About the Company
William Booth began The Salvation Army in 1865 to help the suffering people throughout London. The Salvation Army is a part of the Christianity which is today active in every corner of the world. The company was established with a mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in the name of God Jesus name without discrimination. The Salvation Army messages are based on the Bible. This organization assists nearly 23 million Americans annually and upholds more than 1.5 million members consisting of officers, soldiers, and adherents in 130 countries across the globe. Catherine Booth was known as the “Army Mother” which not only assesses the needs of each community and builds local programs for the local community but also works faithfully with the sick, people affected by disasters, victims of abuse and for God. The institute mainly works for Christian religion, education, eradication of poverty, and other charitable objects beneficial to society.