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Salary and Benefits

Regional Marketing Manager
$61K-$75K / yr. (est.)
$68,225 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Regional Marketing Manager

What does a Regional Marketing Manager do?

As regional marketing managers, our job is to build awareness of our organization’s brands and products with customers and business partners within an assigned geographic area. Based on region-specific market research, we develop and execute marketing initiatives that contribute to growth and profit for our organization. We may leverage a wide range of channels, such as online and print media, events, and more. We work together with cross-functional teams across the organization to gather product, sales, client, and channel insights. We manage a team of marketing professionals.

Core tasks:

  • conducting market analysis, interpreting market research results
  • developing and executing region-specific marketing strategies and campaigns
  • overseeing all outbound content and communication for brand consistency
  • managing a team of marketing staff
  • tracking marketing campaigns for performance
  • reporting to other management


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Regional Marketing Manager?
On average, people work 7+ years in other positions prior to becoming a Regional Marketing Manager.
Regional Marketing ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
😤 It's not fair! I've dedicated years to this career and yet I'm still not a regional marketing manager. The system is rigged!
Regional Marketing ManagerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
😏 Well, it's not surprising that it takes time to climb up the corporate ladder. Regional marketing managers should have a solid foundation in the field.
How Long Do Regional Marketing Manager Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Regional Marketing Managers works in this position for 3-5 years across multiple employers.
HR ManagerDallas, TX - A year ago
🤔 I understand the urge to explore, but is it the best option for achieving long-term career goals? Stability and loyalty matter too.
Business AnalystMiami, FL - A year ago
Who has time to switch jobs every few years? I'm focused on growing within my company and making a difference!
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Regional Marketing Manager Employees?
Moderate job changes in Regional Marketing Manager, showing some career movement without excessive turnover.
Graphic DesignerMiami, FL - A year ago
That infographic is visually appealing! 😍 But shouldn't we also take into account the industry and company-specific dynamics when assessing job changes in the role of a Regional Marketing Manager?
Operations ManagerSeattle, WA - A year ago
I've seen a few transitions in the Regional Marketing Manager role during my time managing teams. It's crucial for organizations to have a proper succession plan in place to avoid disruption and maintain stability. 🔄

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Regional Marketing Manager's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Regional Marketing Manager typically studied at.
Arizona State University-Tempe
Michigan State University

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Regional Marketing Manager Employees?
Gender ratio in Regional Marketing Manager position: 0.556684714702207 Male and 0.443315285297793 Female. Age ratio in Regional Marketing Manager position: 16-20: 3%, 21-30: 52%, 31-40: 32%, 41-50: 10%, 51-60: 3%, 60+: 0%. Regional Marketing Manager position is predominantly male (55.7%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 31-40 years old.
Regional Marketing ManagerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
It's concerning that there's hardly any representation of 51-60 age group, ageism may be at play here! 😠
Regional Marketing ManagerNew York City, NY - A year ago
I can't believe the 60+ age group is empty! Isn't marketing supposed to value experience and wisdom? 😡


Who Are the Top Employers for Regional Marketing Manager?
Top employers of Regional Marketing Manager position: Academy Sports + Outdoors, AIG, Caesars Entertainment. People who work in Regional Marketing Manager position most typically go on to work for the Academy Sports + Outdoors.
Regional Marketing ManagerBoston, MA - A year ago
Why doesn't the infographic include more options for top employers of Regional Marketing Managers? It feels incomplete!
Regional Marketing ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
Ugh, I really wanted to work for one of the top employers listed. This is so frustrating!
Academy Sports + Outdoors
Caesars Entertainment
What Industries Does Regional Marketing Manager Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Regional Marketing Manager: Manufacturing, Retail, Finance & Insurance, Information Technology, Professional / Scientific / Technical. Regional Marketing Manager employees most likely come from a Manufacturing industry background.
Regional Marketing ManagerNew York City, NY - A year ago
Honestly, as a Regional Marketing Manager in the finance & insurance sector, it's all just numbers and risk assessments. 😩
Regional Marketing ManagerSeattle, WA - A year ago
I don't get why y'all are complaining! As a Regional Marketing Manager in the tech industry, I get to work with cutting-edge products and innovate every day! 😎

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Discussion about Regional Marketing Manager

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How balanced is the gender diversity among people working as a Regional Marketing Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
This is a well balanced profession, about half of the people are women.
What is the typical age of people who work as a Regional Marketing Manager?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
The average age is 31
How much experience is typically required to work as a Regional Marketing Manager?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
On average, people have 7 years of experience when they start working as a Regional Marketing Manager
Which industries have a lot of people working in Regional Marketing Manager roles?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Manufacturing is typical for a Regional Marketing Manager to work in.
Speaking of higher education, do I need a degree as a Regional Marketing Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
A Bachelor of Science degree could not hurt if you want to be a Regional Marketing Manager
Where are you working as a Regional Marketing Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Academy Sports + Outdoors, AIG, Caesars Entertainment, Nordstrom and Pacific Dental Services employs the most people in the Regional Marketing Manager role.
How many years do people spend as a Regional Marketing Manager in their career path?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
You should work for 4 years before considering changing to another role.
Is it common for people to switch companies and still work as a Regional Marketing Manager?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
A typical Regional Marketing Manager might work for one or two companies.
What do people usually work as before switching to Regional Marketing Manager?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
A Regional Marketing Manager probably worked as Marketing Manager, Marketing Coordinator or Account Executive before
What can be the next step in your career path from Regional Marketing Manager?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Changing from a Regional Marketing Manager to Marketing Manager, Director OF Marketing or Account Executive is a typical career path.
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