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RevLocal is a private local marketing and advertising company, founded in 2010 and headquartered in Granville, OH. It offers the services of paid advertising, review marketing, SEO and SEM, web designing and development. The company provides its marketing services for multi location brands and local businesses. It also strives to create revolution in the emerging marketing industry. They provide a healthy and friendly working environment in which their members enjoy their work. The culture is award winning and always opens its door for motivated and self energetic professionals. If you want to make a difference in the market, it's the best place to start.
What departments RevLocal employees work at?
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Professional experience
Professional Growth
How many years of experience do RevLocal employees have before joining?
Years of experience at RevLocal: Newcomers: 26%, Experiencers: 22%, Experts: 19%, Veterans: 33%. RevLocal employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Professional Growth
Where did RevLocal employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before RevLocal: Copper, Inc, Dawson. Typical RevLocal employees have worked at Copper.
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Copper Inc
Professional Growth
What industries did RevLocal employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of RevLocal: Colleges / Universities, Niche Retailers, Clothing Retailers, Consulting Companies, Advertising / PR Agencies. RevLocal employees most likely come from a Colleges / Universities industry background.
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Professional Growth
Where did RevLocal employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at RevLocal: Small: 46%, Medium: 12%, Large: 42%. Most RevLocal employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background
Educational background
What did employees at RevLocal study?
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Top educational institutions
Where did employees at RevLocal study?
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Employee data
Professional Growth
How long do people stay in a role at RevLocal?
Time employed at RevLocal: <1: 28%, 1-3: 42%, 4-8: 30%, 9-13: 0%, 14-20: 0%, 20+: 0%. Most RevLocal employees stay with the company for 1-3 years which is less than the industry average.
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Culture & Values
How does RevLocal rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at RevLocal: 66.9% Male and 33.1% Female. Age ratio at RevLocal: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 56%, 31-40: 25%, 41-50: 9%, 51-60: 9%, 60+: 1%. RevLocal rates - 16.9% less female than the industry average. Most RevLocal employees are 21-30, which is below the industry median age range.
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Professional Growth
What are the top roles at RevLocal?
Top roles of RevLocal: Digital Marketing Consultant, Search Strategist, Digital Marketing Strategist, Business Development Manager, Regional Sales Manager. The top role at RevLocal is Digital Marketing Consultant.
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Digital Marketing Consultant
Search Strategist
Digital Marketing Strategist
Business Development Manager
Regional Sales Manager
Career advancement
Professional Growth
How does RevLocal rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at RevLocal: medium. RevLocal ranks medium for career advancement which is above the industry average.
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Professional Growth
What companies do RevLocal employees go on to work at?
Future employers of RevLocal: Alliance Data card services - Know More Sell More, Bath & Body Works, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Cultivate Advisors, Ethoca. People who work at RevLocal most typically go on to work for the Alliance Data card services - Know More Sell More.
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Alliance Data card services - Know More Sell More
Bath & Body Works
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Cultivate Advisors
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What’s the gender distribution at RevLocal?
Liam Brown4 years ago
33.1% female, 66.9% male.
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When was RevLocal established?
Liam Brown4 years ago
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What industry does RevLocal belong to?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
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Where’s RevLocal’s HQ located?
Benjamin Gardner4 years ago
The HQ is at Granville, OH.
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How much revenue does RevLocal generate?
Isabella Holmes4 years ago
$25m to $50m.
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Who is the CEO of RevLocal?
Liam Brown4 years ago
Marc Hawk.
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How many years does an employee typically spend working for RevLocal?
Isabella Holmes4 years ago
An employee typically spends 1-3
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what kind of companies did RevLocal employees work for?
Benjamin Gardner4 years ago
Small, Large companies before RevLocal.
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what are the chances of career advancement at RevLocal?
Isabella Holmes4 years ago
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who are employees usually hired by after leaving RevLocal?
Isabella Holmes4 years ago
Alliance Data card services - Know More Sell More, Bath & Body Works, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Cultivate Advisors, Ethoca, KY Engineering LLC, Matrix Systems, Robert Half.
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Who are the top previous employers of RevLocal employees?
