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Salary and Benefits

Regional Manager
$62K-$76K / yr. (est.)
$69,113 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Regional Manager

What does a Regional Manager do?

As Regional Managers, we are being hired to oversee stores, offices, or branches within the company to achieve business goals and revenue targets. Our job responsibilities include managing daily operations and budgets, as well as guiding staff members. We engage in setting business targets, evaluating performance, and ensuring regulatory and company standards. Working as Regional Managers, we are also involved in managing stakeholders and negotiating contracts.

Core tasks:

  • achieve business goals in a designated geographic area
  • oversee daily operations, manage budgets
  • guide staff members
  • stakeholder and contract management
  • ensure adherence with regulatory and quality standards


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Regional Manager?
On average, people work 7+ years in other positions prior to becoming a Regional Manager.
Regional ManagerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
This infographic confirms what I suspected. It's all about experience and patience in this field.
Regional ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
7 years is nothing compared to the years of ambition, sweat, and tears I put into my career! How dare you call it average?! 😡
How Long Do Regional Manager Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Regional Managers works in this position for 5+ years across multiple employers.
Operations SupervisorDallas, TX - A year ago
🤔 It's part of the job to keep employees motivated and engaged. If they're leaving, maybe you're not doing your job right.
Store ManagerNew York City, NY - A year ago
Hey Regional Manager, an effective Store Manager knows that turnover is more than just a Regional issue. We need corporate support too! 🙌
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Regional Manager Employees?
Moderate job changes in Regional Manager, showing some career movement without excessive turnover.
AccountantHouston, TX - A year ago
I'm just starting my career as an Entry-level Accountant. The Regional Manager position seems like a dead-end job, with little opportunity for growth. 😒
Business AnalystMiami, FL - A year ago
Regional Managers should embrace change! It's perfectly natural for them to seek new challenges and grow professionally. 💪

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Regional Manager's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Regional Manager typically studied at.
Arizona State University-Tempe
Penn State University

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Regional Manager Employees?
Gender ratio in Regional Manager position: 0.770590144093735 Male and 0.229409855906265 Female. Age ratio in Regional Manager position: 16-20: 4%, 21-30: 36%, 31-40: 36%, 41-50: 17%, 51-60: 6%, 60+: 1%. Regional Manager position is predominantly male (77.1%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 31-40 years old.
Regional ManagerSeattle, WA - A year ago
As a woman in a male-dominated industry, this frustrates me! We need more diversity in leadership positions! 👩
Regional ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
These numbers are staggering! It's time for companies to actively work towards inclusivity and equal representation. 💔


Who Are the Top Employers for Regional Manager?
Top employers of Regional Manager position: Aaron's, Cisco, Oracle. People who work in Regional Manager position most typically go on to work for the Aaron's.
Regional ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
While the salary at Cisco may be high, the amount of overtime work required as a Regional Manager is ridiculous. Not worth it!
Regional ManagerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Oracle offers fantastic benefits and the chance to work with cutting-edge technology as a Regional Manager. It's a dream job!
What Industries Does Regional Manager Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Regional Manager: Manufacturing, Retail, Finance & Insurance, Information Technology, Administrative & Support. Regional Manager employees most likely come from a Manufacturing industry background.
Regional ManagerHouston, TX - A year ago
Honestly, the administrative & support industry is severely underrated. As a Regional Manager, I'm responsible for managing office operations, coordinating administrative staff, and ensuring smooth workflows. It might not be as glamorous as other industries, but it's crucial for every organization!
Regional ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
🙄 Let's be real, guys. Being a Regional Manager in manufacturing requires dealing with production processes, supply chain management, and quality control. It's the backbone of our economy, and the challenges we face on the daily can't be ignored.

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Discussion about Regional Manager

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What typical salary can I expect if I work as a Regional Manager?
A year ago
How is the gender diversity among people working as a Regional Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Mostly men choose this job, but women also choose this.
A year ago
I’m a female and did this for a financial company.
What is the typical age of people who work as a Regional Manager?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
The typical age is 34 for a Regional Manager.
Do I need a lot of experience to be a Regional Manager?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
On average, people have 7 years of experience when they start working as a Regional Manager
Which industries does a Regional Manager typically work in?
Liam Brown3 years ago
For a Regional Manager it’s the most likely to work in the Manufacturing.
What kind of degree is needed to work as a Regional Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Most people have a Bachelor of Science degree
Which company is likely to have openings for Regional Manager positions?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
It’s common for a Regional Manager to work for Aaron's, Cisco, Oracle, Pacific Dental Services and Primerica
How many years do people spend as a Regional Manager in their career path?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
A Regional Manager typically changes positions after more than 5 years.
Is it frequent for people to switch companies and still work as a Regional Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
A typical Regional Manager might work for one or two companies.
What jobs do people work in before becoming a Regional Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
You have a good chance of becoming a Regional Manager if you are working as District Manager, Regional Sales Manager or Branch Manager
What typical professions people working as a Regional Manager switch to?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Changing from a Regional Manager to Vice President, Regional Sales Manager or District Manager is a typical career path.
A year ago
Asset managers, at least I'd like to try it out
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