World Bank is an important source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries across the world. The bank was founded with the mission to fight poverty and help people by providing resources, sharing knowledge, and building capacity. The World Bank consists of two development institutions namely the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). The IBRD focuses on reducing poverty in middle-income and poorer countries, while IDA focuses on the world's poorest countries. All these institutions are assisted by another three other institutions of the World Bank such as IFC, MIGA and ICSID to achieve their goal. Low-interest loans, interest-free credits, and grants to developing countries are provided by the World Bank for investments in education, health, public administration, infrastructure, financial development, agriculture, and environmental management. This Washington, D.C based firm was founded in 1944 and has over 10,000 employees in its 120 global offices
What departments The World Bank employees work at?
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