Benjamin Gardner4 years ago
Copper, Inc, Dawson, Ohio University, Self Employed, Southwestern Advantage, State Farm, Verizon.
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How old are RevLocal’s employees in general?
Benjamin Gardner4 years ago
around 21-30.
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Where did most of RevLocal employees go to school?
Isabella Holmes4 years ago
Central Ohio Technical College, Columbus State Community College, Mount Vernon Nazarene University, Ohio University-Eastern Campus, The Ohio State University.
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What’s RevLocal’s business mission statement?
Sophie Hayes4 years ago
"RevLocal is home to humble, hungry, and smart employees. Every day we work with a purpose, to help the local business win online!Our culture mantra is:Be Real - Celebrate your unique skills, your passion, your intensity with a spirit of authenticity and transparency.Go Beyond - The heart of RevLocal is its people, and our people face challenges and go beyond.Help Someone - RevLocal is built with a purpose to make a difference by helping our clients and each other grow.".
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Management is great and fully supportive when you ask for the help. Co-workers are really nice and very helpful. The hardest part of the job is: You really have to work hard to move forward. The most enjoyable is meeting new people, business owners who need online marketing.
A year ago
Working hard is definitely a requirement for success in any role. Were there any specific skills or strategies you developed to help you stay motivated and productive?
A year ago
Meeting new people and helping business owners is a great perk of the job. Did you have any particularly memorable experiences or interactions with clients?
You comment as
I work with some of the most talented people I've met in my career and the best part is that I really enjoy working with all of them. We are all focused on our personal goals and very much team players, focused on helping as many small businesses as we can and doing it with integrity.
A year ago
Having a team that is driven, supportive, and dedicated to a common goal is truly a unique and rewarding experience.
A year ago
you're part of a winning team, keep up the great work!
You comment as
I loved my time with RevLocal. They make you feel appreciated as a contributor however the pay is very average. I had a hard time keeping the clients on board, which affected my income.
A year ago
Retaining clients can definitely be a challenge. How did you handle that aspect of the job?
A year ago
Have you thought about reaching out to RevLocal to express your thoughts on the pay? It never hurts to have an open and honest conversation about compensation.🍀
You comment as
Revlocal had great management that did everything it could to help you succeed. Good job experience and a challenging but rewarding opportunity. Company is growing.
A year ago
A challenging but rewarding opportunity is a fantastic experience to have. What specific skills or abilities did you develop during your time at RevLocal?
A year ago
It's always exciting to be a part of a growing company. What do you think has been the key to RevLocal's success and continued growth?
You comment as
I've worked at Revlocal for over two years and have had an amazing experience. It provides a great opportunity for people wanting to break into the field of digital marketing to acquire new skills and get experience.
A year ago
you were able to build your skills and gain experience in digital marketing. It's amazing how far you've come in such a short amount of time.
A year ago
It's always a good sign when a company provides opportunities for growth and professional development. Keep up the good work!😋
You comment as
A GREAT company that truly cares about its people and its clients. Fast paced, with a can do attitude among the employees.
A year ago
great to see a company that truly cares about its people and their well-being.
A year ago
Keep up the good work! It sounds like you found a great company to work for.
You comment as
After over four years at Revlocal I can honestly say there's not another place I'd rather be. The freedom and flexibility to control my schedule and provide for my family is sincerely appreciated.
A year ago
When you find a company you love, it shows. It's great to hear that RevLocal is the place for you.
A year ago
A company that truly appreciates its employees is rare, it's great that you have found that at RevLocal.
You comment as
Pleasant company to work for, nice and caring co workers. would suggest to others to work. Easy to work for, there for help when needed. Supportive when needed help.
A year ago
That's always a plus to have caring and helpful co-workers, it makes work much more enjoyable.
A year ago
you'd recommend it to others, it speaks highly of the company when employees are satisfied and willing to spread the word!
You comment as
RevLocal is truly one of a kind. I love having a solution for local businesses that makes a difference. Enjoying what you do, enjoying your coworkers, and having a good work life balance is something that everyone should strive to have and fortunately we can have it here.
