Soma has been established, planned, and drove by ladies, and is centered around what ladies need and need from the very first moment. Soma offers bras, underwear, night suits, and loungewear with delightful arrangements and easy style. The brand as of now works in almost 300 shops and outlets across the country, with more than 2,200 bra fit specialists and a 90% bra fit satisfaction rate. Over 15 years prior, our all-ladies group made a guarantee—to plan bras and underwear, nightgown and loungewear with comfortability. They embrace excellence, strength, and innovativeness from the back to the front, and enable ladies to do likewise. They put stock in making personal encounters that are profoundly close to home. Their specialists have years of experience in designing loungewear, and the company pays them a complimenting pay bundle.
What departments Soma employees work at?
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