Investigator?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
No higher education could not hurt if you want to be a Private Investigator
Where are you working as a Private Investigator?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
It’s common for a Private Investigator to work for PhotoFax, Private Investigator and Private Investigator Services
How many years do people work as a Private Investigator before changing their role?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
On average people change after more than 5 years.
How common is it for a Private Investigator to jump from company to company?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
The job hopper score is medium for a Private Investigator.
What jobs do people work in before becoming a Private Investigator?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Police Officer, Investigator or Detective are the typical prior positions for a Private Investigator
What are the typical next steps for someone working as a Private Investigator?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Investigator, Security Officer or Police Officer are good next steps for a Private Investigator
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