A year ago
Striving for a good work-life balance and finding it at RevLocal is truly a lucky find.
A year ago
you've found the trifecta of a great job, good people, and a healthy work-life balance, congratulations!
You comment as
This is a great place to work if you are needing to get your foot in the door with a marketing company. They have great entry level positions but not a lot of room for advancement and the residual income is not enough to support a family.
A year ago
While entry-level positions are a good starting point, it's important to have room for growth and advancement in the long term.
A year ago
It's good to keep in mind that the residual income may not be enough to support a family, which is something to consider when evaluating the company as a career option.🌸
You comment as
It's a great company to work for as long as you love sales and are a highly social, motivated individual who loves doing LOTS of cold calling and drop-ins. It is a straight commission sales position and you get out of it what you put in to it.
A year ago
It's true, a straight commission sales position can be challenging but also very rewarding. How did you find the work-life balance in this role?
A year ago
The phrase 'you get out of it what you put into it' really resonates in this type of role. Were there any specific strategies or techniques that you found particularly effective when it came to closing deals?
You comment as
The best parts about working for RevLocal center on the people. RevLocal's pride and joy is the people that work for them, and leadership does every bit their part to hire genuinely good people who build the culture up. It's a fast-paced environment with lots of creative energy and a drive for innovation. If you are willing to learn, adaptable, and have a glass-half-full tendency towards any life situation, your growth opportunities here will be endless
A year ago
Being adaptable and having a positive outlook will take you far, it sounds like RevLocal values those traits in its employees.
A year ago
Endless growth opportunities, what more could you ask for? RevLocal is the perfect place for someone looking to grow both personally and professionally.
You comment as
The best part of the job is being able to create your own schedule and work from home. With that comes discipline and organization but once you figure out the systems and processes that work well for you, you can very successful in this role. The training and leadership here is incredible and the people you work with really care about seeing you succeed.
A year ago
great to work with people who genuinely care about your success and growth, that's rare in the workplace.
A year ago
If you're disciplined and organized, this job with its flexible schedule and supportive team sounds like a winning combination.
You comment as
I am an employee at Revlocal for now over 3 years. My interview process was difficult but well worth it , I enjoy the culture and the income opportunity is what you make of it. If you put in the work , you will definitely reap the rewards.
A year ago
Hard work pays off, and it sounds like you've experienced that firsthand. Keep it up!
A year ago
you've found a great fit at Revlocal. I'm sure you'll continue to grow and succeed there.
You comment as
RevLocal was a great career experience with great people; product was super successful for many, just wasn't the right experience for me. If interested in sales career, I recommend this company
A year ago
It's always good to find the right fit, even if it's not a permanent one.
A year ago
If someone is interested in a sales career, it seems like RevLocal would be a great place to start, thanks for the recommendation!🌸
You comment as
Everyone from the top-down is so supportive of one another and the executives really take time to get to know each and every employee. They value time off and reward their employees well. Such a great atmosphere to be in!
A year ago
It's fantastic that the executives take time to get to know everyone. It shows they truly value their employees.
A year ago
Time off is so important, and it's great to hear that the company recognizes and rewards their employees for their hard work.🌸
You comment as
This job is 100% what you make it. Activity pay, commission and residuals make it very possible to earn a lot of money... but you HAVE to put the work in.
A year ago
It's all about putting in the effort and hard work, that's what will determine your success.
A year ago
With activity pay, commission and residuals, the earning potential seems pretty high, good to know you can really maximize your income with the right drive!
You comment as
The job is flexible and they mean it when they say they want you to have a life outside of work but if you're not 120% with your effort you will not make a good living. You CAN make a good living if you're completely dedicated to it.
A year ago
It sounds like there's potential to earn a good living if you're fully committed to putting in the effort.
A year ago
But, be aware that it may be difficult to make a good living if you're not giving it your all. It's important to find a job that aligns with your values and priorities.😍
You comment as
This company has the best culture ever. Management is always checking in on you and making you feel appreciated. There is a lot of room for growth, you just have to do well in sales and not get stressed out from cold calls.
A year ago
management is always checking in and making employees feel appreciated.
