Need talent fast? Instantly promote your open jobs to millions of active, engaged job seekers and advertise your jobs everywhere, all at once.
Easy to manage.
Best for single job postings
Allows you to post & purchase single job postings when you need them
Pay per job posting
$250 $99/job
post for 30 days
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Recommended for 10+ jobs
Allows you to promote all of your open jobs on Lensa for one low monthly price
Monthly subscription
Flat fee based on job volume
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Recommended for 500+ jobs
Allows you to advertise your jobs and controlling bids, budgets, and campaigns
Pay per click
Monthly budget
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Promote your jobs to our
20M+ members
via email,
SMS, and site search
Distribute your jobs to up
to 40+ partners
by industry
and job type
Automatically publish
on Google for Jobs
Lensa has several options to make posting
jobs to our site easy and effortless. We will
update your jobs on Lensa up to 2 times / hour
to ensure freshness.
How To Find The best Talent?
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Who is Lensa?
We are a career platform that empowers job seekers to make smarter decisions through job search and career pathing tools, knowledge, and professional resources.
Start finding talent
in just 2-3 business days.