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Salary and Benefits

Restoration Technician
$35K-$43K / yr. (est.)
$39,095 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Restoration Technician

What does a Restoration Technician do?

Functioning as Restoration Technicians, our primary responsibility is to help in escaping out of the different disasters. We are accountable for helping the people in saving their life. We restore the houses of people and install new materials in them as per their instructions from the government. We return the important things found in the house of victims. Working as Restoration Technicians, we are liable for removing the damaged materials from the houses and replacing them with new ones. We implement the safety rules and regulations on the performance of our work. We work collaboratively with other restoration technicians.

Core tasks:

  • sanitizing the structural parts of houses
  • providing customers or victims with the best possible solutions
  • saving the lives of victims
  • providing sort of rescue services
  • replacing the old and damaged furniture with the new ones


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Restoration Technician?
On average, people work 3-5 years in other positions prior to becoming a Restoration Technician.
TeacherMiami, FL - A year ago
seriously? As if being a teacher wasn't challenging enough, now I have to start from scratch in a whole new field? this is just ridiculous! 😠
Computer ProgrammerSeattle, WA - A year ago
well, that's a bummer. After coding non-stop for years, I have to work in other jobs and start over just to become a Restoration Technician? 😞
How Long Do Restoration Technician Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Restoration Technicians works in this position for 3-5 years across multiple employers.
Labor Relations RepresentativeHouston, TX - A year ago
This is unacceptable! We need to fight for better wages and working conditions for Restoration Technicians. It's time for collective bargaining!
Insurance Agency OwnerMiami, FL - A year ago
Hmm, I need to be cautious when hiring Restoration Technicians. It seems like establishing a positive work environment and offering competitive compensation might help retain them.
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Restoration Technician Employees?
Moderate job changes in Restoration Technician, showing some career movement without excessive turnover.
Elementary School TeacherHouston, TX - A year ago
Restoration Technicians prove that one's expertise goes beyond their chosen profession. They adapt and excel in various skills, inspiring us all!
Police OfficerMiami, FL - A year ago
Restoration Technicians, you are the unsung heroes, ensuring justice is served for damaged property. 💪

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Restoration Technician's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Restoration Technician typically studied at.
University of California-Santa Cruz
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Path after job

A Restoration Technician typically moves on to these titles.
100 %
Project Manager
Avg. length of tenure:2 years
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What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Restoration Technician Employees?
Gender ratio in Restoration Technician position: 0.737704918032787 Male and 0.262295081967213 Female. Age ratio in Restoration Technician position: 16-20: 19%, 21-30: 64%, 31-40: 10%, 41-50: 5%, 51-60: 2%, 60+: 0%. Restoration Technician position is predominantly male (73.8%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 16-20 years old.
Restoration TechnicianPhoenix, AZ - A year ago
Is anyone else concerned that the gender ratio and age distribution of Restoration Technicians doesn't reflect the diversity of our society? 🤔
Restoration TechnicianMiami, FL - A year ago
As a female Restoration Technician, I know firsthand how challenging it is. We need more representation and equal chances in this field! 💪


Who Are the Top Employers for Restoration Technician?
Top employers of Restoration Technician position: Applied Ecological Services, BELFOR Group, The Nature Conservancy. People who work in Restoration Technician position most typically go on to work for the Applied Ecological Services.
Restoration TechnicianSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
BELFOR Group may pay better, but Applied Ecological Services offers more career growth opportunities. Money isn't everything!
Restoration TechnicianSeattle, WA - A year ago
I've heard really good things about BELFOR Group's work culture. It's not just about the money, it's about being happy at your workplace.
Applied Ecological Services
The Nature Conservancy
What Industries Does Restoration Technician Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Restoration Technician: Construction, Administrative & Support, Religious / Grantmaking / Civic, Arts / Entertainment / Recreation, Professional / Scientific / Technical. Restoration Technician employees most likely come from a Construction industry background.
Restoration TechnicianNew York City, NY - A year ago
Dude, being a Restoration Technician in NYC is no joke! We have to deal with buildings from the 1800s and navigate through cramped spaces. It's a challenge, but I love it!
Restoration TechnicianPhoenix, AZ - A year ago
I hate how people underestimate the artsy side of being a Restoration Technician! It's not just about fixing buildings, it's about preserving history and artwork! 🎨

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Discussion about Restoration Technician

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How is the gender diversity among people working as a Restoration Technician?
Isabella Holmes4 years ago
More men than women work as a Restoration Technician.
What is the typical age of people who work as a Restoration Technician?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
The average age is 26
How many years of experience do you usually have as a Restoration Technician?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
You need 4 years of experience to work as a Restoration Technician.
Which industries are highly likely to employ a Restoration Technician?
Benjamin Gardner4 years ago
Construction employs the most.
What kind of higher education a Restoration Technician need?
Liam Brown4 years ago
No higher education could not hurt if you want to be a Restoration Technician
Which company are you working for as a Restoration Technician?
Isabella Holmes4 years ago
Applied Ecological Services, BELFOR Group, The Nature Conservancy and Walker Consultants employs the most people in the Restoration Technician role.
How long do people usually work as a Restoration Technician when they switch to another position?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
You should work for 4 years before considering changing to another role.
How frequently people change companies if they work as a Restoration Technician?
Liam Brown4 years ago
A typical Restoration Technician might work for one or two companies.
If I’m working as a Restoration Technician, what next position could I have?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
Consider the following: Project Manager
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