A year ago
Opportunities for growth is always a plus, especially in a sales role. Just remember to take care of yourself and not let cold calls get to you!😋
You comment as
This place is fantastic. The leadership is 100% committed to your success if you're working hard and coachable. I came straight out of college, had a rocky start, but now I'm making more money than most people I graduated with and more than I thought I could make at age 24. I also have several advancement opportunities because of how fast we are growing. This place is a rocket ship that I get to be along for the ride.
A year ago
The growth opportunities at this company sound amazing, it's like being part of a winning team.
A year ago
Being on a "rocket ship" of a company and having the chance to grow and advance is an exciting opportunity, enjoy the ride!
You comment as
Great training, work culture. But difficult during COVID-19 because business owners don't want to meet in person and/or are struggling financially. .
A year ago
A positive work culture is also a big factor in job satisfaction, so it's a plus that you experienced that there.
A year ago
COVID-19 has definitely been a challenge for many industries, it's not surprising that it's affecting businesses and making it difficult for in-person meetings.😋
You comment as
Your work-life balance is important to your managers and upper management. They not only care about you as an employee they care about you as a person. You are not just a number Everyone is very helpful and they help you reach your goals.
A year ago
That kind of work-life balance support is a rare thing, you're lucky to have it!
A year ago
It's clear that you work for a company that prioritizes its employees' well-being, which is truly a breath of fresh air.
You comment as
The people I worked with were great! A family like atmosphere and close knit group. Everyone is willing to help and offer suggestions to improve your performance.
A year ago
It's wonderful to hear that your coworkers were willing to help and offer suggestions. Collaboration is key to success.
A year ago
Did you have any standout moments or experiences while working in that close-knit atmosphere? Those memories can be so valuable.🌟
You comment as
I loved working at RevLocal because the work meant something to the clients, my ideas meant something to management and every day was different and fun.
A year ago
It's always a plus when work is not just meaningful, but also enjoyable and different each day.
A year ago
glad you had a positive experience at RevLocal. It's important to find a workplace where you feel valued and fulfilled.
You comment as
I have been at RevLocal for 3 years now. The opportunity to grow is amazing. The on-boarding training and comp plan has continued to improve since I started. So let me help you read between the lines...Leadership is focused on helping people be successful, they listen, and then act to make the necessary changes.
A year ago
Three years with a company is a significant amount of time, it's great to see that you're still seeing growth opportunities.
A year ago
Reading between the lines, it sounds like RevLocal is a company that truly values its employees and their success.
You comment as
I have worked at RevLocal for nearly 5 years and have been able to work my way up from an entry-level position to management. RevLocal really cares about finding your strengths and putting you in the right position and team to execute them. They have also had a strong emphasis on work-life balance and encourage you to take time off, bring in family for company gatherings, and do outside volunteer activities.
A year ago
Family-friendly work culture is always a plus. Bringing in family for company events and fostering a sense of community is a nice touch.
A year ago
Encouraging volunteer activities shows a company's commitment to giving back and making a positive impact. Good for you for being a part of a company with such values.
You comment as
This is a great place to start out your career. The culture is great and management does a really good job at making sure the employees feel valued and driven. Great Company.
A year ago
management takes employee satisfaction seriously. How do they go about making sure everyone feels valued and driven?
A year ago
I'm always on the lookout for great companies to work for. Can you tell me more about the company culture and what makes it such a great place to start a career?
You comment as
RevLocal is a great company to work for. When a company has a specific purpose to help small businesses, it's easy to get on board. That said, it's not always easy to do the hard work to actually see those small businesses. If you're willing to put in the work and activity to be successful and to be coachable along the way, the income, flexibility and career options provided here are hard to find elsewhere.
A year ago
The income potential, flexible schedule, and career options are truly unmatched, it sounds like you've found a gem of a company.
A year ago
If you're up for a challenge and driven to succeed, RevLocal sounds like the perfect place for you to grow your career.
You comment as
Reps are designated a specific territory. If your territory sucks, too bad. Great sales support for the most part. The ramp up training pay is great, but once it’s gone, its gone! The residual pay is only for the 1st 3 months of the account. Most companies pay out residuals for the life of the account.
