Rockfish is a Marketing & Advertising agency that was founded in 2005 and headquartered in Rogers, AR. They have the vision to drive the businesses for the small as well as large businesses and corporations. To serve the clients they operate in different offices in different regions such as Minneapolis, Northwest Arkansas, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dallas, and New York. To augment the businesses, they engage their employees in the provision of different special services such as digital shopper marketing, digital marketing, mobile development, eCommerce, mobile applications, Loyalty & CRM, and much more. They entice, appreciate, and enthuse the efforts of their employees and award them various employment benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, flexible payment method, short-term disability insurance, and much more. They prefer to incorporate creative, professional, and enthusiastic candidates who can enhance the credibility of the services and can increase the trust of the clients in their services. They recruit new employees in different domains such as host, server, content producer, social medial marketer, and much more. They have 200 to 500 employees. Most of the employees live in the United States and graduate from the University of Arkansas.
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