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Salary and Benefits

Ticket Taker
$31K-$38K / yr. (est.)
$34,614 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Ticket Taker

What does a Ticket Taker do?

As Ticket Takers, we are responsible for greeting patrons and checking tickets for appropriate seating. We direct patrons to seats and show patrons where to find exits and bathrooms. We answer questions and ensure all patrons’ needs are met. We assist patrons with inappropriate seating and help eject disorderly patrons. Distributing programs or event schedules and identifying fraudulent tickets is part of our main responsibilities. We take tickets and tear-off portions for the patron to keep and resolve seating disputes. Working as Ticket Takers, we break down advertising displays and set up merchandise booths. We help parents find lost children and locate lost or missing articles. Working as Ticket Takers, we ensure everyone complies with safety rules and provide emergency instructions.

Core tasks:

  • hold doors open for patrons as they exit
  • clean lobby and maintain the area organized
  • count and record tickets


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Ticket Taker?
On average, people work 3-5 years in other positions prior to becoming a Ticket Taker.
WaiterMiami, FL - A year ago
Come on y'all, just because they work in other jobs first, it don't make 'em any less qualified to take tickets. They still gotta do their job right! 💪
DriverSeattle, WA - A year ago
💯 Exactly! Working in different fields gives 'em versatile skills. And let me tell ya, takin' tickets ain't no easy job. They deserve some recognition!
How Long Do Ticket Taker Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Ticket Takers works in this position for 3-5 years across multiple employers.
LawyerWashington, D.C. - A year ago
ᴰ Wow, such a long tenure for such a simple job. What a waste of skills!
ScientistSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Are there any opportunities for professionals to grow and learn in this field? 🤔
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Ticket Taker Employees?
Moderate job changes in Ticket Taker, showing some career movement without excessive turnover.
Ticket TakerHouston, TX - A year ago
Why fix something that isn't broken? I don't want any changes. Ticket Taker is my calling!
Ticket TakerMiami, FL - A year ago
this feels like a joke 😒 As if anyone would want to leave such a powerful position as being a Ticket Taker!

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Ticket Taker's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Ticket Taker typically studied at.
Dan Lok University
Dan Lok™ University

Path after job

A Ticket Taker typically moves on to these titles.
100 %
Avg. length of tenure:1 year
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What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Ticket Taker Employees?
Gender ratio in Ticket Taker position: 0.523297491039427 Male and 0.476702508960573 Female. Age ratio in Ticket Taker position: 16-20: 50%, 21-30: 37%, 31-40: 7%, 41-50: 3%, 51-60: 2%, 60+: 1%. Ticket Taker position is predominantly male (52.3%) with the largest age group being 16-20 years old, followed by 21-30 years old.
Ticket TakerNew York City, NY - A year ago
Looks like we need more representation from older age groups. They bring valuable experience! 💪
Ticket TakerSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
Why are there so few ticket takers between the ages of 31-60? Are they not interested in this job? 😕


Who Are the Top Employers for Ticket Taker?
Top employers of Ticket Taker position: Atlanta Braves, Cincinnati Reds, Live Nation Entertainment. People who work in Ticket Taker position most typically go on to work for the Atlanta Braves.
Ticket TakerDenver, CO - A year ago
Well, there's no surprise that the Atlanta Braves are a top employer for Ticket Takers. They have a huge fanbase and frequent games!
Ticket TakerSeattle, WA - A year ago
I'm just happy to see some job opportunities in the entertainment industry. Who cares about the specifics, right?
Atlanta Braves
Cincinnati Reds
Live Nation Entertainment
What Industries Does Ticket Taker Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Ticket Taker: Arts / Entertainment / Recreation, Accommodation, Administrative & Support, Education, Transportation & Warehousing. Ticket Taker employees most likely come from a Arts / Entertainment / Recreation industry background.
Ticket TakerHouston, TX - A year ago
Y'all are overreacting! We're just doing our jobs, and if people can't handle a simple inspection of their tickets, then maybe they shouldn't be attending events in the first place.
Ticket TakerPhiladelphia, PA - A year ago
I understand both sides, but let's remember that being a Ticket Taker is a crucial part of ensuring everyone's safety at events. We have to take our responsibilities seriously, even if it's not always pleasant.

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Discussion about Ticket Taker

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How balanced is the gender diversity among people working as a Ticket Taker?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
The women/men ratio is well balanced.
What is the most common age of a Ticket Taker?
Liam Brown3 years ago
People working as a Ticket Taker are 24 old on average.
Is a Ticket Taker considered to be a senior profession?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
4 years of experience is needed on average for a Ticket Taker.
Which industries have a lot of people working in Ticket Taker roles?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Arts / Entertainment / Recreation is typical for a Ticket Taker to work in.
What kind of higher education a Ticket Taker need?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
You should be fine with No higher education
Which company is likely to have openings for Ticket Taker positions?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
It’s common for a Ticket Taker to work for Atlanta Braves, Cincinnati Reds and Live Nation Entertainment
How many years do people work as a Ticket Taker before changing their role?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
You should work for 4 years before considering changing to another role.
Is it frequent for people to switch companies and still work as a Ticket Taker?
Liam Brown3 years ago
The job hopper score is medium for a Ticket Taker.
What can be the next step in your career path from Ticket Taker?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Cashier are good next steps for a Ticket Taker
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