A year ago
The ramp up training pay is a definite bonus, but it's important to note that it doesn't last forever.
A year ago
It's a bit surprising that residuals are only paid out for the first 3 months, while most companies pay out for the life of the account. It's definitely something to keep in mind.😍
You comment as
If you aren't aftaid to put in the time and the sustained effort the first few years, you can make a great living. It's very rewarding to see the clients who follow the plan, allow the time for systems to work and reap the benefits. That's kind of what it's like in the business development career path of a digital marketing consultant with RevLocal. Do the work, follow the systems, put in the time, be coachable = success.
A year ago
I agree, putting in the time and effort in the beginning is crucial for a successful career path. And being coachable is a huge asset, too. Keep up the good work!
A year ago
It's inspiring to hear about your experience and dedication to your clients. It takes a special kind of person to be successful in this field, and it sounds like you've got what it takes.🌸
You comment as
Great place to work and they do offer a good salary. They expect less with great compensation and act as if you are their employee and only want to pay you good amount.
A year ago
Being classified as a 1099 worker can have its downsides, especially if they're treating you like a traditional employee.
A year ago
It's important to make sure you're being fairly compensated for the work you're doing. Have you talked to HR or someone in management about your concerns regarding pay and benefits?🍀
You comment as
The business is a fast changing environment with great training tools and employee development to keep you constantly growing in your role and our industry. I would highly recommend RevLocal for anyone looking for an innovative, loyal, and fair company that is ready for opportunity to grow.
A year ago
Loyal and fair companies are hard to come by, t RevLocal values those qualities.
A year ago
Growth opportunities are essential for both employees and the company. RevLocal sounds like a great place for both to thrive.
You comment as
The culture is what defines RevLocal. Your co-workers care about you and if you do your job well and be a member of the team it rewards heavily. Could not have asked for a better place to work.
A year ago
You're lucky to have found such a fantastic work environment at RevLocal.
A year ago
RevLocal is the ideal workplace for you.
You comment as
Working at RevLocal has been a blessing. Its a career that is very challenging but is something that I can control my own destiny with. No cap on commission as long as you are working the process and working hard. I have learned so much about myself as well as the millions of industries out there. Thankful to be with such an amazing company that truly cares about not only their employees but ALSO their clients!
A year ago
The company's commitment to both employees and clients is truly commendable.
A year ago
I'm happy for you that you've found such a fulfilling career at RevLocal.
You comment as
It’s a great service to get behind if youre good at sales. They are always looking to grow and improve. Amazing support from all levels of management. He will learn a ton
A year ago
You'll definitely have a lot of opportunities to learn and develop your skills, that's for sure!
A year ago
Sounds like a fantastic opportunity, good luck with your sales journey!
You comment as
Great place to work. You’ll get thorough training and resources to be able to perform the job. Great commission and great paid training the entire first year.
A year ago
always a plus when a company provides the resources and support needed to succeed in the role.
A year ago
Keep up the good work! It sounds like you found a great place to work at RevLocal.
You comment as
Best parts: not being stuck in a cube, great people, helping small business, exciting industry, no commute, lots of support from operations.
A year ago
The ever-changing digital industry is always exciting! Good for you for being a part of it.
A year ago
No commute, lots of support - it sounds like you had the perfect work setup.
You comment as
Loved my time here. The managers are great and everyone is on the same page about facilitating growth and increasing productivity. Would highly recommend to others!
A year ago
everyone is focused on growth and productivity. How did you contribute to those efforts during your time at the company?
A year ago
A recommendation from a former employee carries a lot of weight. What specifically do you think sets this company apart from others and makes it a great place to work
You comment as
It is a very fun atmosphere with young coworkers. They provide great benefits and fun activities each month. They are always trying to determine ways to make our jobs better, however the leads coming in aren't always the best
A year ago
Benefits and monthly activities are definitely a plus. It shows that the company is invested in their employees' well-being.
A year ago
they're always looking for ways to improve, but I can imagine it can be challenging when the leads aren't up to par. Have you talked to management about ways to improve lead quality?
You comment as
The support around the reps in the field is incredible. I've never been around a team of people who are so involved in helping others succeed.
