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Salary and Benefits

Retail Business Manager
$49K-$60K / yr. (est.)
$54,757 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Retail Business Manager

What does a Retail Business Manager do?

As Retail Business Managers, we oversee the daily operations of retail stores, ensuring efficiency and customer satisfaction. We are responsible for managing store staff, setting sales targets, and developing business strategies to enhance store performance. Our role involves analyzing sales data and trends to make informed decisions. We also handle inventory management, ensuring that the store is well-stocked and products are optimally displayed. Furthermore, we maintain high standards of customer service and resolve any issues promptly.

Core tasks:

  • Managing and training store staff
  • Setting and achieving sales targets
  • Analyzing sales data and market trends
  • Handling inventory and ensuring product availability
  • Maintaining high standards of customer service


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Retail Business Manager?
On average, people work 5-7 years in other positions prior to becoming a Retail Business Manager.
Retail Business ManagerDenver, CO - A year ago
People need to be patient! Progression takes time, and not everyone is suitable to be a manager. It's about the right skills and experience. 🤷
Retail Business ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
OMG, this makes me so angry! I've been in retail for 5 years and still haven't gotten the promotion I deserve. It's so unfair! 😡
How Long Do Retail Business Manager Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Retail Business Managers works in this position for 5+ years across multiple employers.
Retail Business ManagerNew York City, NY - A year ago
It's not easy managing a retail business with constantly changing market trends, demanding customers, and employee turnover. We deserve credit for keeping things running smoothly!
Customer Service RepresentativeHouston, TX - A year ago
Okay, Retail Business Managers, you need to pay more attention to the feedback we gather from customers. We're the ones hearing their complaints and suggestions!
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Retail Business Manager Employees?
Moderate job changes in Retail Business Manager, showing some career movement without excessive turnover.
Director OF Retail OperationsHouston, TX - A year ago
🤔 Interesting to see the different perspectives. In my experience, companies value managers with a track record of success and longevity in one role.
Assistant Store ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
It's tough to keep managers for long in this industry. Low pay, long hours, and intense pressure make turnover inevitable. 🤷

Career path

Path to job

How long does a Retail Business Manager work in this position across multiple employers?
100 %
Store Manager
Avg. length of tenure:4 years
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Discover a Retail Business Manager's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Retail Business Manager typically studied at.
Bellevue University
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Retail Business Manager Employees?
Gender ratio in Retail Business Manager position: 0.634523809523809 Male and 0.36547619047619 Female. Age ratio in Retail Business Manager position: 16-20: 7%, 21-30: 60%, 31-40: 23%, 41-50: 7%, 51-60: 3%, 60+: 0%. Retail Business Manager position is predominantly male (63.5%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 31-40 years old.
Retail Business ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
I don't understand why there are no Retail Business Managers aged 60 or above. Don't older individuals bring valuable experience to the table? 🤷
Retail Business ManagerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
It's concerning that the majority of Retail Business Managers are male and relatively young. We need more gender and age diversity in this role! 💪


Who Are the Top Employers for Retail Business Manager?
Top employers of Retail Business Manager position: Acosta, Cricket Wireless, Karndean Designflooring. People who work in Retail Business Manager position most typically go on to work for the Acosta.
Retail Business ManagerHouston, TX - A year ago
I've heard mixed reviews about Acosta. Has anyone worked with them as a Retail Business Manager? Share your experiences!
Retail Business ManagerAtlanta, GA - A year ago
Cricket Wireless may have its flaws, but they offer great training and development opportunities for Retail Business Managers. 💪
Cricket Wireless
Karndean Designflooring
What Industries Does Retail Business Manager Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Retail Business Manager: Retail, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Health Care, Professional / Scientific / Technical. Retail Business Manager employees most likely come from a Retail industry background.
Retail Business ManagerHouston, TX - A year ago
I agree with you, Chicago! Being a Retail Business Manager requires strong leadership skills and the ability to make crucial decisions under pressure. It's not as easy as some people think! 😤
Retail Business ManagerMiami, FL - A year ago
Listen up, y'all! Everyone needs to stop arguing and respect each other's perspectives. Being a Retail Business Manager is different in every organization, so let's not generalize the job based on personal experiences. Keep it professional, people! 🙌

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Discussion about Retail Business Manager

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How balanced is the gender diversity among people working as a Retail Business Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
35% are women in this profession only.
How old are people who work as a Retail Business Manager?
Liam Brown3 years ago
The typical age is 29.
Is a Retail Business Manager considered to be a junior profession?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
6 years of experience is needed on average for a Retail Business Manager.
Which industries are highly likely to employ a Retail Business Manager?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Manufacturing is the most probable for a Retail Business Manager to work in.
Is a higher education needed as a Retail Business Manager?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Bachelor of Science degree is the typical for a Retail Business Manager
Where are you working as a Retail Business Manager?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Most people work for Acosta, Cricket Wireless, Karndean Designflooring, Red Wing Shoe and Verizon
How many years do people spend as a Retail Business Manager in their career path?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
A Retail Business Manager typically moves on after more than 5 years
How likely is it for people working as a Retail Business Manager to switch companies still working as a Retail Business Manager?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
a Retail Business Manager is not a typical job hopper, but might change companies.
What occupations do people usually work in before becoming a Retail Business Manager?
Liam Brown3 years ago
You have a good chance of becoming a Retail Business Manager if you are working as Store Manager
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