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Salary and Benefits

Wind Turbine Technician
$55K-$67K / yr. (est.)
$61,390 / year
Average base salary
The salary information provided is based on data collected from various reliable sources and may vary depending on individual qualifications and other factors.

About Wind Turbine Technician

What does a Wind Turbine Technician do?

Functioning as Wind Turbine Technicians, we are responsible for following the safety rules and regulations while performing the winding work. We stay involved in the site operations. We provide assistance in the management and preparation of wind turbine developmental plans. In the role of Wind Turbine Technician, we are accountable for inspecting the entire interior and exterior parts of the turbines to identify their proper functionality. We analyse the systems to identify the areas of improvement in them. We make reports based on the turbine data for conducting in-depth researches on them. We work individually and as a part of a team, whenever required.

Core tasks:

  • following the assigned instructions by our supervisors
  • servicing the underground systems
  • gathering the information about turbines
  • performing preventative maintenance tasks on turbines
  • working collaboratively with the team members


How Many Years of Experience Do Professionals Need Before Becoming Wind Turbine Technician?
On average, people work 5-7 years in other positions prior to becoming a Wind Turbine Technician.
TeacherPhoenix, AZ - A year ago
well, it's important to have prior experience to be good at any job 🤷
MechanicSan Francisco, CA - A year ago
I wonder what skills specifically you need for this job? 🤔
How Long Do Wind Turbine Technician Employees Typically Stay in Their Roles?
On average, Wind Turbine Technicians works in this position for 3-5 years across multiple employers.
ResearcherNew York City, NY - A year ago
Interesting!! 3-5 years sounds like a good amount of time to gain proficiency in such a specialized field. 😊
Disability RepresentativeLos Angeles, CA - A year ago
What kind of upward mobility prospects are available for Wind Turbine Technicians? 💡
What Is the Job Hopper Score for Wind Turbine Technician Employees?
Frequent job changes in Wind Turbine Technician, indicating a willingness to change companies and roles more frequently.
Community OrganizerChicago, IL - A year ago
With the high demand for clean energy and the growing wind energy sector, Wind Turbine Technicians are smart to explore different job options. They need to secure the best opportunities for themselves!
Student AdministrationNew York City, NY - A year ago
i don't get why Wind Turbine Technicians keep changing jobs so frequently. aren't they satisfied with what they have??? 😕

Career path

Path to job

Discover a Wind Turbine Technician's areas of knowledge sorted by their majors.
Explore the list of higher education institutions that a Wind Turbine Technician typically studied at.
Ecotech Institute
Northwest Renewable Energy Institute

Path after job



What Is the Age and Gender Ratio of Wind Turbine Technician Employees?
Gender ratio in Wind Turbine Technician position: 0.91969696969697 Male and 0.0803030303030303 Female. Age ratio in Wind Turbine Technician position: 16-20: 21%, 21-30: 59%, 31-40: 12%, 41-50: 6%, 51-60: 2%, 60+: 0%. Wind Turbine Technician position is predominantly male (92.0%) with the largest age group being 21-30 years old, followed by 16-20 years old.
Wind Turbine TechnicianBoston, MA - A year ago
Why does it even matter? If you're qualified and passionate, go for it, regardless of age or gender! 💪
Wind Turbine TechnicianSeattle, WA - A year ago
I'm a female Wind Turbine Technician and there's nothing wrong with being a minority. Let's focus on the skills we bring to the table! 👩


Who Are the Top Employers for Wind Turbine Technician?
Top employers of Wind Turbine Technician position: Duke Energy, Granite, NextEra Energy Resources. People who work in Wind Turbine Technician position most typically go on to work for the Duke Energy.
Wind Turbine TechnicianBoston, MA - A year ago
I've worked in the wind turbine industry for years, and I can tell you that Duke Energy is definitely the leader. They invest heavily in wind energy projects.
Wind Turbine TechnicianLos Angeles, CA - A year ago
What a surprise! I wouldn't have guessed Granite as one of the top employers. I wonder what their wind turbine operations look like.
Duke Energy
NextEra Energy Resources
What Industries Does Wind Turbine Technician Typically Have Experience In?
Industry Background: The most typical industries of Wind Turbine Technician: Administrative & Support, Professional / Scientific / Technical, Manufacturing, Public Administration, Utilities. Wind Turbine Technician employees most likely come from a Administrative & Support industry background.
Wind Turbine TechnicianHouston, TX - A year ago
This job is a joke, just like renewable energy! Traditional energy sources are more reliable and provide stable jobs, unlike this green nonsense! 🙄
Wind Turbine TechnicianNew York City, NY - A year ago
Actually, renewable energy is the future! It not only helps the environment but also creates jobs and reduces our dependence on fossil fuels. Plus, it's exciting to work with cutting-edge technology! 🔋

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Discussion about Wind Turbine Technician

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Share your thoughts and ideas about Wind Turbine Technician position with others in our community.
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How balanced is the gender diversity among people working as a Wind Turbine Technician?
Liam Brown3 years ago
It’s mainly dominated by men.
How old are people who work as a Wind Turbine Technician?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
The average age is 26
Is a Wind Turbine Technician considered to be a senior profession?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
You need 6 years of experience to work as a Wind Turbine Technician.
Which industries should a Wind Turbine Technician consider working in?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
Public Administration is typical for a Wind Turbine Technician to work in.
Is it encouraged to have a degree as a Wind Turbine Technician?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
No higher education is the typical for a Wind Turbine Technician
Which company employs the most people in the Wind Turbine Technician role?
Sophie Hayes3 years ago
Duke Energy, Granite, NextEra Energy Resources, US Navy and Vestas employs the most people in the Wind Turbine Technician role.
How long do you usually work as a Wind Turbine Technician before changing to another position?
Isabella Holmes3 years ago
You should work for 4 years before considering changing to another role.
How common is it for a Wind Turbine Technician to jump from company to company?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Getting experience working for multiple companies is typical for a Wind Turbine Technician.
What occupations do people usually work in before becoming a Wind Turbine Technician?
Benjamin Gardner3 years ago
Typical prior positions for a Wind Turbine Technician are Technician or Field Service Technician
What can be the next step in your career path from Wind Turbine Technician?
Liam Brown3 years ago
Changing from a Wind Turbine Technician to Technician or Field Service Technician is a typical career path.
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