A year ago
I bet the results speak for themselves with a team like yours! It's inspiring to hear about a work environment where everyone is rooting for each other's success
A year ago
Keep cherishing and spreading this amazing energy, it sounds like the kind of workplace everyone dreams of being a part of. Keep up the great work, both you and your team
You comment as
The culture is inclusive and fun. The people really care about you as a person. They value sales more than service. It is a fast growing company probably too fast.
A year ago
The inclusive and fun culture is a definite plus, it's always great to work somewhere where people care about each other as individuals.
A year ago
The fast growth can definitely have its ups and downs, but it's exciting to be part of a company that's on the rise!🌟
You comment as
Some places like to throw around the phrase "we have a great culture," but RevLocal leadership strives to create a culture and atmosphere where they would personally want to work. The culture is amazing and it really drives the growth and success of the company! We definitely work hard to support the small and medium businesses that trust us with their digital marketing needs, but it's a great team atmosphere that is very collaborative and the company rewards hard work !
A year ago
The focus on supporting small and medium businesses is commendable, it shows a dedication to making a real difference.
A year ago
A collaborative and hard-working team atmosphere with rewards for hard work, what more could you ask for in a work environment?
You comment as
RevLocal provides a wonderful starting platform for someone recently graduated from college, which allows the person to get their feet wet in Marketing.
A year ago
RevLocal provides an excellent opportunity for someone to gain hands-on experience in marketing.
A year ago
Getting your feet wet in the industry is a key step in finding success and it sounds like RevLocal offers just that.🍀
You comment as
Great company to work for! The folks in Atlanta are here to help you achieve your financial and career goals. They actually care! My opinion, from the very beginning, they are out for your best interest.
A year ago
Your assessment that they have your best interests in mind from the start is a big plus.
A year ago
RevLocal is a company that prioritizes employee success and well-being.
You comment as
It was an honor working for this company as they really care about their employees and their growth. They provide lots of opportunity for advancement as long as you're serious about it and are a coachable employee. Highly recommend working here!
A year ago
Opportunities for advancement are so important. Were there any specific programs or initiatives that the company offered to help employees grow?
A year ago
you highly recommend working there. What specifically made you feel proud to be a part of the company and what do you think sets it apart from others?
You comment as
I love RevLocal for many reasons including our family-like team structure, leadership being dedicated to the development and success of its team members, our laid back environment, and our fun culture. The best thing about working here is I am able to do a job I love that allows me to directly and indirectly impact the lives of thousands of people. It is incredibly rewarding.
A year ago
The ability to positively impact people's lives through your work is a truly fulfilling aspect of the job.
A year ago
RevLocal is the perfect place for you to pursue your passions and make a difference.
You comment as
They have a great culture and strong leadership. The execs are very inclusive to all staff. Management really puts an effort in to help and advance employees.
A year ago
It's great that the execs are inclusive and value the input and contributions of all staff.
A year ago
Management putting effort into helping and advancing employees is always a sign of a positive and supportive work environment. Keep up the good work!🤩
You comment as
Enjoyed my time here. Great environment, great entry pay incentives for completing tasks in the field, and nice commissions. Working outside in the heat is hard some months but overall my work was very fulfilling
A year ago
I'm happy to see you found the environment to be a positive one. That can make a huge difference in job satisfaction.
A year ago
you had a positive experience. I'm sure you'll take away some great memories from your time there.
You comment as
If you're looking to get an education in digital marketing, this is the place to go. They do a pretty good job of training and teaching the ins and outs of digital marketing and advertising.
A year ago
Good training is key in this industry, so it's great to hear that RevLocal provides quality education in the field.
A year ago
they do a good job of covering the basics as well as the intricacies of digital marketing and advertising.🤩
You comment as
Overall a wonderful Company to work for! Results driven culture that is focused on being a leader in the Digital Advertising sector! Leaders lead by example.
A year ago
The fact that leaders lead by example shows a strong commitment to ethics and integrity.
A year ago
Overall, it seems like RevLocal is a well-respected and forward-thinking company.
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Isabella Holmes
Career Advocate
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