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Roncelli is a private company that provides construction management services to clients. This construction management organization was established 1966. The main office of the company is located in Sterling Heights, MI. The company has been providing services in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The main focus of the company is on industrial, medical care, institutional, and commercial markets. The specialties of Roncelli are to deliver construction management, design-build construction, and general constructing services to clients. The services which the company provides are according to the client’s needs and demand. The company also supports many small businesses. For more than four decades of services, the company is working with full-attention with clients. Roncelli functioning in Canada with the brand name “Roncelli Constructors” and in Mexico with the brand name 'Roncelli de' Mexico'. The number of professionals working in the company is more than 250. All the professionals are well-trained and experts in their field.

Company - Private
$10M to $25M
Multiple locations
Commercial & Institutional Building Construction Companies


Professional experience

How many years of experience do Roncelli employees have before joining?
Years of experience at Roncelli: Newcomers: 19%, Experiencers: 9%, Experts: 19%, Veterans: 53%. Roncelli employees have 8+ years experience on average before joining.
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Where did Roncelli employees work before joining?
Where they've worked before Roncelli: American International, Beaumont Services Company, Build Tech. Typical Roncelli employees have worked at American International.
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American International
Beaumont Services Company
Build Tech
What industries did Roncelli employees work in previously?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Roncelli: Building Companies, Specialty Trade Construction Companies, Residential Building Construction Companies, Electrical & Wiring Installation Companies, Niche Manufacturers. Roncelli employees most likely come from a Building Companies industry background.
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Where did Roncelli employees work before joining?
Past employers' size at Roncelli: Small: 68%, Medium: 6%, Large: 26%. Most Roncelli employees have previously worked at small companies.
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Educational background

What did employees at Roncelli study?
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Where did employees at Roncelli study?
Ferris State University
Lawrence Technological University
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Employee data

How long do people stay in a role at Roncelli?
Time employed at Roncelli: <1: 12%, 1-3: 15%, 4-8: 28%, 9-13: 15%, 14-20: 15%, 20+: 15%. Most Roncelli employees stay with the company for 4-8 years which is the same as the industry average.
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How does Roncelli rank for age & gender diversity?
Gender ratio at Roncelli: 77.6% Male and 22.4% Female. Age ratio at Roncelli: 16-20: 0%, 21-30: 32%, 31-40: 26%, 41-50: 37%, 51-60: 5%, 60+: 0%. Roncelli rates - 1.6% less female than the industry average. Most Roncelli employees are 41-50, which is above the industry median age range.
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Career advancement

How does Roncelli rank for career advancement?
Career advancement at Roncelli: low. Roncelli ranks low for career advancement which is same as the industry average.
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What companies do Roncelli employees go on to work at?
Future employers of Roncelli: AECOM Hunt, Barton Malow, Black & Veatch, Brix Corporation, CBRE. People who work at Roncelli most typically go on to work for the AECOM Hunt.
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Barton Malow
Black & Veatch
Brix Corporation